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Avenatti: Surefire and Jacob Wohl Watch out (1 Viewer)


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Feb 12, 2013
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Oh fuuuuuuuuudge.

Avenatti is a bulldog. If what he says is true, things are going to go very badly for Wohl.

Wohl is already hip deep in the brown stuff for what he tried to do regarding Mueller. In for a penny in for a pound, I guess. Or, perhaps, better said would be once your boots are covered in pig ****, you may as well jump into the sty.
Avenatti Appears To Blame Jacob Wohl For Domestic Abuse Charge

If this is truly how it played, Jacob is going to be doing some serious time. What an idiot.

Is Jacob Wohl that disgusting little investment fraud who has his nose embedded between Trump's large ass cheeks, who writes for that lying Gateway Pundit site, and who is banned for life from futures trading because he defrauded investors, and who made up some **** lying story about Robert Mueller assaulting some woman?
Is Jacob Wohl that disgusting little investment fraud who has his nose embedded between Trump's large ass cheeks, who writes for that lying Gateway Pundit site, and who is banned for life from futures trading because he defrauded investors, and who made up some **** lying story about Robert Mueller assaulting some woman?

One and the same.
I expect a trickster to emerge, maybe someone other than Jacob Wohl, who then pays a price for a scheme that backfired.

I also expect by this time next week the public knows the identity of the alleged victim.
Nothing says "I'm not a violent male" like threatening to "come after" someone. Nah, no anger management problems here!
I expect a trickster to emerge, maybe someone other than Jacob Wohl, who then pays a price for a scheme that backfired.

I also expect by this time next week the public knows the identity of the alleged victim.

Newsflash to liberals: The trickster is the porn lawyer.
Newsflash to liberals: The trickster is the porn lawyer.

Isn't he already under investigation for presenting false evidence regarding Kavanaugh?
Wohl is already hip deep in the brown stuff for what he tried to do regarding Mueller. In for a penny in for a pound, I guess. Or, perhaps, better said would be once your boots are covered in pig ****, you may as well jump into the sty.

Somebody needs to tell this kid to just stop. :lol: I'd like to think he has parents who are warning him away from what he is doing, but apparently, they are encouraging it. Maybe they don't like him, either. :lol: Maybe they want him in the federal pen.
so this liberal beats a woman and the dems are more concerned with protecting him than getting justice.

Oh look, now it's time for all the people who automatically called Ford a hoaxing liar to make a big show of righteous indignation about alleged violence against women.

Totally believable. Uhuh.
Oh look, now it's time for all the people who automatically called Ford a hoaxing liar to make a big show of righteous indignation about alleged violence against women.

Totally believable. Uhuh.

I don't know if Ford was a total hoax or a figment of her imagination, but to put a fine point on the difference in these 2 cases, Avenatti's accuser reported the alleged assault contemporaneously, to the proper authorities. Right there she gets more credibility than Ford.
so this liberal beats a woman and the dems are more concerned with protecting him than getting justice.


lol...I'm already confident enough to bet that the beating was done by someone other than Avenatti, and the "victim" was well paid for the experience. I wish her luck as this moves forward. She'll need it.
I don't know if Ford was a total hoax or a figment of her imagination, but to put a fine point on the difference in these 2 cases, Avenatti's accuser reported the alleged assault contemporaneously, to the proper authorities. Right there she gets more credibility than Ford.

Did an actual victim come forward? Yesterday they were saying it was an ex-wife. That story changed when both of Avenatti's ex-wives said, "It wasn't me." :roll:
Did an actual victim come forward? Yesterday they were saying it was an ex-wife. That story changed when both of Avenatti's ex-wives said, "It wasn't me." :roll:

I'm not aware of anyone coming forward, but I am certain that "a" woman reported this alleged assault to the police.
I'm not aware of anyone coming forward, but I am certain that "a" woman reported this alleged assault to the police.

That would seem logical. I don't think just anyone can walk into a cop shop and say, "That man beat a woman." So, let's assume that somewhere out there is an accuser, one who is female. Let's also assume she had visible injuries. Now the question is. Who and what happened?

