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Are democrats really proud of Antifa (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 24, 2018
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Very Conservative
When it comes right down to it, Antifa is the brown shirt mob of the democrat party. They went to the home of Tucker Carlson's and defaced his property, and scare the absolute hell out of his wife who was home alone. She had to hide in her pantry, while she called 911.

I guess the bottom line question here is------------------are there any democrats on the forum that are proud of Antifa's actions in this case, and if not why are you not demanding they be disbanded. After all they have been labeled a terrorist group.
When it comes right down to it, Antifa is the brown shirt mob of the democrat party. They went to the home of Tucker Carlson's and defaced his property, and scare the absolute hell out of his wife who was home alone. She had to hide in her pantry, while she called 911.

I guess the bottom line question here is------------------are there any democrats on the forum that are proud of Antifa's actions in this case, and if not why are you not demanding they be disbanded. After all they have been labeled a terrorist group.

of course they support them, thats why its crickets and nothing being done about them at all. These people should be rounded up and placed in jail until their trial for terrorism.
Speaking as a Blue Dog Democrat, I would not want Antifa being the face of the party. There is a thin line between progressive and radical.

I would gently remove ANTIFA from existence by shooting them all through the middle of the head. Quick and painless, and who needs socialists anyway ?
if there is anything as bad as the tRump republican party, it is antifa
anarchists should be arrested and be made subject to trial for their crimes - again, like tRump republicans
When it comes right down to it, Antifa is the brown shirt mob of the democrat party. They went to the home of Tucker Carlson's and defaced his property, and scare the absolute hell out of his wife who was home alone. She had to hide in her pantry, while she called 911.

I guess the bottom line question here is------------------are there any democrats on the forum that are proud of Antifa's actions in this case, and if not why are you not demanding they be disbanded. After all they have been labeled a terrorist group.

Are democrats proud of them? On aggregate? No. Antifa isn't for Democrats either, they're are supposedly anarchists which puts them against any of the established structures within the government and body politic. Kind of a dumb question based in nothing more than hyperpartisan idiocy.
Are democrats really proud of Antifa?
Fascism is a revolutionary movement of the right against both the bourgeoisie and the left, of middle class and declassed men, that arises in zones of protracted crisis.
-- Anti-Racist Action Network, "What do we mean by 'Fascism?'"​

Based on: Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook:
Antifa is not a monolithic organization, nor does has it anything like a hierarchical leadership structure, and it certainly doesn't cleave to the hierarchical structure of the Democratic Party. It’s a disparate group comprised of members who embrace various causes, the most important of which is resisting white nationalist movements. Antifa adherents are mostly socialists, anarchists, and communists who reject turning to the police/state to halt the advance of white supremacy.[SUP]1[/SUP] Instead they advocate popular opposition to fascism.

Anti-fascism, Antifa, emerged as a response to early European fascism, and took form as an agglomeration of various socialist, communist, and anarchist parties and groups that aligned to confront the ascendance of Mussolini's Blackshirts and Hitler's Brownshirts. After WWII, such groups, having newfound rights to organize and demonstrate, expanded and, in the '40s to '70s, actively rebuked fascism in Western Europe, whereafter they quieted down until the fall of the Berlin Wall which was followed by a resurgence of Neo-Nazism in Germany.

In response to '80s era renewed Neo-Nazi fervor, the ragtag assemblage of antifascists confederated enough to adopt a common name, the Anti-Racist Action Network. That name faded into the proverbial ether, and after about 2000, adherents adopted a new name, Antifa.​

It's stupid to generalize Democrats as proud of Antifa; thus I wouldn't hazard that they are universally or unequivocally proud of Antifa.
As Dean Obeidallah noted, "Antifa is not part of the Democratic Party, while white supremacists are part of the GOP." Moreover, Democrats haven't reticence re: rebuking and denouncing Antifa's actions.
  • Is Antifa ostensibly liberal? Yes, but not in the sense of American political and public policy librality.
  • Is Antifa Democratic? No.
While liberalism, Democracy and Antifa may, because it opposes one or more element of current Trumpism/Republicanism, seem interchangeable and identical to intellectually myopic, trope besotted, and otherwise ignorant partisan conservatives -- to be sure that's the message the Republican/Conservative "echo chamber" proffers -- they simply are not. As a consequence a huge lacuna ramifies what people -- many people perhaps, but especially Trumpkins and their darlings, reckon and what is existential. Simply put, elite Trumpists/Republicans are well aware their "grass roots" disciples, yearning for a simple world paradigm as their 20th century and earlier forebears enjoyed, won't rigorously "trust but verify" the rhetoric they consume via conservative media; thus they can successfully commingle the banal fact that both Antifa and Democrats oppose Trump/Republicans and cast both groups as unitary.

Indeed, it's not even valid to liken Antifa members as Democrats for the only substantive commonality between them is their distaste for white supremacy and racism. Beyond that, any other alignment is circumstantial, not deliberate. But if one is given to accept one's esteemed radio, TV and social media editorialists' anecdotally based arguments, one isn't ever going to know that.

Fascism attacks bourgeois values and 'parasitic' business elements while defending the underlying institutions of private property and class exploitation. Historically, this approach has enabled fascism to tap into real social grievances, such as those of some middle-class groups who resent the power of big business but also have a stake in class privilege and feel threatened by working-class movements or oppressed communities below.
-- Anti-Racist Action Network, "What do we mean by 'Fascism?'"​

  1. I concur with Antifa's opposition to white supremacy. I cotton not to Antifa's means; however, that particular end is, IMO, well worth realizing.
I would gently remove ANTIFA from existence by shooting them all through the middle of the head. Quick and painless, and who needs socialists anyway ?

