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Arkansas moves closer toward launching medical pot program (1 Viewer)


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LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — An Arkansas panel on Wednesday named 32 companies it intends to license to sell medical marijuana, two years after voters approved its legalization and following a series of delays that have frustrated patients and advocates.
States rights keeps advancing toward nationwide legalization.
Great. The people who smoke or eat it need to refrain from operating heavy equipment or vehicles or aircraft. For like 72 hours after consumed.
Arkansans don’t inhale...............
Great. The people who smoke or eat it need to refrain from operating heavy equipment or vehicles or aircraft. For like 72 hours after consumed.

are commercial pilots or other operators of heavy equipment required to refrain from operating that equipment for 72 hours after drinking an alcoholic beverage
if not, why is 72 hours found to be determinative for cannabis
are commercial pilots or other operators of heavy equipment required to refrain from operating that equipment for 72 hours after drinking an alcoholic beverage
if not, why is 72 hours found to be determinative for cannabis
Yeah. Our current rules suck **** through a sippycup, don’t they.
Yeah. Our current rules suck **** through a sippycup, don’t they.

the current rules may be very apropos based on the science about the impact of substances upon the operators of heavy equipment

which is why i asked you why a wait of 72 hours for the use of cannabis. is there any science behind that determination

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — An Arkansas panel on Wednesday named 32 companies it intends to license to sell medical marijuana, two years after voters approved its legalization and following a series of delays that have frustrated patients and advocates.
States rights keeps advancing toward nationwide legalization.

That's good news. I was pretty surprised this last cycle a pretty prominent REPUBLICAN made pot legalization a big part of her campaign and quoted Trump saying he was OK with pot legalization in her ad. She lost in the primary for Gov. (no loss for the state on that) but the fact of a GOPer pushing it was shocking. It looks like we've finally turned the corner on pot. Seems like one of the easier decisions of all time to me, so that's a good thing.

the current rules may be very apropos based on the science about the impact of substances upon the operators of heavy equipment

which is why i asked you why a wait of 72 hours for the use of cannabis. is there any science behind that determination
Science. No. Leiniancy? Yes. You ever seen mangled bodies from a very bad accident?
Science. No. Leiniancy? Yes. You ever seen mangled bodies from a very bad accident?

no scientific basis then
so, 72 hours was a swag

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