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Asteroid headed towards earth (1 Viewer)

If God punishing us for electing Donald Trump

  • 1. Yes, God is angry at us for electing Donald Trump

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • 2. No, there's no famine yet

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • 3. It's not looking good.

    Votes: 7 63.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2019
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NASA: A truck-sized asteroid is headed toward Earth one day before the November election

An asteroid has a slim chance of entering the Earth's atmosphere November 2, or one day before the US election, according to NASA.

Named "2018VP1," the asteroid is pretty tiny, with an estimated diameter of 1.8 to 3.9 meters, NASA data show.

It's only 0.41% likely to actually impact the Earth, but celestial objects that size tend to burn up in the atmosphere anyway, NASA told Business Insider.

NASA: Asteroid headed toward Earth before November election - Business Insider


Civil unrest

Economic strife

Murder hornets


California is on fire

Parts of Seattle seceding from the union.

Is God punishing us for electing Donald Trump?

We're pretty much screwed. On November 2 an asteroid will buzz the earth. The good news is it's about 7 ft in diameter (or whatever the shape). 2. Even if it hit the earth, I doubt if anything would happen, perhaps a nice show. It would be vaporized before hitting ground.
Be sure to duck and you should be fine.
Of course not. But God may be punishing us because of you. Tell us more about yourself. :)

Civil unrest

Economic strife

Murder hornets


California is on fire

Parts of Seattle seceding from the union.

Is God punishing us for electing Donald Trump?


I'm sure God will make sure it hits in a liberal area :lamo
Vote early.

Civil unrest

Economic strife

Murder hornets


California is on fire

Parts of Seattle seceding from the union.

Is God punishing us for electing Donald Trump?


The reason Trump is president is because God was angry at the left. I didn't see that option.
Why God would carry out a punishment which also affects those who voted for Hillary or a third party candidate is beyond me.

Civil unrest

Economic strife

Murder hornets


California is on fire

Parts of Seattle seceding from the union.

Is God punishing us for electing Donald Trump?


Asteroids are not to be trifled with. My uncle had asteroids. Poor sumbitch couldn't walk or even sit for a month.

Civil unrest

Economic strife

Murder hornets


California is on fire

Parts of Seattle seceding from the union.

Is God punishing us for electing Donald Trump?


Shouldn't a truck size piece of rock be more of a meteor?
The reason Trump is president is because God was angry at the left. I didn't see that option.

No, the reason Trump is prez in because of gullible and apathetic people

Civil unrest

Economic strife

Murder hornets


California is on fire

Parts of Seattle seceding from the union.

Is God punishing us for electing Donald Trump?


I would say that using natural disasters for a message is probably not the best idea since it leaves the message extremely open to interpretation and its just as likely people will assume the wrong message than the right one.

I think people this country is doing it to ourselves in our arrogance (not the asteroid, but everything else could have handled if we had been a better people).

Civil unrest - smarter economic and law enforcement policy that doesnt step on the little guy

Economic strife - smarter virus policy

Murder hornets - smarter environmental and plant/animal import policy

Asteroids - this is out of scope for my response, this is not something we can control

California is on fire - smarter environmental policy

Parts of Seattle seceding from the union. - smarter economic and law enforcement policy that doesnt step on the little guy
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