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Are We really that dumb? (1 Viewer)

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Apr 21, 2016
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Are We really that dumb that we need political delegates to tell Us who we want to vote for?
Are We really that dumb that we need political delegates to tell Us who we want to vote for?

Well its not about being dumb, although in this instance there certainly a case to be made for stupidity

Its more about the tyranny of the majority and having a republican form of government as a check on that.

FEDERALIST NO. 51 (1788)
Are We really that dumb that we need political delegates to tell Us who we want to vote for?

That is not really the system, because you believe they will do what you elected them to do, you give them your vote. If you don't, give it to someone else.
Well its not about being dumb, although in this instance there certainly a case to be made for stupidity

Its more about the tyranny of the majority and having a republican form of government as a check on that.

FEDERALIST NO. 51 (1788)

This is not really, where you see the majority's tyrannical face. That is visible, where it destroys bakers for firmly holding a different opinion.
Are We really that dumb that we need political delegates to tell Us who we want to vote for?

It would appear to be so since that is the system that our election laws now permit. ;)
I don't think they teach civics anymore.
Are We really that dumb that we need political delegates to tell Us who we want to vote for?

HUH??? We live in a nation that is a Constitutional Republic - that means that we elect people to represent us according to the Constitution. They aren't telling us who to vote for, we are choosing them because we trust them to represent our interests.
I don't think they teach civics anymore.

Sometimes I think that there's a secret class in our High Schools that teaches "anti-Civics". How else could we get so many people who have so many screwed up ideas about how our nation functions...???
Sometimes I think that there's a secret class in our High Schools that teaches "anti-Civics". How else could we get so many people who have so many screwed up ideas about how our nation functions...???

Endless parade of people show up around here thinking they should vote on everything. Where do people get the idea that the founders thought that was wise? The lack of fundamental knowledge of how our government is supposed to work, rather than how they want it to work is astounding. All their uneducated beliefs are based on the silly premise of fairness. OMFG!
Are We really that dumb that we need political delegates to tell Us who we want to vote for?

Howdy Doody, Greystone. Welcome to the forum.

Hey...could you supply some context to what you are saying? I mean, what "political delegates" are you talking about?
Are We really that dumb that we need political delegates to tell Us who we want to vote for?

Trump and Clinton are winning....so yes, we are that dumb.
As a newcomer... I'm confused. Why is a thread on the electoral system posted in the Introduction section??
Instead you should send everyone to the convention. Might be crowded and confusing, but you'll feel better


Tries to be clever.

Succeeds only in being obtuse.
Moderator's Warning:
The thread is littered with baiting/flaming and is not in any way a "Come and Say Hi" style introduction thread. Closed
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