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Atheists or Evangel's..whos a real threat? (1 Viewer)


Oct 17, 2005
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3000 miles east of you
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Slightly Liberal
I've read a lot of posts about how unethical or immoral atheists are. For some reason, people seem to think that atheism is sweeping the country and it will send the civilized world to hell in a handbasket. But, who is the real threat with Pat Robertson and his ilk at the helm?

How many times have you seen a group of atheists protesting an abortion clinic?

How many times have you seen an atheist website rallying support against stem cell research that could potentially save or better 10,000's of lives?

How many times have atheists preached from their church that a presidential candidate is not worthy?

How many atheists do you see protesting at the graves of fallen soldiers?

How mant times has an atheist gotten airtime to proclaim his/her hopes that a natural disaster will strike a town?

You dont see any of this because its not atheists who have the problem. It the evangelical simple-minded idiots that have the problem with atheists. How often do you see atheists in the news? Maybe once every few months and its always for the same reason......to keep playing field even for everyone in regards to beliefs. You dont see atheists burning down abortion clinics. You dont see atheists protesting stem cell research. You dont see atheists badmouthing presidential candidates because of their beliefs from the comfort of their church. You also will not see atheists protesting funerals of dead soldiers because their bible says its immoral.
ddoyle00 said:
I've read a lot of posts about how unethical or immoral atheists are. For some reason, people seem to think that atheism is sweeping the country and it will send the civilized world to hell in a handbasket. But, who is the real threat with Pat Robertson and his ilk at the helm?

Amen, bro. I am neither, but would rather have a "mind my own business" athiest as President than an evangelical who wants the USA to become even the slightest of theocracies.
IMHO, churches should tend to their own flocks, and stay the hell away from the other flocks.
Hmm.. There is are people fighting the various mentions of God in the official historic documents of the United States. I would think that to be just as reasonable or unreasonable as a protest. Than again, I would classify neither as a threat.
Than again, the oppresion that we have seen in the many centuries of religion mankind has known, you could speak of some threatening aura around religion, but these are people influencing people, and atheists are just as capable of such things. A real threat? Both are threats, with equal measure.

There are atheists with a lot of convictions, and very liberal evangelists. I wouldn't want to make it so absolute.

Mr U
First of all Mr. U, that is a very spooky-looking signature you have.

Ok, when people argue against the the word god in schools or federal buildings, they are doing it not only for themselves, but that is whats guaranteed in our Constitution. They are leveling the playing field for Christians, Muslims, Buddists, Wiccans, and whatnot. The problem with having the word god in a federal building or in a school is that America is guaranteed to not be a theocracy and its gives the impression that the government is supporting a particular religon.

Now when an atheist goes to court over something like this, he is boo'd or ridiculed. Why? He is only making sure his rights arent trampled on by the majority.

When was the last time you saw a violent atheist demonstration?
When was the last time you saw an atheist firebombing an abortion clinic?
When was the last time you saw atheists protesting at a funeral?

You dont see these things because atheists are not guided by the bible. Not all Christians act this way, just some Evangelists.
ddoyle00 said:
First of all Mr. U, that is a very spooky-looking signature you have.

Ok, when people argue against the the word god in schools or federal buildings, they are doing it not only for themselves, but that is whats guaranteed in our Constitution. They are leveling the playing field for Christians, Muslims, Buddists, Wiccans, and whatnot. The problem with having the word god in a federal building or in a school is that America is guaranteed to not be a theocracy and its gives the impression that the government is supporting a particular religon.

Now when an atheist goes to court over something like this, he is boo'd or ridiculed. Why? He is only making sure his rights arent trampled on by the majority.

When was the last time you saw a violent atheist demonstration?
When was the last time you saw an atheist firebombing an abortion clinic?
When was the last time you saw atheists protesting at a funeral?

You dont see these things because atheists are not guided by the bible. Not all Christians act this way, just some Evangelists.
Hmm... I'm pretty sure it's freedom of religion, not freedom from religion in the Constitution, but to be fair think of it from their perspective.
You don't believe in God, and are immoral, and wrong. Why should you be able to take things away from them that they have been able to do for ages? Also, is removing God completely from schools (can't even say it in the pledge), really "evening the playing field," or giving athiests the upper hand?

I'm an athiest too, but I don't think it's fair to call evangelists "simple-minded idiots."
Eu tu, Brute?

