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Are Republicans in favor of police murdering black people? (1 Viewer)

Try calling your employer a pig to their face, see what happens.

They would probably fire me. They would not: taze me, beat me up, use teargas against me, shoot me in the back 7 times for being unarmed and Black.

Also: you don’t seem to understand that citizens are the employer in my analogy. They protect and serve *us*.
Also: Even if it did make me a hypocrite, so what? My personal hypocrisy should play no role in the performance of a public servant.
You don’t live in the real world, yours is some kind of fantasy.
White aren’t profiled in the same manner as POC. White people face zero racism in our justice system.

Well that would be you uneducated opinion. In fact whites see racism from blacks everyday. I guess you don't see stories about blacks killing whites? https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/08/14/cannon-hinnant-killing/ The problem for all people is the economic gap when it comes to the judicial system. Affording good legal counsel is key to getting the best results. That is not based on color.
I haven't seen them post much saying they are in favor of it. But I also haven't seem them post pretty much at all about the largest mass movement in US history wanting to reduce it. I haven't seen a bit of praise for the 99% of peaceful protesters. No compliments for their acting as good citizens, exercising their right to protest for better government. Either silence or smears falsely claiming they're the same at the 1% committing violence, often using the protests as cover. Almost no discussion of their cause, of the wrongs they are protesting; only looking for anything they can to criticize and attack. So if all they have to say about the protests of wrong police violence are attacks, they're fighting to defend wrong police violence.

The logic is so flawed it makes ones head spin....

YEA, YEA, YEA blow them away cops!!!! shot'em up. WTF!!!!
You don’t live in the real world, yours is some kind of fantasy.

My world features a fully functional constitution. Yours involves big dudes with guns and bullet proof vests being unable to perform the duties of their job because their feewings awe huwt.
And? Who said anything about allowing protestors to commit violence? My point is that people protesting are entitled to the same protections that any other citizen in the area is entitled to.
Ok, you're not getting it. I give up.
Well that would be you uneducated opinion. In fact whites see racism from blacks everyday. I guess you don't see stories about blacks killing whites? https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/08/14/cannon-hinnant-killing/ The problem for all people is the economic gap when it comes to the judicial system. Affording good legal counsel is key to getting the best results. That is not based on color.

Black people killing whites isn’t racism. Most if it isn’t even prejudice. It’s just crime (y’know - economic anxiety, but for real).

Whites own all the levers of power in the country. Our country was founded on the premise that Black people were inferior.
Ok, you're not getting it. I give up.

No, I don’t get your fantasies about how our liberties and laws work.

If you thought for even a moment I respected anything about your argument, I apologize.
My world features a fully functional constitution. Yours involves big dudes with guns and bullet proof vests being unable to perform the duties of their job because their feewings awe huwt.

As I said, you live in a fantasy world, not real life. Good luck with that.

Venezuela’s people voting for socialism also lived in a fantasy world, look where it got them.
I haven't seen them post much saying they are in favor of it. But I also haven't seem them post pretty much at all about the largest mass movement in US history wanting to reduce it. I haven't seen a bit of praise for the 99% of peaceful protesters. No compliments for their acting as good citizens, exercising their right to protest for better government. Either silence or smears falsely claiming they're the same at the 1% committing violence, often using the protests as cover. Almost no discussion of their cause, of the wrongs they are protesting; only looking for anything they can to criticize and attack. So if all they have to say about the protests of wrong police violence are attacks, they're fighting to defend wrong police violence.

Biden’s army over the last three months has killed more people than police killing unarmed white or black criminals in 2019.
Biden’s Army has destroyed businesses and lives by the hundreds.
Biden’s Army has caused millions in property damage.
So is your answer, just let them go? When we don't take action against crimes in the criminal code we just cause more to do the same. The idea is that suspects conform to the police commands, when they do not they become a danger and a threat. The democrats seem to think this behavior is perfectly ok.

Use non lethal means.
Use non lethal means.

No such thing, fantasy. An adult male on PCP does not stop fighting even when heart shot, tasers do not stop them, PCP gives them the strength of 5 men, cannot feel bones breaking.

Bullet to CNS is only way to stop him.

What you gonna do?

Let the drug crazed rapist, caught in the act, free to attack you?
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A question for liberals.If you walked in your home and a black man was assaulting your wife or child would you taz him?Shake your finger at him and tell him to stop?Beg him pretty please with sugar on it?

Why does it have to be a black man? Do you think anyone's response in such a situation is conditional based on the ethnicity of the assailant?

Congrats, dumbest question I have read today.
Why does it have to be a black man? Do you think anyone's response in such a situation is conditional based on the ethnicity of the assailant?

Congrats, dumbest question I have read today.

OP is about black men being shot, I’m guessing that’s why it’s mentioned.
Black people killing whites isn’t racism. Most if it isn’t even prejudice. It’s just crime (y’know - economic anxiety, but for real).

Whites own all the levers of power in the country. Our country was founded on the premise that Black people were inferior.

