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As conservatives put religion in schools, Satanists want in, too (2 Viewers)


Purge evil with Justice
DP Veteran
Jul 24, 2011
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Fair is fair, right-wing Christians. If you get to get into public schools, so do every other religion, including the Satanists. (y)
Good!! I hope they toy with them like a puppy with a plushie, they deserve it.

No belief in the super natural should interfere with our laws, or our public schools. That's just absurd.

Fair is fair, right-wing Christians. If you get to get into public schools, so do every other religion, including the Satanists. (y)
Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, the more the merrier.

Rastafarians....there's an underserved group. All hail Haile Selassie!
Maga and the current SCOTUS seem to have emboldened the Christofascists into trying to push their agenda further into everyones lives. I suspect that in future years they will look back at this period as a time when they lost public trust and headed into an increased downward spiral. I know for myself as someone who is ambivalent about religion in general, but has always respected Christian values, I am definitely today looking at everything they do with suspicious eyes, and even with outright resentment when they are trying to impose their own beliefs on others. Believe what fairytales you want to believe, but don't try to impose your beliefs on others!!

Fair is fair, right-wing Christians. If you get to get into public schools, so do every other religion, including the Satanists. (y)
The god that nobody has ever seen, except in the Bible, the all powerful invisible entity that does nothing. We are under attack from Christianity. I personally reject their God.

Fair is fair, right-wing Christians. If you get to get into public schools, so do every other religion, including the Satanists. (y)

Love it!

If a school can have a Christian office, then it should also be allowed to have a Satanic Atheist Office.

Some kids are always looking to do whatever their parents say do not do.

Both offices would see traffic.
Maga and the current SCOTUS seem to have emboldened the Christofascists into trying to push their agenda further into everyones lives. I suspect that in future years they will look back at this period as a time when they lost public trust and headed into an increased downward spiral. I know for myself as someone who is ambivalent about religion in general, but has always respected Christian values, I am definitely today looking at everything they do with suspicious eyes, and even with outright resentment when they are trying to impose their own beliefs on others. Believe what fairytales you want to believe, but don't try to impose your beliefs on others!!
Perhaps this will be seen as the era in which Christianity got desperate and lost cred as a result.
Perhaps this will be seen as the era in which Christianity got desperate and lost cred as a result.
God wanted this new cult to be far from him, so he told them, "Worship on Sunday and keep your old diet."

Fair is fair, right-wing Christians. If you get to get into public schools, so do every other religion, including the Satanists. (y)
Fair game, I suppose. Personally, I don't want a man with degree in childhood education discussing theology with 10-year-olds.
I think that a comparative religions class would be a great option at least for whatever "gifted and talented students" are called. I did such a study right after 4th grade. It was a broad, non-judgmental overview, and I've retained my interest ever since. It's really too bad that cool elective courses aren't offered everywhere during the summer.
I think that a comparative religions class would be a great option at least for whatever "gifted and talented students" are called. I did such a study right after 4th grade. It was a broad, non-judgmental overview, and I've retained my interest ever since. It's really too bad that cool elective courses aren't offered everywhere during the summer.

goood idea

i have studied other religions for Evangelistic reasons. atheism has got me stumped so far, but that is another issue

understanding islam was kinda tough, the one thing that pushed me over the head was the full burka women wear. basically a Black Sack over their head, with a peep hole to look out of.

the instructor invited us to wear it and i was appalled after a few minutes. but yet they wear these things for reasons i was never able to discern. even to the Beach, go figure.

my understanding of Judaism went better as i am familiar with the Old Testament and really liked the Passover meal we all celebrated. in the military i attended synagogue and tend to chat with conservative orthodox types when i find them. there are different types, but they wear old fashioned hats or beanies. most will talk to you.

amish are also on my Radar as well as women that wear Head Coverings. the head covering should be worn by christian women at Prayer or all the time. women need to get back to MODESTY in the church, most men like conversing with women, but we don't need 'eye candy' please. eh, nuff said?

42 blessings in May

Fair is fair, right-wing Christians. If you get to get into public schools, so do every other religion, including the Satanists. (y)

no it isn't fair for the kids.

we need to get back to being a christian nation, the Bible should be in schools with daily prayer.

back in the day with real moral education the kids did fine, talk to educators about what is going on in schools or bus drivers.

or pretend 'everything is fine'. Crystal and i say the time is short and all is not well.

42 days of blessings.
no it isn't fair for the kids.

we need to get back to being a christian nation, the Bible should be in schools with daily prayer.

back in the day with real moral education the kids did fine, talk to educators about what is going on in schools or bus drivers.

or pretend 'everything is fine'. Crystal and i say the time is short and all is not well.

42 days of blessings.

Bull ****ing shit. If you want a theocracy, go move to one.
The idiots can't think 15 minutes into the future.

Fair is fair, right-wing Christians. If you get to get into public schools, so do every other religion, including the Satanists. (y)
Well that ship has already sailed in our government schools.

Believe what fairytales you want to believe, but don't try to impose your beliefs on others!!
Is that not what is happening in myriad ways throughout public life, including in government schools?

Why do some beliefs seem more equal than others?
correct, they teach Humanism and Evolutionism and other weird things in those bad schools. best to just go back 100 years and bring the Bible back to school with prayer.
We should teach children facts, and reasoning skills. Teaching the fairy tales that are in the bible is the complete opposite of that.
Well that ship has already sailed in our government schools.

Is that not what is happening in myriad ways throughout public life, including in government schools?

Why do some beliefs seem more equal than others?
We have majority elected govts who make laws and run our public institutions. The minority doesn't always like it, but that's just how a democracy has to work. What we are seeing today in too many places is that the majority elected govt is not representing the majority. Instead they are implementing laws to satisfy their own beliefs and those of a relatively small minority. Abortion laws in some conservative states are a clear example. The legislators refuse to take this very contentious issue to a public referendum because they know the majority, by a significant margin, will not support the legislation that their own religious beliefs wish to have. In other words we have in some states a religious take over of govt just as if we were Iran or some other s'hole religion dominated country.

I would have no issue if those religious legislators took key issues to a public referendum in a fair and equitable way. But they are not (mostly) doing that. Instead they are abusing their positions to satisfy their own wishes in full knowledge of what they are doing. Imo the christofascists are a serious threat to our democracy and we need to bring that under control before we end up looking just like Iran or Afghanistan etc where the country is run as some sort of failed religious fiefdom. That's the direction the christofascists are trying to drag us in.
Well that ship has already sailed in our government schools.

Is that not what is happening in myriad ways throughout public life, including in government schools?

Why do some beliefs seem more equal than others?

"Government schools" ah, one of the famous rightist sayings. Let's privatize it all, am I right?
We should teach children facts, and reasoning skills. Teaching the fairy tales that are in the bible is the complete opposite of that.

is that why SAT scores are going down and kids can't read their diploma?

get back to the bible in school people or pull your kids out.

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