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Are Christian Fundamentalists Welcome At DP? (1 Viewer)

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DP Veteran
May 1, 2015
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Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
I never thought to ask, but I'm getting the idea that the answer is No.
Welcome how?

Welcome as in able to post? Absolutely. Anyone is allowed to post here, so long as they do so within the rules.

Welcome as in people on the forum embrace them? It likely depends on what form their "Christian fundamentalism" is manifesting itself. We definitely have some very devout people on this board that largely get along with people and have no major issues. We also have/had some extreme ones that are largely reviled for being horribly 7th century thinking and who have very few likely "friends" or "allies" on the forum. The same goes though for most extremists on this site, regardless of the source of their extremism.

What kind of "welcome" are you speaking of?
I never thought to ask, but I'm getting the idea that the answer is No.

Define "Christian fundamentalist".
Define "Christian fundamentalist".
I could name one forum member as representing the most abhorrent of the lot but civility prohibits that. :mrgreen:

Quite apart from "representation" of fundamentalism in general being questionable.
No. Generally the way it works on this forum and other forums like it is that you only have so much wiggle room before you get into the territory where people will start to blast your opinions and insulting you for having them.

Ironically it is usually the left that will find offense to an opinion that someone posted.
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Moderator's Warning:
And as the nature of this thread has became more clear, and the path some have already begun to take it, going to go ahead and close it before it gets any farther into 6a territory
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