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Are you using DuckDuckGo? (2 Viewers)

Do you use DuckDuckgo?

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 57.1%
  • No

    Votes: 15 42.9%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Dec 5, 2015
Reaction score
Political Leaning
I definitely like the feel of DuckDuckgo. I do not feel I am being sold anything or my information is being compromised.

I also love the fact they have a variety of search engine results. The search results coming from terms like vaccines and Ukraine are more diverse and helpful than google or bing.
I definitely like the feel of DuckDuckgo. I do not feel I am being sold anything or my information is being compromised.

I also love the fact they have a variety of search engine results. The search results coming from terms like vaccines and Ukraine are more diverse and helpful than google or bing.
It's definitely more private than Google but also comes back with limited search replies.
first question is, what is DuckDuckGo?
A search engine alternative that doesn't track your activity.
I've been using it for months. Sometimes it is "blind" to obvious results, and doesn't seem very smart about + or - modifiers in the search terms. But if it is really dicking me around I can still use Google.

And at least it's not Bing!
I definitely like the feel of DuckDuckgo. I do not feel I am being sold anything or my information is being compromised.

I also love the fact they have a variety of search engine results. The search results coming from terms like vaccines and Ukraine are more diverse and helpful than google or bing.
I do...on all my browsers except Edge, which I don't use very often.
When I read: "Duck" here I think of Donald Duck - and then of Donald Trump - and then I think:
"Aha - another Biden/Trump-thread. Some here can think of nothing else - even in threads about Ukraine."
I definitely like the feel of DuckDuckgo. I do not feel I am being sold anything or my information is being compromised.

I also love the fact they have a variety of search engine results. The search results coming from terms like vaccines and Ukraine are more diverse and helpful than google or bing.
What about a link to it?
So I am also asking!

And I aks:

Why was that not explained in the OP?

It's a search engine. Before there was Google, there was a near-monopoly search engine called AltaVista. But they got caught taking money to promote searches according to money paid to them by sites. Also, Google ran at a loss for years, developing their engine and widening their database. Their first public float is still among the most successful in history.

Google found a way to commercialize the information they gained from searches. Duckduckgo has a charter not to do that. How they intend to pay their own bills (pun intended!) still isn't clear.
It's a search engine. Before there was Google, there was a near-monopoly search engine called AltaVista. But they got caught taking money to promote searches according to money paid to them by sites. Also, Google ran at a loss for years, developing their engine and widening their database. Their first public float is still among the most successful in history.

Google found a way to commercialize the information they gained from searches. Duckduckgo has a charter not to do that. How they intend to pay their own bills (pun intended!) still isn't clear.
I miss that squeel from dial up
first question is, what is DuckDuckGo?
Its a search engine that claims to keep your information private,

Ive used it for over a year.

It's not as private as TOR, butt it's 10x faster than TOR.
I definitely like the feel of DuckDuckgo. I do not feel I am being sold anything or my information is being compromised.

I also love the fact they have a variety of search engine results. The search results coming from terms like vaccines and Ukraine are more diverse and helpful than google or bing.

Yes, been using DuckDuckgo for some time now.....I like the search results as they are more abjective and evenly spread than Google's.....plus the privacy is important and a plus.
I definitely like the feel of DuckDuckgo. I do not feel I am being sold anything or my information is being compromised.

I also love the fact they have a variety of search engine results. The search results coming from terms like vaccines and Ukraine are more diverse and helpful than google or bing.
No, no, no.
no, too often it seems too limited and sometimes way too random for me.
Maybe its the things i tend to search work-related stuff, sports, technology, politics, DIY, pictures are probably among the top

but im not a fan, i easily still prefer google for good fast widespread results
I honestly don’t care about ads enough to bother with another browser.
Yes, have been trying to, but it lacks some of the features that Google has.

I like that when I ask a simple question, Google will provide the answer in the search results rather than just links to pages that might have the answer.

E.g. "weather 30301"

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