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Arizona will require students to pass civics test to graduate (1 Viewer)


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Dec 22, 2005
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The American Civics Act will require students to pass 60 of the 100 questions on the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization civics test, and they can retake the test until they pass, starting in eighth grade.
Arizona will require students to pass civics test

here is a sample test:
Quiz: Can you pass the U.S. citizenship test?

what do you think. should a high school be able to withhold a student's diploma because they cannot pass a test on the same questions used to qualify for naturalization?
I was required to pass civics to pass the 8th grade, so sure, it would be nice if high school graduates have 8th grade competency.
Arizona will require students to pass civics test

here is a sample test:
Quiz: Can you pass the U.S. citizenship test?

what do you think. should a high school be able to withhold a student's diploma because they cannot pass a test on the same questions used to qualify for naturalization?

Don't all students have to take American History and their state's history, as well as the history of western civilization, before graduating? I did. But that was a long time ago. I'll take the civics test above and see how much I've retained (or learned since then).


Okay, I took the test. I missed one (darn it!). I got 24 out of 25. Pretty easy, but it IS for children, so maybe not as easy for them. All kids should know these basics.
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what do you think. should a high school be able to withhold a student's diploma because they cannot pass a test on the same questions used to qualify for naturalization?

To me this is a failing of the education system not the responsibility of the student. This should be a given not a requirement.
Missed one - cabinet positions.
I wouldn't see whynot, only seems like a good thing..... That kind of stuff is just the bare minimum.... be scary to think if there is a high school graduate who couldn't pass that test now days.
If the test is as easy as those 25 questions the pass mark should be a lot higher than 60%
Don't all students have to take American History and their state's history, as well as the history of western civilization, before graduating? I did. But that was a long time ago. I'll take the civics test above and see how much I've retained (or learned since then).


Okay, I took the test. I missed one (darn it!). I got 24 out of 25. Pretty easy, but it IS for children, so maybe not as easy for them. All kids should know these basics.

Nope, not any more, I wonder why? Almost like "some groups" do not want children to learn about the culture, their values, and how to protect it.
On the fence on this one, seems like a reasonable idea though.
Had to take Civics in 7th grade, they don't teach this stuff till high-school in Arizona?
Nope, not any more, I wonder why? Almost like "some groups" do not want children to learn about the culture, their values, and how to protect it.

Really? I'm shocked. Really. How can a state not teach its kids the basics of the country's history, the state's history, western civilization? People who don't have basic knowlege of how their country and state came to exist? People wouldn't have a perspective on things, a sense of history and pride...or shame, as the case may be.

Maybe that's just in your state? Education systems are run by the states.
Really? I'm shocked. Really. How can a state not teach its kids the basics of the country's history, the state's history, western civilization? People who don't have basic knowlege of how their country and state came to exist? People wouldn't have a perspective on things, a sense of history and pride...or shame, as the case may be.

It is because the education system falls under the realm of liberals and the last thing liberals want is the next generation spewing non-sense like their constitutional rights and the ideals of limited government.
When I was in grade school there was a civic test we had to pass to be able to go to 7th grade. (early 60's.)

I think it is a great idea. Much better than some of the political correctness type classes.
Of all the sample citizenship tests I have taken, Canada's seems to be the hardest because they have lots of questions about obscure people who had obscure jobs.
Nice to see that hardly anyone failed the test but a little depressing that only half got 90% or better.

Oh I missed a couple but that was because I was speed reading it and not really contemplating the choices. I missed the Senator one but I was just glancing and two of the choices ran together into 1. I take exception to the other one I missed as public education is not in the Constitution at all so to say that the Constitution makes it a state's power is wrong.
It is because the education system falls under the realm of liberals and the last thing liberals want is the next generation spewing non-sense like their constitutional rights and the ideals of limited government.

That's hate speech. Here in Texas, education falls under the realm of tea partiers.
That's hate speech. Here in Texas, education falls under the realm of tea partiers.

Only when it comes to applying the bible to education as if it ahs any bearing on reality, so on that I would have to agree with you.
Arizona will require students to pass civics test

here is a sample test:
Quiz: Can you pass the U.S. citizenship test?

what do you think. should a high school be able to withhold a student's diploma because they cannot pass a test on the same questions used to qualify for naturalization?
At first I didn't think I learned anything from those classes because I literally can't even recall being in them. I'm sure I was, but I can't dig up a single memory of it, not what school, not even what the teacher looked like.

But then I took this test and only got one wrong, so I guess something stuck.
At first I didn't think I learned anything from those classes because I literally can't even recall being in them. I'm sure I was, but I can't dig up a single memory of it, not what school, not even what the teacher looked like.

But then I took this test and only got one wrong, so I guess something stuck.

These are things that were taught long ago, but the liberal big government agenda has served to obscure the truth in an effort to give more power to the Nanny State.
Really? I'm shocked. Really. How can a state not teach its kids the basics of the country's history, the state's history, western civilization? People who don't have basic knowlege of how their country and state came to exist? People wouldn't have a perspective on things, a sense of history and pride...or shame, as the case may be.

Ever stop to think that is what "some people" and "some party" want?

Dumber down, dependent, disarmed people or educated, informed, independent, and armed citizenry, which is easier to rule over?

"Certain groups" may have pride in their history, achievements, ect, while "one group" can only feel shame, about all the bad things their ancestors did, they every other culture, nation, and people at one point did.

its not coincidence, its a plan...

Maybe that's just in your state? Education systems are run by the states.

Not for long, common core is here! Its like Obamacare, but education!

Gag, we need school vochers, and private schools will lead the way.

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