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Ayn Rand (1 Viewer)


New member
May 20, 2005
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Brandon, Florida
Caught most of the classic "The Fountain Head" today which was a movie based upon the book "Atlas Shrugged", by Ayn Rand, about the life of the famous architect Frank LLoyd Wright. The movie was a bit too staged and dogmatic, but one segment was done very well.

I am referring to the courtroom scene in which Gary Cooper states his case. The speech he made is perhaps the most perfect explaination of freedom I have ever heard, and the most crushing condemnation of Liberalism and Socialism.

But in reality the world cannot exist the way Ayn Rand views it. Total self-reliance upon one's skills, each person existing only for their own desires and owning their separate space without regard for others who can't or won't invent their own lives.

The truth is that the best of the best get most of the money and freedom to do what they want, whenever they want, but at a price. That price is loss of free speech.
I think that could be applied to most politicians.

Not many come from abject poverty.
I hate Ayn Rand. She's the polar opposite of a pure communist. Meaning she's the right wing version of an idealistic moron. She has very little understanding of how the real world works, and her views are as "against human nature" as communism is.
milkrun said:
Caught most of the classic "The Fountain Head" today which was a movie based upon the book "Atlas Shrugged", by Ayn Rand, about the life of the famous architect Frank LLoyd Wright.

Actually, the movie was based on the book The Fountainhead, and it wasn't based on Frank Wright's life insomuch as it used the creative impulse of architecture to illuminate the true sources of creativity, human dignity, and wealth.

The movie was a poor rendition of a 700 page novel. Read the book.

Read Atlas Shrugged, also. Pay particularly close attention to Rearden's trial, though the entire novel is crammed with fine examples.

But in reality the world cannot exist the way Ayn Rand views it. Total self-reliance upon one's skills, each person existing only for their own desires and owning their separate space without regard for others who can't or won't invent their own lives.

Yes, definitely you need to take a vacation and read both The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged.

The truth is that the best of the best get most of the money and freedom to do what they want, whenever they want, but at a price. That price is loss of free speech.

Not quite sure what you're getting at here.

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