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At least 8 people were killed and more than 60 hurt in mass shootings across the US this weekend (1 Viewer)


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Apr 29, 2012
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The mass shooting in Dumas, Arkansas was not the only one this past weekend

At least 8 people were killed and more than 60 hurt in mass shootings across the US this weekend

At a car show in Dumas, Arkansas, one person was killed and at least 27 injured -- the most people wounded in a mass shooting event in the US since a shooter in 2019 targeted shopping centers in Odessa and Midland, Texas, just weeks after a massacre at a Walmart in the same state, according to the Gun Violence Archive.

At least 107 mass shootings have unfolded so far this year in the US, per the Gun Violence Archive, which like CNN defines a mass shooting as four or more people shot, not including the shooter.

A drive-by shooting Friday night in New Iberia, Louisiana, injured five people, among them a 7-month-old, according to the local police department.

Two people were killed and three others wounded in a shooting early Saturday in downtown Norfolk, Virginia, police said.

A shooting Saturday in Madison Heights, Virginia, claimed the life of a 21-year-old mother of twin boys and wounded four others, Amherst County Sheriff E.W. Viar Jr. told CNN.

Four teenagers were shot -- one fatally -- after a fight broke out Saturday night in a parking lot outside a 16th birthday party in Texas' most populous city.

Three people were killed and three others wounded Saturday in a shooting at a Fayetteville, North Carolina, hotel.

At least 10 people were wounded, one of them critically, in a shooting Saturday night in Dallas, according to Dallas Police Department spokesperson Brian Martinez.

Four people were shot Saturday night in downtown Austin, Texas, during the final weekend of the SXSW festival in an incident stemming from "a disturbance between two groups of people" that is not believed to have been a random act, the Austin Police Department said.

Four people were shot in Milwaukee early Sunday when a suspect or suspects "fired several shots during an argument" at a party, according to the Milwaukee Police Department.
The mass shooting in Dumas, Arkansas was not the only one this past weekend

How many were killed by drunk, reckless, or 13 year old drivers?
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Aren't we lucky it wasn't twice that? It might just as easily been.

Even twice as many wouldn't be all that many, in the grand scheme of things. Far more than that were killed by drunk drivers this weekend, and every other weekend. Strange nobody started a thread about it.
Even twice as many wouldn't be all that many, in the grand scheme of things. Far more than that were killed by drunk drivers this weekend, and every other weekend. Strange nobody started a thread about it.
WOW! Talk about a meaningless off-topic segue. Seems like you're going out of your way to hijack the thread. Why not talk about gun suicides? We average 64 a day in this country. That's a gun suicide every 22 minutes!

If you think transportation deaths are worth starting a thread over, then who's stopping you?? Go to it.
WOW! Talk about a meaningless off-topic segue. Seems like you're going out of your way to hijack the thread. Why not talk about gun suicides? We average 64 a day in this country. That's a gun suicide every 22 minutes!

Whether someone commits suicide with a gun or a gram of fentanyl is of little consequence at the end of the day. And in case you weren't clear on the issue, a "gun suicide" is a form of suicide. It involves a person choosing to take their own life. It does not involve taking the life of someone else who had no chance to exercise their opinion on the matter.

If you think transportation deaths are worth starting a thread over, then who's stopping you?? Go to it.

I didn't say it was threadworthy. I was referring to it to indicate that the topic of the thread isn't really threadworthy by comparison to a topic about which nobody ever starts threads. How do you decide whether something is "worth starting a thread over?" Do you have any standards for that? Do you think 50+ easily preventable deaths every day caused by drunk and reckless drivers is less threadworthy than 8 people killed over the weekend in mass shootings? If not, why haven't YOU started one? Or 50 for that matter, since we surely have that many about mass shootings.

Ok, never mind about all that. I'll join the discussion YOU want to have now. So what? So what if 8 people were killed? What should we do about it? When you answer, be sure to give us a point of reference so we know you're not biased. Tell us why your solution is proportional to what you think we should do about other problems that remain unsolved.
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Whether someone commits suicide with a gun or a gram of fentanyl is of little consequence at the end of the day. And in case you weren't clear on the issue, a "gun suicide" is a form of suicide. It involves a person choosing to take their own life. It does not involve taking the life of someone else who had no chance to exercise their opinion on the matter.
Is there any end to your efforts to conflate unrelated bullshit in defense of guns? It seems not. If you have data proving that people who've used a gun to commit suicide would have, in the absence of a gun, used fentanyl instead, then produce it now.
I didn't say it was threadworthy.
From your post #4. "Strange nobody started a thread about it." Well . . which is it? It can't be both.
I was referring to it to indicate that the topic of the thread isn't really threadworthy by comparison to a topic about which nobody ever starts threads.
If the topic of the thread isn't thread worthy, then what the hell are you commenting on it for?
How do you decide whether something is "worth starting a thread over?" Do you have any standards for that? Do you think 50+ easily preventable deaths every day caused by drunk and reckless drivers is less threadworthy than 8 people killed over the weekend in mass shootings?
Yes - I absolutely do, but again if you're arguing that they're more thread worthy, then where's your thread on the subject? Either they are, or they aren't.

There's a word used for the deaths of drunk and reckless drivers, in fact, the same word used in most traffic deaths. They're called "ACCIDENTS". Mass shootings are NOT ACCIDENTS! They are deliberate attempts at murder, and deliberate mass shootings are thread worthy. At least they are to people who aren't gun shills. Get over it.
Is there any end to your efforts to conflate unrelated bullshit in defense of guns? It seems not. If you have data proving that people who've used a gun to commit suicide would have, in the absence of a gun, used fentanyl instead, then produce it now.