Nope, you are delusional., Our country was not founded On anything To do with black people, it was founded on taxation w/o Representation. Plane and simple. I guess history is no longer taught in school?

You do know there were black slave owners, right? And slaves were brought from Africa, by blacks, you knew that?
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Nope, you are delusional., Our country was not founded On anything To do with black people, it was founded on taxation w/o Representation. Plane and simple. I guess history is no longer taught in school?

Yes, we agree: the country was founded without anything to do with Black people despite using their labor to help build it, and a constitution that was written denying them their piece of the pie.

That is history.
Black people killing whites isn’t racism. Most if it isn’t even prejudice. It’s just crime (y’know - economic anxiety, but for real).

Whites own all the levers of power in the country. Our country was founded on the premise that Black people were inferior.

So explain the many successful black men and women in America. But I thought all whites were racist and keeping blacks from sharing in the benefits of being in America? As far as the founding of the country you seem to ignore changes made over the pas 400 years and the many changes in the last 100. You are stuck on being a victim. Please point out to me what rights blacks don't have under the constitution that other races do have. Point out the laws that are in effect today that specifically say blacks cant' do or don't have a right to X. I've plenty of successful black, white, hispanic and asian friends and even a couple of American Indians and you know what I see as the big difference? The individual will to be successful and keep setting goals and working to achieve those goals in stead of saying it's somebody else's fault every time I don't have what I think I deserve. Ever hear of free public education? Ever hear of financial aid for colleges or scholarships? Ever told one of these folks to stop running around with the wrong people and run with the right people. I heard it all the darn time.
Here's a good video to watch. Thomas Sowell.
Thomas Sowell on the Myths of Economic Inequality - YouTube
Yes, we agree: the country was founded without anything to do with Black people despite using their labor to help build it, and a constitution that was written denying them their piece of the pie.

That is history.

Nope, you need to take a remedial history class, you might learn some truth, not propaganda.

You see, there was this British King, thought he owned us, he was wrong, start there.
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I haven't seen them post much saying they are in favor of it. But I also haven't seem them post pretty much at all about the largest mass movement in US history wanting to reduce it. I haven't seen a bit of praise for the 99% of peaceful protesters. No compliments for their acting as good citizens, exercising their right to protest for better government. Either silence or smears falsely claiming they're the same at the 1% committing violence, often using the protests as cover. Almost no discussion of their cause, of the wrongs they are protesting; only looking for anything they can to criticize and attack. So if all they have to say about the protests of wrong police violence are attacks, they're fighting to defend wrong police violence.

Seeing as the majority of cops shootings black people take place in areas of the country that have been democrat run for decades it’s much more likely that it’s the left that are in favor of cops murdering black peoples.

But hey don’t let facts get in the way of your little rant.
Nope, you need to take a remedial history class, you might learn some truth, not propaganda.

You see, there was this British King, thought he owned us, he was wrong, start there.

Are you claiming our constitution treated Black people equal to whites?
So explain the many successful black men and women in America. But I thought all whites were racist and keeping blacks from sharing in the benefits of being in America? As far as the founding of the country you seem to ignore changes made over the pas 400 years and the many changes in the last 100. You are stuck on being a victim. Please point out to me what rights blacks don't have under the constitution that other races do have. Point out the laws that are in effect today that specifically say blacks cant' do or don't have a right to X. I've plenty of successful black, white, hispanic and asian friends and even a couple of American Indians and you know what I see as the big difference? The individual will to be successful and keep setting goals and working to achieve those goals in stead of saying it's somebody else's fault every time I don't have what I think I deserve. Ever hear of free public education? Ever hear of financial aid for colleges or scholarships? Ever told one of these folks to stop running around with the wrong people and run with the right people. I heard it all the darn time.
Here's a good video to watch. Thomas Sowell.
Thomas Sowell on the Myths of Economic Inequality - YouTube

They are supposed to have the same rights but they are not treated as equal in our society. Implicit bias and a country founded on white supremacy made that a reality. White denial of this extends the franchise.
Are you claiming our constitution treated Black people equal to whites?

Black people Were not part of the equation when the constitution was written in 1787, not enough here to matter.

Middle 1800’s where when most were imported.
Black people Were not part of the equation when the constitution was written in 1787, not enough here to matter.

Middle 1800’s where when most were imported.

Ah, so they were just subject to mob rule then.
They are supposed to have the same rights but they are not treated as equal in our society. Implicit bias and a country founded on white supremacy made that a reality. White denial of this extends the franchise.

“They” I guess you mean blacks, do have the same rights as anyone else, in fact they have more than white people.

White people are discriminated against by the US Government, known as Affirmative Action hiring.
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Ah, so they were just subject to mob rule then.

What part of blacks were NOT here is hard to understand? (Very small number in 1787.)
Nothing to do with the US Constitution.

Strongly recommend these books, written for children, easy to understand history for you.
History books:
Robot Check
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