Wow...nice to meet you, psycho.
When it comes right down to it, Antifa is the brown shirt mob of the democrat party. They went to the home of Tucker Carlson's and defaced his property, and scare the absolute hell out of his wife who was home alone. She had to hide in her pantry, while she called 911.

I guess the bottom line question here is------------------are there any democrats on the forum that are proud of Antifa's actions in this case, and if not why are you not demanding they be disbanded. After all they have been labeled a terrorist group.

Not a Democrat, as I'm not American, but I'm probably a filthy enough Lefty to answer.

In a nutshell: **** Antifa. True progressives do not resort to violence, because violence never works, and things that don't work are the antithesis of progressivism.
When it comes right down to it, Antifa is the brown shirt mob of the democrat party. They went to the home of Tucker Carlson's and defaced his property, and scare the absolute hell out of his wife who was home alone. She had to hide in her pantry, while she called 911.

I guess the bottom line question here is------------------are there any democrats on the forum that are proud of Antifa's actions in this case, and if not why are you not demanding they be disbanded. After all they have been labeled a terrorist group.

Nah. Antifa, as you openly admit, is actually just a 4 dimensional hologram projected from orbit by giant space wasps. It doesn't have anything to do with the dems, other than the mustard secret.

And we NEVER talk about the mustard secret without the blue hat.
of course they support them, thats why its crickets and nothing being done about them at all. These people should be rounded up and placed in jail until their trial for terrorism.

Do you ever get bored of being wrong? Just curious...I mean, one time I ate boiled eggs every day for like six weeks, and I got so sick of them it was years before I could stomach another one. Yet here you are, being wrong again, after being wrong so many other times, and you never seem to get tired of it.

Trying reading the forum you seem to enjoy ****ting on all the time...there are lots of left leaning folks on here that do not like or support Antifa.
Nah. Antifa, as you openly admit, is actually just a 4 dimensional hologram projected from orbit by giant space wasps. It doesn't have anything to do with the dems, other than the mustard secret.

And we NEVER talk about the mustard secret without the blue hat.

You gotta come up here and smoke a joint with me some day. After this post, that might have just become a bucket list item for me, actually.

Nah. Antifa, as you openly admit, is actually just a 4 dimensional hologram projected from orbit by giant space wasps. It doesn't have anything to do with the dems, other than the mustard secret.

And we NEVER talk about the mustard secret without the blue hat.

you are going to be so busted for revealing the very existence of the mustard secret
the grand poobah must be livid
Nah. Antifa, as you openly admit, is actually just a 4 dimensional hologram projected from orbit by giant space wasps.

This is why we need Space Force!!!!!
I would gently remove ANTIFA from existence by shooting them all through the middle of the head. Quick and painless, and who needs socialists anyway ?

I too wish to murder everyone who disagrees with me politically.
When it comes right down to it, Antifa is the brown shirt mob of the democrat party. They went to the home of Tucker Carlson's and defaced his property, and scare the absolute hell out of his wife who was home alone. She had to hide in her pantry, while she called 911.
I guess the bottom line question here is------------------are there any democrats on the forum that are proud of Antifa's actions in this case, and if not why are you not demanding they be disbanded. After all they have been labeled a terrorist group.
Are you proud of posting idiotic crap like the above? Attempting to tie Dems to Antifa. Ignoramus.

of course they support them, thats why its crickets and nothing being done about them at all. These people should be rounded up and placed in jail until their trial for terrorism.
There’s always a couple in every crowd. Pfft ...
You gotta come up here and smoke a joint with me some day. After this post, that might have just become a bucket list item for me, actually.


I LOVES me some Canada, but work prevents me from ever indulging.

The left is all about hate and violence. They are worse than Islamic terrorists.
When it comes right down to it, Antifa is the brown shirt mob of the democrat party. They went to the home of Tucker Carlson's and defaced his property, and scare the absolute hell out of his wife who was home alone. She had to hide in her pantry, while she called 911.

I guess the bottom line question here is------------------are there any democrats on the forum that are proud of Antifa's actions in this case, and if not why are you not demanding they be disbanded. After all they have been labeled a terrorist group.

Leftists have been very fortunate. Not a single decent normal American have exercised their 2nd Amendment rights.
When it comes right down to it, Antifa is the brown shirt mob of the democrat party. They went to the home of Tucker Carlson's and defaced his property, and scare the absolute hell out of his wife who was home alone. She had to hide in her pantry, while she called 911.

I guess the bottom line question here is------------------are there any democrats on the forum that are proud of Antifa's actions in this case, and if not why are you not demanding they be disbanded. After all they have been labeled a terrorist group.

Yes, the Democrats has not spread themselves from these punks. You know it’s funny how they can do this crap. But, when someone protect themselves I’m talking in general. This little thug group plays the victim card. ANTIFA is a thug group and, if they don’t learn someone who will put them in a hospital then they should get it
Yes, the Democrats has not spread themselves from these punks. You know it’s funny how they can do this crap. But, when someone protect themselves I’m talking in general. This little thug group plays the victim card. ANTIFA is a thug group and, if they don’t learn someone who will put them in a hospital then they should get it

is english your first language?
Yes, the Democrats has not spread themselves from these punks. You know it’s funny how they can do this crap. But, when someone protect themselves I’m talking in general. This little thug group plays the victim card. ANTIFA is a thug group and, if they don’t learn someone who will put them in a hospital then they should get it

When it happens, I don't think the Antifa terrorist group will get any sympathy from normal Americans.
Speaking as a Blue Dog Democrat, I would not want Antifa being the face of the party. There is a thin line between progressive and radical.


Saying you don't want them to be the face of the party is not a denouncement. It's sly bull**** like this that the OP is talking about.

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