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Avengers Actor: Ukraine War a "gift" for Biden Climate Agenda (1 Viewer)


Heading North
Dungeon Master
DP Veteran
Aug 19, 2014
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Tennessee, USA
Political Leaning
This shit is just as bad as Kerry's remark.

"This where the jobs are, this is where national security is, and we’re going to keep pushing him to do it and this is a gift to the president as we see it and we see him accepting it in such terms," Ruffalo concluded.

Let's ask the Ukrainians what they think of this "gift", you insensitive asshat!
This shit is just as bad as Kerry's remark.

Let's ask the Ukrainians what they think of this "gift", you insensitive asshat!
What the...

I mean...I see what he is saying. Essentially that the war is exposing the national security risk of relying on foreign oil and that Biden should use that to push for alternative energy sources to shore up domestic production. Ok, great. But why on god's green earth would he phrase it how he did?

Basically I agree with his broader point but his framing is disgusting.
Basically I agree with his broader point but his framing is disgusting.

Well said, Nomad. It reminds me of a local TV weatherman who, during severe weather coverage, said it was a "really good thing" when a tornado moved out of our city--completely ignoring the fact that the tornado was now heading straight for several small towns. He later had to apologize, and rightfully so.
Oh no, Mark Ruffalo's sinister agenda of *checks notes* making America more energy independent and clean is uncovered!
Correct point, poor delivery. Although I would personally emphasize the much more important correct point.

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