We are guaranteed freedom Of religon and freedom From religon. It was designed so we dont turn into a theocracy.

And who are they to say Im immoral, wrong, and/or destined for hell? That is their opinoin. What matters is the here and now. The here and now is the law written by man. I follow the law and I pay taxes. My taxes should not be used to place a religous symbol on federal grounds.
And come on, how can atheists ever have the upper hand when we are less than 10% of the population?

Why dont you answer the questions from the last post? Tell me how many times youve seen those events take place. Its not atheists who are breaking the law, causing trouble and unrest. Its not atheists who will protest at the funeral of a soldier killed in action because they dont like gays. Its not athiets who will beat up women coming out of an abortion clinic. All atheists do is petition a court to keep America from turning into a theocracy.
As an atheist I try not to tell people my beliefs. Only that my belief in no gods is a personal choice, and that each person must make up their own mind.

What I do have a problem is religious people putting their values on other people, and trying to get politicians to act via 'family values' and 'family morals'.

If I was an atheist politician, I would mind my own interests. Ha ha.

Secularism is sometimes given a bad rap, in my opinion.
Brutus said:
Hmm... I'm pretty sure it's freedom of religion, not freedom from religion in the Constitution, but to be fair think of it from their perspective.
You don't believe in God, and are immoral, and wrong. Why should you be able to take things away from them that they have been able to do for ages? Also, is removing God completely from schools (can't even say it in the pledge), really "evening the playing field," or giving athiests the upper hand?

I'm an athiest too, but I don't think it's fair to call evangelists "simple-minded idiots."

It most certainly does include freedom FROM religion, especially in the context of who governs us. And to assume that atheists are immoral is as wrong as you can get. Morality existed before religion, and exists today in all cultures, even the most primitive ones. They may not have all the same rules we do, but they have them. Morals are basic rules on how to get along in groups, and they are natural as rain.
Man Bill, not the lively debate I was hoping for. I think that if I dont give someone a chance to debate the existence of god or homosexuality, then they dont even bother.
Maybe I will post a thread where I ask if god was gay and if he was, did he have a choice. The responses would be flooding in.
ddoyle00 said:
Man Bill, not the lively debate I was hoping for. I think that if I dont give someone a chance to debate the existence of god or homosexuality, then they dont even bother.
Maybe I will post a thread where I ask if god was gay and if he was, did he have a choice. The responses would be flooding in.
Well, I think it is hard for evangelicals to refute the fact that they are the ones committing crimes out in the street on certain issues, while the atheists are pretty much only in the courts making sure that the evangelicals don't get too far ahead of the constitution. Maybe it is that simple?
ddoyle00 said:
First of all Mr. U, that is a very spooky-looking signature you have.

Ok, when people argue against the the word god in schools or federal buildings, they are doing it not only for themselves, but that is whats guaranteed in our Constitution. They are leveling the playing field for Christians, Muslims, Buddists, Wiccans, and whatnot. The problem with having the word god in a federal building or in a school is that America is guaranteed to not be a theocracy and its gives the impression that the government is supporting a particular religon.

Now when an atheist goes to court over something like this, he is boo'd or ridiculed. Why? He is only making sure his rights arent trampled on by the majority.

When was the last time you saw a violent atheist demonstration?
When was the last time you saw an atheist firebombing an abortion clinic?
When was the last time you saw atheists protesting at a funeral?

You dont see these things because atheists are not guided by the bible. Not all Christians act this way, just some Evangelists.

First of all, thank you for the props on the signature. Islam is a very spooky religion :p.

Now, I'm not saying that an atheist trying to promote equality is in any wrong, but just like evangelists might agree with abortion clinics, clearly atheists do not always agree either. Both have an equal right to protest against things they disagree with.

A violent demonstration? I would not go as far to say this is inheritent to either group. It's, in my view, a group mechanism that triggers sometimes. I don't believe evangelists are by definition violent.

Well, there have been atheists, in the Netherlands who promised to pay a reasonable amount of money if someone killed the pope (the previous pope, I should add). There are a lot of religious people, much more than atheists, so the things done by religious people will be larger, and happen more often. This does not, however, mean that religious people do bad things. It just means everyone does bad things, and that there are a lot of religious people.

Sure, you can point to the bible, and say "They feel superior", but don't you too feel a bit superior because you know God does not exist? It is natural to feel a bit better than other groups, and I believe this happens amongst religious folk as much as it does with atheists.

Mr U

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