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As conservatives put religion in schools, Satanists want in, too (1 Viewer)

You do know that this is myth, right? No “star in the East”. No “Magi”. Just a made-up story for the gullible. The “Apostles” who wrote these fabrications would have been children when all of this supposedly occurred and thus would have not had any personal knowledge of such sham events. They were just making up stuff.
Ignorance of the scriptures is your long suit.
Except the evidence is being evaluated by those predisposed to accepting the theories.
RE; You forgot the process of testing and proving the hypothesis.

Ignorance of the scriptures is your long suit.
The fact that many people believe a religious claim, that was written by man, to be proof of god. That action is prototypical circular logic. A claim is an unsupported belief until it can be proven to be objectively true by 3rd party evidence.
RE; You forgot the process of testing and proving the hypothesis.
Doesn’t change the fact that scientists bring to the table their own set of bias opinions. Men of equal qualifications have disagreed about the theories.
Doesn’t change the fact that scientists bring to the table their own set of bias opinions. Men of equal qualifications have disagreed about the theories.
Disagreeing is not objective evidence. It is an subjective opinion until you can conclusively prove it with facts that can be replicated a by anyone who follows the method.
Except who gets to decide what evidence is viably objective? You see a miracle and you’re predisposed reaction to it is to wave it off as delusional to believe such evidence points to the existence of God.
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Except who gets to decide what evidence is viably objective? You see a miracle and your predisposed reaction to it is to wave it off as delusional to believe such evidence points to the existence of God.

: double facepalm:

Disagreeing is not objective evidence. It is an subjective opinion until you can conclusively prove it with facts that can be replicated a by anyone who follows the method.
Then show me objective evidence that Homo sapiens evolved to what we are today. Where are the missing links that unequivocally and objectively prove that we evolved from other tracks of animals. Speculation is not objective evidence.
Then show me objective evidence that Homo sapiens evolved to what we are today. Where are the missing links that unequivocally and objectively prove that we evolved from other tracks of animals. Speculation is not objective evidence.
We share more than 96% of our DNA with other higher primates such as chimps, apes and baboons.
The evolutionary comparison of the human and chimpanzee genomes has major implications for biomedicine," said Eric Lander, director of the Broad Institute. "It provides a crucial baseline for human population genetic analysis. By identifying recent genetic changes and regions with unusually high or low variation, it can point us to genes that vary as a response to infectious agents and environmental pressures."

Among the major findings of the Consortium are:

1. The chimpanzee and human genomes are strikingly similar and encode very similar proteins. The DNA sequence that can be directly compared between the two genomes is almost 99 percent identical. When DNA insertions and deletions are taken into account, humans and chimpanzees still share 96 percent sequence identity. At the protein level, 29 percent of genes code for the same amino sequences in chimpanzees and humans. In fact, the typical human protein has accumulated just one unique change since chimpanzees and humans diverged from a common ancestor about 6 million years ago.

2. A few classes of genes are changing unusually quickly in both humans and chimpanzees compared with other mammals. These classes include genes involved in perception of sound, transmission of nerve signals, production of sperm and cellular transport of ions. The rapid evolution of these genes may have contributed to the special characteristics of primates.

Explain it to me. What does “objective evidence” mean to you? It carries (for me) that the meaning is that the evidence is so obvious that anyone that disagrees doesn’t understand the theories of evolution.
Objective evidence is evidence which is physically demonstrable and/or quantifiable, independently verifiable or confirmed and able to be factually established without bias with respect to the scientific method.
Clearly many seem to disagree with evolution because they don't understand it or the evidence and possibly let their own bias (or beliefs) influence them. Evidence is not always obvious. For example. DNA wasn't obvious when evolution was first proposed. But DNA has been an objective and supporting piece of evidence for evolution since it's discovery. DNA can be demonstrated and independently verified and confirmed. This is readily apparent in forensics too.
Objective evidence is evidence which is physically demonstrable and/or quantifiable, independently verifiable or confirmed and able to be factually established without bias with respect to the scientific method.
Clearly many seem to disagree with evolution because they don't understand it or the evidence and possibly let their own bias (or beliefs) influence them. Evidence is not always obvious. For example. DNA wasn't obvious when evolution was first proposed. But DNA has been an objective and supporting piece of evidence for evolution since it's discovery. DNA can be demonstrated and independently verified and confirmed. This is readily apparent in forensics too.
We share dna with the banana. Is there somewhere in the DNA record where our ears looked like a banana?
Except the evidence is being evaluated by those predisposed to accepting the theories.
No, it's about acceptance or rejection of evidence. Science doesn't start with a scientific theory. It starts with evidence to formulate a theory and either affirming, modifying, or refuting the theory. Evolution has only been affirmed over time.
We share dna with the banana. Is there somewhere in the DNA record where our ears looked like a banana?

Its a little more than 40% of our DNA is shared with a banana
For this particular experiment, scientists first looked at the sequences of genes in a typical banana genome. "We then used these DNA sequences to predict the amino acid sequence of all the proteins that would be made from those genes," Brody says, noting that the protein sequences were placed in a file. "We then did the same process for all human genes."

