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Ayanna Pressley...... We Only Want Certain Types of Blacks, Muslims, and Queers. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 13, 2016
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Norfolk Virginia area.
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Here ya go folks. More liberal inclusiveness. :roll:

Ayanna Pressley (D) United States Congresswoman from Massachusetts laid it right out there by saying you can be a certain type of Black/Muslim/Queer.

"We don't need any more brown faces that don't want to be a brown voice. We don't need black faces that don't want to be a black voice. We don't need Muslims that don't want to be a Muslim voice. We don't need queers that don't want to be a queer voice."

If you’re worried about being marginalized and stereotyped, please don't even show up because we need you to represent that voice."

Pressley: Only the 'right' voices are welcome to speak

Pressley: Democrats don't need 'any more black faces that don't want to be a black voice' | TheHill

Maybe Ayanna Pressley could explain to everyone what a Black/Muslim/Queer voice is supposed to be?

Maybe the good people within her district could remind her that she represents all races within her district, and that she votes on laws that affect all Americans?
Here ya go folks. More liberal inclusiveness. :roll:

Ayanna Pressley (D) United States Congresswoman from Massachusetts laid it right out there by saying you can be a certain type of Black/Muslim/Queer.

"We don't need any more brown faces that don't want to be a brown voice. We don't need black faces that don't want to be a black voice. We don't need Muslims that don't want to be a Muslim voice. We don't need queers that don't want to be a queer voice."

If you’re worried about being marginalized and stereotyped, please don't even show up because we need you to represent that voice."

Pressley: Only the 'right' voices are welcome to speak

Pressley: Democrats don't need 'any more black faces that don't want to be a black voice' | TheHill

Maybe Ayanna Pressley could explain to everyone what a Black/Muslim/Queer voice is supposed to be?

Maybe the good people within her district could remind her that she represents all races within her district, and that she votes on laws that affect all Americans?

She's saying that every black person should be a loud voice for black interests, every brown person should be a loud voice for brown interests, and whites of course still have no common interests, therefore we should serve their interests.
She's saying if minorities think they have a dog in the fight they need to speak out and act on it. I don't see the problem.
She's saying if minorities think they have a dog in the fight they need to speak out and act on it. I don't see the problem.

If you think so. :roll:

Can you "whitesplain" what is a Black or Muslim voice?
Says the Republican Trumpsters who wholly support the Republican party which has about 90% white males in Congress and who support Trump and his constant racial division tactics and language..
Says the Republican Trumpsters who wholly support the Republican party which has about 90% white males in Congress and who support Trump and his constant racial division tactics and language..

Only certain types of Black/Muslim/Queer voices are acceptable to Ayanna Pressley.

Your comment goes past stupid and straight to potato.
Only certain types of Black/Muslim/Queer voices are acceptable to Ayanna Pressley.

Your comment goes past stupid and straight to potato.

Gather round kiddies... RetiredUSN is going to tell us a fairy tale about how he is not a Republican, and doesn't support Trump.. Trump thinks he's a loser and sucker, but Retired doesn't care, that's how cults are..

This fairy tale is a tired old story that he tells over and over.. But it's his favorite fairy tale. He tells it so well he actually believes it.. Everyone else knows it's a fairy tale, but Retired believes it and that makes him happy.
If you think so. :roll:

Can you "whitesplain" what is a Black or Muslim voice?

She's just asking minorities to be more politically active, because she apparently feels they're not trying hard enough. Hardly needs any more explanation does it? I'm certainly not the person if it does: to me it's as simple as above.
Gather round kiddies... RetiredUSN is going to tell us a fairy tale about how he is not a Republican, and doesn't support Trump.. Trump thinks he's a loser and sucker, but Retired doesn't care, that's how cults are..

This fairy tale is a tired old story that he tells over and over.. But it's his favorite fairy tale. He tells it so well he actually believes it.. Everyone else knows it's a fairy tale, but Retired believes it and that makes him happy.

Only simple minded people can think that people cannot dislike trump and detest liberal policies at the same time.
She's just asking minorities to be more politically active, because she apparently feels they're not trying hard enough. Hardly needs any more explanation does it? I'm certainly not the person if it does: to me it's as simple as above.

That's not what she is saying.

She is saying that you have to a certain type of Black/Muslim/Queer, and can only share views that she agrees with.

Please tell me what Black/Muslim/Queer talk is?
that people cannot dislike trump and detest liberal policies at the same time.

Do you have that nonsense tattooed on your arm? Because you spew that BS over and over..

You're saying you dislike Trump means nothing, because your actions show otherwise...

I disliked Trump loooong before he went into politics, but now that he says Vets are losers and suckers? The dislike has moved to hatred. Add in his pissing all over the Constitution, you remember that right? You swore an oath to it.

But after all that you still defend him because 'you detest liberal policies'?

Sorry you feel so little of yourself, and sorry you hate your fellow Americans so much that you don't mind be called a loser and a sucker.

Have a nice Labor Day..
She is saying that you have to a certain type of Black/Muslim/Queer, and can only share views that she agrees with.

That's not what it looks like at all. She's saying there are people who stay quiet and people who speak out, that's all.
Another #YouAintBlack, but with Muslims and Gays added in.

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