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Bah Humbug (1 Viewer)

Well, the day after Thanksgiving brings about many things. Stores crammed packed with hundreds of people looking for 'great deals', copious amounts of leftover turkey or ham and tons of sides.. and the dreaded Christmas season being officially upon us.

I've found that throughout the years, I have to really be in the mood to decorate or even *think* about Christmas. This year isn't too bad - yet. I never go out on "Black Friday" since I shy away from crowds... normally the day after Thanksgiving is the day the kids and I drag out all the Christmas decorations and start setting stuff up.

I am thankful that my daughter loves doing this, because my heart just isn't in it. Luckily, there is plenty of time for me to work on being in the 'mood' for the Christmas Season.

Bah Humbug!
I don't do "black friday" shopping either. I in particular hate crowds. The last few years my wife and I have quit the present thing at Christmas. We pretty much have what we want. Kid is all grown and married. Now, if and when grandkids enter the scene, then think Santa Claus may reappear. Until then, its just to commercialized. Many people have lost what Christmas is really about.

and a Merry BahHumbug to you.
Every year around the holidays, I try to watch "Bad Santa" to make me feel better about myself.
Jeez, I think I found the other half of my brain today… Nice blogs, GND…

I was just talking to someone about how ‘cash is king’ now at Christmas. First, we had it all screwed up to begin with, if it was supposed to be about the baby Jesus. Then we can’t even sell out properly anymore, not even bothering to shop, just send cash…

For a while, I had to deal with Christmas and dancing ****ing Santa’s starting in August… Disgusting… I gave up Christmas 8 years ago, told everyone I just wasn’t doing it anymore, don’t send me anything, you’re not getting anything – not even a card. You get a phone call, that’s it. I used to feel bad when I still got things from the die-hard’s, but not anymore. If I can get away with it, I won’t even leave the house on Christmas, though a nice meal and good company is something I do like about the holidays. How’s that for Bah Humbug…?

Peace, though… :peace

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