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Are more police killed by.... (1 Viewer)

Are more (American) police officers killed with their own firearms or by "AK47s"?

  • More are killed by "AK-47s"

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • More are killed by their own service weapon

    Votes: 5 83.3%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Feb 2, 2006
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
Are more police officers killed with their own firearms or by "AK47s"?
What do you think?
Anyone want to make bets?

(Note: "AK47" is held to mean an AK47 or AK clone, not nevessarily an actual bona-fide AK47 assault rifle).

Because it just wouldnt do to give the answer before people post their votes, I'll wait until there are at least 10 votes before posting said answer.
Umm well that's a fairly narrow poll, since not all criminals use AK-47s or anything resembling an AK-47. I would assume that more police are killed by criminals' weapons than by their own weapons, since they have undergone extensive training in responsible use of their weapon.
Kandahar said:
Umm well that's a fairly narrow poll, since not all criminals use AK-47s or anything resembling an AK-47. I would assume that more police are killed by criminals' weapons than by their own weapons, since they have undergone extensive training in responsible use of their weapon.

Well, we all know that "assault weapons" in general and the AK in particular are the most serious threat police officers face - thus, the poll.
Goobieman said:
Well, we all know that "assault weapons" in general and the AK in particular are the most serious threat police officers face - thus, the poll.

Why do you assume that "we all know" that? It's not exactly intuitive. I'm no expert in criminology so I may be wrong, but intuitively it seems to me that handguns would be a much bigger threat.
Goobieman said:
Are more police officers killed with their own firearms or by "AK47s"?
What do you think?
Anyone want to make bets?

(Note: "AK47" is held to mean an AK47 or AK clone, not nevessarily an actual bona-fide AK47 assault rifle).

Because it just wouldnt do to give the answer before people post their votes, I'll wait until there are at least 10 votes before posting said answer.

M14Shooter, is that you biggin?:lol:
Kandahar said:
Why do you assume that "we all know" that? It's not exactly intuitive. I'm no expert in criminology so I may be wrong, but intuitively it seems to me that handguns would be a much bigger threat.

I guess I forgot the [sarcasm] [/sarcasm] tags.
Navy Pride said:
Who the hell knows?

I do.

Since 1995, 114 police officers have been killed w a rifle.
Of these, 73 fired rounds consistient with an "assault weapon"
Of THESE, 52 fired rounds consistient with an "AK47" (7.62x39)

Since 1995, 54 police officers were killed with their own weapon

Assume, for the moment, that in each instance of a 7.62x39 round killing an officer, said round was fired by an "AK47".

Officer's own weapon: 54 deaths
AK47: 52 deaths

A police officer is more often killed by his own weapon than by an "AK47".
Goobieman said:
A police officer is more often killed by his own weapon than by an "AK47".

I award you a BS in statistics...

This is so dishonest it's incredible. Why are you only considering deaths by AK-47s, rather than ALL criminals' guns? Yep, you can make the statistics lie to say whatever suits your purpose.
Kandahar said:
I award you a BS in statistics...

This is so dishonest it's incredible. Why are you only considering deaths by AK-47s, rather than ALL criminals' guns? Yep, you can make the statistics lie to say whatever suits your purpose.

Did you READ the question?

Do you suppose there's a reason I asked about the AK-47?

And I defy you to show me how I lied.
Kandahar said:
Umm well that's a fairly narrow poll, since not all criminals use AK-47s or anything resembling an AK-47. I would assume that more police are killed by criminals' weapons than by their own weapons, since they have undergone extensive training in responsible use of their weapon.

ever hear of Suicide?
its quite popular with police officers
DeeJayH said:
ever hear of Suicide?
its quite popular with police officers
Here're some facts to support that:
In a police force of more than 30,000, suicides among officers have been on the rise. Fourteen uniformed men killed themselves last year. Others atempted suicide but were thwarted by alert officers who intervened in time.

A recent study revealed that New York City officers kill themselves at a rate of 29 per 100,000 a year. The rate of suicide in the general population is 12 per 100,000. Most of the victims are young males with no record of misconduct who shoot themselves while off duty.