Next, the scientists compared the protein sequence from each banana gene to every human gene. "The program compares how similar the sequence of the banana genes are to each human gene," he says, noting that the degree of similarity could range 0 to 100 percent. "The program kept any matches that were more similar than one would expect by chance." The program continued doing this, gene by gene.

All told, more than 4 million comparisons were done, resulting in about 7,000 best "hits" between the two genomes. Then, the percent similarity score for each of those hits was averaged. "This gave us the result of about 40 percent," he says. "This is the average similarity between proteins (gene products), not genes." Gene products or proteins are the biochemical material resulting from a gene becoming functional. "Of course, there are many, many genes in our genome that do not have a recognizable counterpart in the banana genome and vice versa."

If that's a bit difficult to chew and swallow, here's a more simplified breakdown. Essentially, they took all of the banana genes and compared them one at a time to human genes. From that, they culled a degree of similarity (if the banana had the gene but the human didn't, that didn't get counted). About 60 percent of our genes have a recognizable counterpart in the banana genome! "Of those 60 percent, the proteins encoded by them are roughly 40 percent identical when we compare the amino acid sequence of the human protein to its equivalent in the banana," Brody adds.
Doesn’t change the fact that scientists bring to the table their own set of bias opinions. Men of equal qualifications have disagreed about the theories.
That's why evidence is subject to independent peer review, study, and verification. Utilizing the scientific method eliminates bias as much as possible.
When scientists who disagree reach the same conclusion, that is the greatest support for any conclusion or theory.
DNA proves that evolution is factual. Nobody cares when people believe because that is not how objective science works. There seem to be many people who think that science is a group of smart people who get together and discuss a topic and when they come to a consensus they publish a paper and call is a scientific theory. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Membership in a religion and lower intelligence have a very strong correlation. Religious belief is inherently illogical and preys on people who are driven by emotions and fear.

The study the referenced article discusses is The Negative Relationship between Reasoning and Religiosity Is Underpinned by a Bias for Intuitive Responses Specifically When Intuition and Logic Are in Conflict. I don't believe the study quite says what you think it does. Here's the researchers' abstract:

It is well established that religiosity correlates inversely with intelligence. A prominent hypothesis states that this correlation reflects behavioral biases toward intuitive problem solving, which causes errors when intuition conflicts with reasoning. We tested predictions of this hypothesis by analyzing data from two large-scale Internet-cohort studies (combined N = 63,235). We report that atheists surpass religious individuals in terms of reasoning but not working-memory performance. The religiosity effect is robust across sociodemographic factors including age, education and country of origin. It varies significantly across religions and this co-occurs with substantial cross-group differences in religious dogmatism. Critically, the religiosity effect is strongest for tasks that explicitly manipulate conflict; more specifically, atheists outperform the most dogmatic religious group by a substantial margin (0.6 standard deviations) during a color-word conflict task but not during a challenging matrix-reasoning task. These results support the hypothesis that behavioral biases rather than impaired general intelligence underlie the religiosity effect. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2018 APA, all rights reserved)

Years ago I was diagnosed with late stage Non Hodgkins Lymphoma. After lengthy and debilitating chemotherapy, I achieved remission. On the day my oncologist gave me the happy news, to my utter surprise, he asked if he might say a prayer for a continued cancer free life. True, this is one medical practitioner with strong religious beliefs, but it might demonstrate that the religious effect correlates more to dogmatism of belief than to "general intelligence."
Then show me objective evidence that Homo sapiens evolved to what we are today. Where are the missing links that unequivocally and objectively prove that we evolved from other tracks of animals. Speculation is not objective evidence.

You sure do love showing how little you know about science. Just like Revelation.
We share dna with the banana. Is there somewhere in the DNA record where our ears looked like a banana?

See above.
Ignorance of the scriptures is your long suit.

Actually believing that an event is true just because it happens to be written in a particular book is the height of naïveté. Where is the independent evidence of such a “star” or of a journey of “the Magi”. There isn’t any. Just some claims that were written decades later by a biased person trying to make a point.
The darkening of the stars, along with the sun and moon, is a frequent figure used in prophetic warnings of disaster brought as a result of God’s judgment. (Isa 13:10; Eze 32:7; Re 6:12, 13; 8:12; compare Job 9:6, 7.)

The dimming of such luminaries is also used in the description of the fading years of the aged person at Ecclesiastes 12:1, 2.

Elsewhere stars are spoken of as falling or being cast down to earth. (Mt 24:29; Re 8:10; 9:1; 12:4)

“Signs” in sun, moon, and stars are foretold as evidence of the time of the end.
Lu 21:25.


Well - I thought of it last night. We have been looking up for signs all throughout our lives!
It doesn't have to do with end times!

