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Attack on Women (1 Viewer)

Do the X Men represent an undermining of women?

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Just waiting for my set...
DP Veteran
Sep 29, 2007
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Do the X Men represent a silent strategy of trying to undermine women's status and rights as women?

The are the men that are X Men but the women are also X Men. They are highly sexualized and often fall into damsels in distress for Real Men to save. Are

We can see how angry some feminists get about this:

"while I’m all for making things less men-centric, this strikes me as a very odd comment, because it’s not like Marvel is famous for it’s female-centric storytelling."
The iconic name "X-Men" was coined in a time before people were so touchy about such things.
It was once understood that the term Man or Men could refer generically to humans regardless of gender, in certain contexts. Typically if it is capitalized it refers to humans-in-general.

Changing it now would be a major rebranding and hardly seems necessary.

As for the sexualization, well that is everywhere in all media. The men in X-men are typically far more buff and manly-sexual than most ordinary dudes as well, so there's that.

Not something that was on my radar, but there's always somebody getting pissed off about everything these days...
Last edited:
Do the X Men represent a silent strategy of trying to undermine women's status and rights as women?

The are the men that are X Men but the women are also X Men. They are highly sexualized and often fall into damsels in distress for Real Men to save. Are

We can see how angry some feminists get about this:

"while I’m all for making things less men-centric, this strikes me as a very odd comment, because it’s not like Marvel is famous for it’s female-centric storytelling."
Comic books were once a great medium for getting out new ideas and be entertaining. I just can't think of a modern equivalent for that.

From 1938 to 1950 — a period historians refer to as comics' Golden Age — comic books flourished without any direct competition.

These titles also explored issues of race and gender. There were books where female superheroes like the Woman in Red were busting crime lords and flying planes.

There was also Lady Satan. Ms. Satan and her fiancé were attacked by Nazis while on a boat. Her fiancé died after the boat sank, and Satan then pledged to defeat Nazis at every opportunity:

And there was a book called All-Negro Comics, published in 1947, which was made by black writers and drawn by black artists, and featured black characters in children's features and crime mysteries:

"In 1948, the 80 million to 100 million comic books purchased in America every month generated annual revenue for the industry of at least $72 million," Hajdu explains. The staggering thing about that $72 million? Comic books were sold for just nickels and dimes.
And then
According to the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, Wertham's public attacks on comic books started in a 1948 interview with Collier's Magazine called "Horror in the Nursery." From there, Wertham spoke at a symposium called "The Psychopathy of Comic Books," explaining his belief that comic book readers were sexually aggressive and that this led to them committing crimes. They followed his lead, resulting in events like a public comic book burning by a Girl Scout troop from Cape Girardeau, Missouri.
Do the X Men represent a silent strategy of trying to undermine women's status and rights as women?

The are the men that are X Men but the women are also X Men. They are highly sexualized and often fall into damsels in distress for Real Men to save. Are

We can see how angry some feminists get about this:

"while I’m all for making things less men-centric, this strikes me as a very odd comment, because it’s not like Marvel is famous for it’s female-centric storytelling."

I guess pot IS legal in your country.
Do the X Men represent a silent strategy of trying to undermine women's status and rights as women?

The are the men that are X Men but the women are also X Men. They are highly sexualized and often fall into damsels in distress for Real Men to save. Are

We can see how angry some feminists get about this:

"while I’m all for making things less men-centric, this strikes me as a very odd comment, because it’s not like Marvel is famous for it’s female-centric storytelling."

I havent really watched those movies much (and I read no comics of any kind growing up) but I'm a big fan of the Avengers movies. And women's roles have matured quite a bit in those movies.

I sure appreciate seeing the Avenger (& Loki) men's bodies shown off any time possible, so I dont really have a problem with how they're dressing the women at all. Enjoy gentlemen!

Me thinks someone went cherry-picking to look for another outlet for misogyny.

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