Nationally, twice as many cops - about 300 annually - commit suicide as are killed in the line of duty, according to a study by the National Association of Police Chiefs.
(WARNING: Do NOT click on the memorial link on the side with the volume turned up on your computer.)
DeeJayH said:
ever hear of Suicide?
its quite popular with police officers

I assume that the thread was referring to accidental deaths by their own weapons, but I could be wrong.

If not, what does this prove? I fail to see what the threadstarter is getting at.
Goobieman said:
I do.

Since 1995, 114 police officers have been killed w a rifle.
Of these, 73 fired rounds consistient with an "assault weapon"
Of THESE, 52 fired rounds consistient with an "AK47" (7.62x39)

Since 1995, 54 police officers were killed with their own weapon

Assume, for the moment, that in each instance of a 7.62x39 round killing an officer, said round was fired by an "AK47".

Officer's own weapon: 54 deaths
AK47: 52 deaths

A police officer is more often killed by his own weapon than by an "AK47".

If you know the answer why is this a poll?:confused:
Kandahar said:
I assume that the thread was referring to accidental deaths by their own weapons, but I could be wrong.

If not, what does this prove? I fail to see what the threadstarter is getting at.

difference in interpretation
first thing i thought of was the high suicide rate among Police officers
and i thought it was a no brainer that it would be higher than AKs and all automatics combined
Kandahar said:
I assume that the thread was referring to accidental deaths by their own weapons, but I could be wrong.
No. At the hands of criminals. Read the title of the table I cited.

If not, what does this prove? I fail to see what the threadstarter is getting at.
That the rhetoric we hear about the grave dangers police face from the proliferation of dreaded "AK47" (and its various "assault weapon" cousins) is...bogus?

How often have we heard over the last ten years about a cop haveing his weapon taken from him and then killed by it? Never?

It happens more often than an officer is killed with an AK.
Navy Pride said:
If you know the answer why is this a poll?:confused:

To see if the anti-gun rhetoric of the liberal left had succeeded in mind-wiping the people here.
Goobieman said:
No. At the hands of criminals. Read the title of the table I cited.

That the rhetoric we hear about the grave dangers police face from the proliferation of dreaded "AK47" (and its various "assault weapon" cousins) is...bogus?

How often have we heard over the last ten years about a cop haveing his weapon taken from him and then killed by it? Never?

It happens more often than an officer is killed with an AK.

1. What does a higher death rate with their own weapon have to do with the death rate of an assault weapon? How does it show that it's bogus? Cancer kills more people than Alzheimer's...does that mean Alzheimer's is a bogus threat?

2. The case can be made that the police officer's own weapon saves lives. The same case cannot be (easily) made for assault weapons in the hands of criminals.

3. The only reason you pulled the AK-47 statistic, instead of a statistic for ALL guns, is because it better fits your predecided agenda.

I'm generally opposed to gun control, but your argument is completely illogical.
AK-47's a big damn gun, and it's hard to import into these United States. Expensive as Hell.

Makes it more than a little inconvenient for the kind of braindead scum that think they can get into a firefight with the police and win.

The only reasons to own an assault rifle in this country are legitimate reasons. If you want a gun to rob, rape, and murder with, you need something smaller-- a submachine gun or, preferably, a handgun.

Of course... handguns are also the only weapons that are convenient for a law-abiding citizen to carry around for his own defense.
Kandahar said:
1. What does a higher death rate with their own weapon have to do with the death rate of an assault weapon? How does it show that it's bogus? Cancer kills more people than Alzheimer's...does that mean Alzheimer's is a bogus threat?
It shows that "assault weapons" in generl and the AK47 in particular arent anywhere near as big a threat to police officers as those that want them banned would have you believe, and its shows that their argument to that end is bogus. Thats the entire point.

2. The case can be made that the police officer's own weapon saves lives. The same case cannot be (easily) made for assault weapons in the hands of criminals.
That woud only be relevant if the conclusion was "ban police guns".

3. The only reason you pulled the AK-47 statistic, instead of a statistic for ALL guns, is because it better fits your predecided agenda.
I already told you why I picked the AK47.
You dont have to like it, but you do have to accept the results.

I'm generally opposed to gun control, but your argument is completely illogical.

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