From your post #4. "Strange nobody started a thread about it." Well . . which is it? It can't be both.

I explained how it was related. It's not my fault if you don't get it. You understand what a comparison is right?

If the topic of the thread isn't thread worthy, then what the hell are you commenting on it for?

To point out how odd it is that someone thinks it's threadworthy, while apparently completely ignoring a much bigger problem.

Yes - I absolutely do, but again if you're arguing that they're more thread worthy, then where's your thread on the subject? Either they are, or they aren't.
You absolutely do what? Think that 50 deaths/day is less threadworthy than 8 over a weekend? Strange.

There's a word used for the deaths of drunk and reckless drivers, in fact, the same word used in most traffic deaths. They're called "ACCIDENTS". Mass shootings are NOT ACCIDENTS! They are deliberate attempts at murder, and deliberate mass shootings are thread worthy. At least they are to people who aren't gun shills. Get over it.

What difference does it make to the victims if deaths are caused by accidents or are intentional? If anything accidental deaths should be easier to prevent, exactly BECAUSE of the fact that they were not intentional.

How am I a gun shill simply because I want you to tell me what we should do about the supposed problem, and justify it in comparison to other problems?
How many were killed by drunk, reckless, or 13 year old drivers?

Or Chinese fentanyl smuggled from Mexico thanks to Biden’s open border policy. 100,000 dead people last year from drug overdoses, many related to tainted drugs. Thanks, Sleepy for keeping your priorities straight!
Or Chinese fentanyl smuggled from Mexico thanks to Biden’s open border policy. 100,000 dead people last year from drug overdoses, many related to tainted drugs. Thanks, Sleepy for keeping your priorities straight!
I totally forgot that fentanyl started showing up in the U.S. on February 2021.
I totally forgot that fentanyl started showing up in the U.S. on February 2021.

Yeah, right after Sleepy stopped construction of the wall and made sure every border agent from San Diego to Brownsville had his supply of diapers and formula ready instead of handcuffs. Like I said: priorities.
Tragic. I wonder if there re any lessons that can be learned from who is committing the violent acts and what their circumstances and culture are....
The last 2 years (2020 & 2021), Chicago alone has averaged more than 15 murders a week.

Since 90% of those murder victims are black, I think someone should contact Black Lives Matter immediately so they can get their protest team together.
The last 2 years (2020 & 2021), Chicago alone has averaged more than 15 murders a week.

Since 90% of those murder victims are black, I think someone should contact Black Lives Matter immediately so they can get their protest team together.
Good idea. I nominate you, since you are quite vested in this matter. After all, it was your idea... you might as well see it through!

Here's a link to their contact information so that you can funnel this important information their way.

Thanks in advance!

Good idea. I nominate you, since you are quite vested in this matter. After all, it was your idea... you might as well see it through!

Here's a link to their contact information so that you can funnel this important information their way.

Thanks in advance!

LMAO... Like they really give two shits.
Or Chinese fentanyl smuggled from Mexico thanks to Biden’s open border policy. 100,000 dead people last year from drug overdoses, many related to tainted drugs. Thanks, Sleepy for keeping your priorities straight!
And, do you have any concept on how much was smuggled into the us from china during the trump years? You know most of the increase happened during 2020, which was before Biden became president, don't you?
Or Chinese fentanyl smuggled from Mexico thanks to Biden’s open border policy. 100,000 dead people last year from drug overdoses, many related to tainted drugs. Thanks, Sleepy for keeping your priorities straight!
And another thread hijacker. It's obvious that talking about the issue of the OP must be terrifying to the gun touts, because they can't stay on topic.
The last 2 years (2020 & 2021), Chicago alone has averaged more than 15 murders a week.

Since 90% of those murder victims are black, I think someone should contact Black Lives Matter immediately so they can get their protest team together.
They'll only protest if its the cops who killed them, anyone else is okay in their view.
And, do you have any concept on how much was smuggled into the us from china during the trump years? You know most of the increase happened during 2020, which was before Biden became president, don't you?

The wall wasn’t done yet. But Biden fixed the problem by stopping it.

The point is Trump was trying to do something about it, and if Sleepy or his veep would have bothered going to the border and listening to border agents he might have learned that that wall was a critical tool in helping them control the flow of narcotics into the country. But he didn’t give a shit. He’d rather blame guns for deaths, even though deaths from drugs dwarf those from “gun violence.”
Or Chinese fentanyl smuggled from Mexico thanks to Biden’s open border policy. 100,000 dead people last year from drug overdoses, many related to tainted drugs. Thanks, Sleepy for keeping your priorities straight!

I don't care much about that. The vast majority of people getting killed by it know the risk they're taking. If anyone really cared about it, we'd end the war on drugs.
I don't care much about that. The vast majority of people getting killed by it know the risk they're taking.

Sounds like hogwash to me. I think a lot of kids today think we fought the British in the Civil War. Many of them are clueless.

If anyone really cared about it, we'd end the war on drugs.

Yeah, well, I care about it. It’s a tremendous loss in human potential, and tragedies are playing out all over the country for parents, siblings, children, friends. I think we could put a dent in the problem by executing drug dealers, starting with cartel bosses and working our way down. Mass murder is still a capital offense in this country.

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