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ARE...Americans.... (1 Viewer)

Are Americans

  • people who want to help but don't have the tools?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • People who have the tools but deny them

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Feb 4, 2006
Reaction score
Lakeport CA
Political Leaning
What are we as Americans?

We are the first to make our claim, but we don't remember it by design. :3oops:
You need to add a box.
"Decent people who are doing the best they can and better than most"
For the most part Decent God caring people who do more for the countries of the world then all the other countries combined.........And do it willingly without reservation.............
In general, Americans are stupid, incapable of critical thinking, overly litigous, paranoid, ethnocentric, and easily succumb to groupthink.

Americans are also honest, caring, extremely tolerant once they're exposed to new people, and genuinely want to make the world a better place even if they don't know how to do that.

For all of America's flaws, there's no place in the world that I'd rather live.
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In general, Americans are stupid, incapable of critical thinking, overly litigous, paranoid, ethnocentric, and easily succumb to groupthink.

Hogwash..speak for yourself...........
Well, looks like there is an obvious bias against Americans on the poll. Not one I'd choose. We are the ones that every other country b!tches about constantly, but the first time they have a disaster what do they say?
Where's the Americans?
We give as much as we can, sometimes more. Unfortunately, we not only are working on a welfare state in our country, we are working to make welfare nations.
Navy Pride said:
Hogwash..speak for yourself...........

Which of those claims do you dispute? Surely you don't believe that America is the perfect society...
Navy Pride said:
For the most part Decent God caring people who do more for the countries of the world then all the other countries combined.........And do it willingly without reservation.............

Mostly I agree with that. But I think some Americans don't believe in God, they're still Americans. Still capable of being honest hard working people willing to help out others without reservation.

Oh, and I agree with half or your signature line. I'm sure you know which half.
For someone who claims to love America as much as you do, you sure as Hell hate Americans.
Um, when you say Americans, do you mean citizens of the US or everybody who lives in the western hemisphere?
*shrug* anyway, if I was forced to answer, I'd have to go with "not nearly concerned enough about Robodoon being counted as one of them"
Paladin said:
You need to add a box.
"Decent people who are doing the best they can and better than most"

I never said American people weren't decent. I think they are, they are just blind and unaware of what is going on around them, Bread and Circus. Most Americans are just marking to the MSM drummer on both sides, few notice the path we are taking. And to many Americans wait for MSM and government to tell them what is right and wrong...but there is an Agenda in the MSM and the government which is against we the people.
Navy Pride said:
For the most part Decent God caring people who do more for the countries of the world then all the other countries combined.........And do it willingly without reservation.............

I never said we were bad, we are sleep toward enslavement. And most of the "helping" others has another agenda that most are unaware of.
Kandahar said:
In general, Americans are stupid, incapable of critical thinking, overly litigous, paranoid, ethnocentric, and easily succumb to groupthink.

Americans are also honest, caring, extremely tolerant once they're exposed to new people, and genuinely want to make the world a better place even if they don't know how to do that.

For all of America's flaws, there's no place in the world that I'd rather live.

;) but this wonderful place we live in is going away, and the Americans don't have the understanding to stop it
Blue Collar Joe said:
Well, looks like there is an obvious bias against Americans on the poll. Not one I'd choose. We are the ones that every other country b!tches about constantly, but the first time they have a disaster what do they say?
Where's the Americans?
We give as much as we can, sometimes more. Unfortunately, we not only are working on a welfare state in our country, we are working to make welfare nations.

True we are promoting socalism, ie interdependance over independence.
Pacridge said:
Mostly I agree with that. But I think some Americans don't believe in God, they're still Americans. Still capable of being honest hard working people willing to help out others without reservation.

Oh, and I agree with half or your signature line. I'm sure you know which half.

I notice there seems to be a lot "socialist based "talk pointing to our worth.

I don't think the founders would look at the promotion of socialist goals, as a sign we are doing well for the cause of freedom.
Kandahar said:
In general, Americans are stupid, incapable of critical thinking, overly litigous, paranoid, ethnocentric, and easily succumb to groupthink.

Americans are also honest, caring, extremely tolerant once they're exposed to new people, and genuinely want to make the world a better place even if they don't know how to do that.

For all of America's flaws, there's no place in the world that I'd rather live.

Yet through all that... we're stupid. Imagine were the world would be without our ignorance driving the economic and technological train.
Korimyr the Rat said:
For someone who claims to love America as much as you do, you sure as Hell hate Americans.

I don't hate Americans, I'm concerned about the condition of the people, we are in a national daze.

John Quincy Adams

"Posterity--you will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it."

Tom Jefferson
"God who gave us life gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the Gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that His justice cannot sleep forever."

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be."
Befuddled_Stoner said:
Um, when you say Americans, do you mean citizens of the US or everybody who lives in the western hemisphere?
Is Globalism is rubbing off on you?...that question would not have been asked a few years ago.

*shrug* anyway, if I was forced to answer, I'd have to go with "not nearly concerned enough about Robodoon being counted as one of them


Calm2Chaos said:
Yet through all that... we're stupid. Imagine were the world would be without our ignorance driving the economic and technological train.

"OUR"? Have you been paying attention for the last 15 years?

everything that is "Ours" as you say is leaving America.
Robodoon said:
"OUR"? Have you been paying attention for the last 15 years?

everything that is "Ours" as you say is leaving America.

The technology that drives this economy and the world economy is developed in the US. As a people we are far from stupid, apathetic maybe to a degree, but stupid....NO.

With over 2 million new jobs our economy is in no way in the crapper.
Pacridge and Conflict said:
...Diane Lane's attractiveness...

TRUE BELIEVERS!!!!:2dance: :clap:

by the by, that is my picture also in the avatar.

Robodoon said:
I never said American people weren't decent. I think they are, they are just blind and unaware of what is going on around them, Bread and Circus. Most Americans are just marking to the MSM drummer on both sides, few notice the path we are taking. And to many Americans wait for MSM and government to tell them what is right and wrong...but there is an Agenda in the MSM and the government which is against we the people.

I was indicating that you didn't give enough choices. People might be more inclined to participate in your poll if you had given some positive choices. The ones you have supplied carry a negative connotation.
How can you say "that few notice the path we are taking"? No matter how vast this forum community might be, it is truly a select group of people. And of those members, most have very passionate opinions. Your focus group will be skewed.
Also, you may have people who come here solely for the discourse, and will argue strongly, just to argue. They could very well be aware of what is going on, and perhaps doing something in the "meat-world" to change the path that you see the US following.
One more thing, I'm just curious as to what you are doing to halt this slide into slavery that you espouse? Or do you only curse the darkness for want of a candle?
Calm2Chaos said:
The technology that drives this economy and the world economy is developed in the US. As a people we are far from stupid, apathetic maybe to a degree, but stupid....NO.

With over 2 million new jobs our economy is in no way in the crapper.

Jobs at McDonalds don't count ;)

Most of the tech is heald by Big Corps, which are moving over seas, we are about a 90% service based economy now. The middle class can not servive with a job base like that...and thats what NAFTA GATT, CAFTA etc are build to bring about. Its for the benifit of the controllers not the people.

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