I can say this. The whole thing fails to pass the smell test. Avenatti knows he is under a microscope. No one can be that stupid. But, I can see him walking right into a trap. And, we already know that the Right has tried to buy fake victims of assault to come out against Mueller. So, it only makes sense that they would try the same ploy against the porn star's lawyer.
That would seem logical. I don't think just anyone can walk into a cop shop and say, "That man beat a woman." So, let's assume that somewhere out there is an accuser, one who is female. Let's also assume she had visible injuries. Now the question is. Who and what happened?

I can say this. The whole thing fails to pass the smell test. Avenatti knows he is under a microscope. No one can be that stupid. But, I can see him walking right into a trap. And, we already know that the Right has tried to buy fake victims of assault to come out against Mueller. So, it only makes sense that they would try the same ploy against the porn star's lawyer.

Well, after witnessing what happened to Kavanaugh, I wouldn't rule anything out.
I don't know if Ford was a total hoax or a figment of her imagination, but to put a fine point on the difference in these 2 cases, Avenatti's accuser reported the alleged assault contemporaneously, to the proper authorities. Right there she gets more credibility than Ford.

The question isn't whether she had the right person or not, it was rather what standard of proof one demands before giving someone one of the top jobs in the country.

"Transference" is a thing that happens between therapists and patients, and isn't what Kavanaugh-defenders used it as. The idea that she was some liar recruited for a hoax is idiotic. There's no suggestion of that. There's also no suggestion that she has a history of bull*****ing, unlike that Swetnick person (whom I didn't pay attention to). She seemed to be telling the truth. The question was whether someone is willing to take the word of an accuser, not supported by even a complaint witness (that being a person who testifies that they were told of a sexual offense against the victim), but only supported by general stuff like the possibility that such a party happened, etc.

Of course, I didn't need any of that. That Kavanaugh decided to lie about his drinking habits was enough: someone who lies about that - which it wouldn't hurt to admit, seeing as all he had to say was "ok, I drank a lot as a kid. I was young. Now I've grown up" - is not trustworthy......at least not trustworthy enough to put on the highest court. But that's done and over with.

But then, that's getting into the evidence and my reasons for not liking K-man. The ardent Kavanaugh supporters didn't get into the evidence with regard to Avenetti. They began by accusing her of being a hoaxer and then took talking points from RW media, then slotted them into something that was supposed to be an argument for why she was unbelievable. Yet because they started - HERE - from the assumption that she was a hoaxer, it was painfully obvious their 'argument' was not a position resulting from objective analysis.

I have seen some of those same people now assume that Avenetti's accuser is telling the truth, then use that assumption to attack "liberals". it's particularly curious since the alleged victim of Avenetti says the allegations are a lie:


She "seemed to be telling the truth". Well hellz bellz, let's ruin Kav's life because she seemed to be telling the truth. OMG.

Ford LIED about her front door. She LIED about flying in airplanes. She LIED about not being able to be in a home without 2 exits. She or her legal representation LIED about not telling her that the committee was bending over backwards to please her and offered to come to her, wherever she was most comfortable. She LIED about not being familiar with the lie detector test. She LIED about what she told her therapist.
lol...I'm already confident enough to bet that the beating was done by someone other than Avenatti, and the "victim" was well paid for the experience. I wish her luck as this moves forward. She'll need it.

*moves your post to "conspiracy" section*

lol (laugh out loud!)
lol...I'm already confident enough to bet that the beating was done by someone other than Avenatti, and the "victim" was well paid for the experience. I wish her luck as this moves forward. She'll need it.

This isn't the Conspiracy Theory forum.
I can say this. The whole thing fails to pass the smell test. Avenatti knows he is under a microscope. No one can be that stupid.


All i can say is: Swetnick

She had a history of lying. At least 2 people have come out and said it. Then came the change of story on TV. Avenatti did not do his homework on her.
I don't know if Ford was a total hoax or a figment of her imagination, but to put a fine point on the difference in these 2 cases, Avenatti's accuser reported the alleged assault contemporaneously, to the proper authorities. Right there she gets more credibility than Ford.

Anyone has more credibility than Ford, for she has none. I'll give Avenatti the presumption of innocence which is more than he gave Kavanaugh.

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