How many among us look to the skies for signs of rain, or a coming storm? Or, even watching out for tornadoes?
How many look to the skies for signs whether it's going to be a sunny day, a good day for a picnic? To do the laundry?
A good day to go fishing...............etc..,

Lol - only yesterday, after having seen dark clouds coming - the "darkening of the sky" - I even said, "better do my walk now before it rains."
How many among us look to the skies for signs of rain, or a coming storm? Or, even watching out for tornadoes?
How many look to the skies for signs whether it's going to be a sunny day, a good day for a picnic? To do the laundry?
A good day to go fishing...............etc..,

Those are natural events. That has nothing to do with your superstitious claims of “Biblical End Times”.

Well - I thought of it last night. We have been looking up for signs all throughout our lives!
It doesn't have to do with end times!

How many among us look to the skies for signs of rain, or a coming storm? Or, even watching out for tornadoes?
How many look to the skies for signs whether it's going to be a sunny day, a good day for a picnic? To do the laundry?
A good day to go fishing...............etc..,

Lol - only yesterday, after having seen dark clouds coming - the "darkening of the sky" - I even said, "better do my walk now before it rains."
That's meteorology, not astrology. Such confusion.

Well - I thought of it last night. We have been looking up for signs all throughout our lives!
It doesn't have to do with end times!

How many among us look to the skies for signs of rain, or a coming storm? Or, even watching out for tornadoes?
How many look to the skies for signs whether it's going to be a sunny day, a good day for a picnic? To do the laundry?
A good day to go fishing...............etc..,

Lol - only yesterday, after having seen dark clouds coming - the "darkening of the sky" - I even said, "better do my walk now before it rains."
Those are natural events. That has nothing to do with your superstitious claims of “Biblical End Times”.

tosca is right again. she knows the Bible, and you know.........well i guess you don't know the Bible.

so does Crystal and many others on YouTube; maybe they get yur attention in time.

the problem with Time is that it is running out and Tosca will be gone to Gold Street without you. maybe you might wanna look at the signs?

here are some Signs Watsup, you may have missed a few of these...........

The signs of Jesus' return are mentioned in various passages of the Bible. Here are some key signs mentioned in the search results:
  1. False prophets: Jesus warned that false prophets would arise and deceive many people
  • .
  • Wars: The Bible mentions that there will be wars and rumors of wars.
  • Famines: Famine is mentioned as one of the signs of Jesus' return
  • .
  • Disease epidemics: The Bible mentions disease epidemics as a sign of the end times
  • .
  • Great Tribulation: The Great Tribulation, including the martyrdom of the saints, is described as a sign of Jesus' return
  • .
  • The abomination of desolation: Jesus spoke of the abomination of desolation, which refers to the Antichrist setting up his image in the temple
  • .
  • Signs in the sun, moon, and stars: The Bible mentions signs in the celestial bodies, such as the sun, moon, and stars
  • .
  • Distress of nations: There will be distress among nations, with perplexity
  • .
  • The sea and the waves roaring: The sea and waves roaring are mentioned as signs of Jesus' return
  1. False Christs and false prophets: False Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive people. https://you.com/search?q=kjv full v...omSearchBar=true&tbm=youchat&chatMode=default
tosca is right again. she knows the Bible, and you know.........well i guess you don't know the Bible.

so does Crystal and many others on YouTube; maybe they get yur attention in time.

the problem with Time is that it is running out and Tosca will be gone to Gold Street without you. maybe you might wanna look at the signs?

here are some Signs Watsup, you may have missed a few of these...........

The signs of Jesus' return are mentioned in various passages of the Bible. Here are some key signs mentioned in the search results:
  1. False prophets: Jesus warned that false prophets would arise and deceive many people
  • .
  • Wars: The Bible mentions that there will be wars and rumors of wars.
  • Famines: Famine is mentioned as one of the signs of Jesus' return
  • .
  • Disease epidemics: The Bible mentions disease epidemics as a sign of the end times
  • .
  • Great Tribulation: The Great Tribulation, including the martyrdom of the saints, is described as a sign of Jesus' return
  • .
  • The abomination of desolation: Jesus spoke of the abomination of desolation, which refers to the Antichrist setting up his image in the temple
  • .
  • Signs in the sun, moon, and stars: The Bible mentions signs in the celestial bodies, such as the sun, moon, and stars
  • .
  • Distress of nations: There will be distress among nations, with perplexity
  • .
  • The sea and the waves roaring: The sea and waves roaring are mentioned as signs of Jesus' return
  1. False Christs and false prophets: False Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive people. https://you.com/search?q=kjv full verse. signs of Jesus coming back&fromSearchBar=true&tbm=youchat&chatMode=default
You should really pay attention to #1...just sayin'...
You should really pay attention to #1...just sayin'...

thanks Daisy, that is why i feature the best here on the forum.

Crystal says the same things all the time. 2023 - • I had a Rapture Dream today!! June 7 ...

she goes out of her way to help the Children in the schools, some of her videos show her out in the neighborhood door to door blessing people.

see you in bible church tomorrow. blessings.

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