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Ave Centurio! (1 Viewer)


Mar 15, 2005
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simi valley
(that roughly means 'Hello, leader')

Strangelove here. Why the bizarre name?
Simple. My favorite character in my favorite movie.

I love to debate, but tend to have little patience for those who do not listen. I am a former liberal democrat turned avid conservative after seeing the left blame the United States for everything wrong with the world from slavery to pollution to the design of the Pinto. (they got the last one right)

So, I know the left inside and out. I know what motivates them, I know what their true intent is. I even (gasp) am familiar with the radical inner workings of earth first (I omitted the exclamation point intentionally).

I'm reasoably well-educated, successful, but grounded with common sense.

My mission here is to fight liberalism and steer young people away from a politics of emotion to one of critical thinking, as our Greek and Roman ancestors taught us.

Above all else, I honor those in the military. They are the ones who make all this possible.

Pull up a chair and sit a spell. :) **Runs out and gets a beer or glass of wine for Strangelove. You want some Chips or something? How about a foot stool? :D :D
Thank you!

I'd enjoy a fine (pre-embargo) Cuban robusto with that wine.

(can't find my matches, though).....

sorry to eat and run, but it's 5:30 here, and time to march.

See you tomorrow.
***Makes a note to go shopping tomorrow. :p
Strangelove said:
My mission here is to fight liberalism and steer young people away from a politics of emotion to one of critical thinking, as our Greek and Roman ancestors taught us.

Excellent mission statement. Can't wait to read your thoughts!

"Critical thinking" - wow if everyone could do that there would be peace on earth!

Welcome to Debate Politics!
Strangelove said:
(that roughly means 'Hello, leader')

Strangelove here. Why the bizarre name?
Simple. My favorite character in my favorite movie.

I love to debate, but tend to have little patience for those who do not listen. I am a former liberal democrat turned avid conservative after seeing the left blame the United States for everything wrong with the world from slavery to pollution to the design of the Pinto. (they got the last one right)

So, I know the left inside and out. I know what motivates them, I know what their true intent is. I even (gasp) am familiar with the radical inner workings of earth first (I omitted the exclamation point intentionally).

I'm reasoably well-educated, successful, but grounded with common sense.

My mission here is to fight liberalism and steer young people away from a politics of emotion to one of critical thinking, as our Greek and Roman ancestors taught us.

Above all else, I honor those in the military. They are the ones who make all this possible.
I can see we are going have some good debates. I am one of these terrible left-wing youths. I even have some interest in socialism, a sin in the USA. But I would like to point out that left-wing thinking is driven by logic, while it is right wing thought consistently driven by emotion. So, I don't know what you're talking about. I also am interested in what the true intent of the left really is, as you seem to have that answer. Also, why exactly have you shifted from liberal to conservative (perhaps an explanation using something else besides backlash tactics like 'the left blames America for everything' when this is not the case). I look forward to debating with you.
anomaly said:
I can see we are going have some good debates. I am one of these terrible left-wing youths. I even have some interest in socialism, a sin in the USA. But I would like to point out that left-wing thinking is driven by logic, while it is right wing thought consistently driven by emotion. So, I don't know what you're talking about. I also am interested in what the true intent of the left really is, as you seem to have that answer. Also, why exactly have you shifted from liberal to conservative (perhaps an explanation using something else besides backlash tactics like 'the left blames America for everything' when this is not the case). I look forward to debating with you.

(I don't know you , so PLEASE take the statement below as just a generalization I'm making about most liberals today)

First of all, don't emblazon yourself with a badge of courage-"terrible youths". This is the most common theme amongst liberals: "I'm different, progressive, an outcast and therefore some kind of bohemian hero"..This may not be description of you, but it was rampant within the leftist circles I was in years ago. I don't think much has changed.

In fact, if you really want to 'be different' in the eyes of your peers, try espousing the words of Washington, Henry, or Adams. Prancing around at Starbucks with a Che Guevarra T-shirt that you bought at Target is a fashion statement and nothing more.

Don't assume that conservatives are either scared of you, or think you're 'terrible'. :naughty

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