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(AP) Obama, Clinton and big-name entertainers help Biden raise a record $26 million for his reelection (1 Viewer)


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Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and some big names from the entertainment world teamed up Thursday night to deliver a rousing New York embrace of President Joe Biden that hauled in a record-setting $26 million-plus for his reelection campaign.

The mood at Radio City Music Hall was electric as Obama praised Biden’s willingness to look for common ground and said, “That’s the kind of president I want.” Clinton said simply of the choices facing voters in 2024: “Stay with what works.”

This is kind of funny, especially given that the Trump campaign only raised $10 million in the entire month of February.

This is kind of funny, especially given that the Trump campaign only raised $10 million in the entire month of February.

Did they put up a table to sell Bibles and ugly shoes?

Oh wait - wrong candidate.
This was done in NYC. Kind of a "in your face" slap at Donnie. He once felt he sort of 'owned' NYC. But he's burned that bridge now. No longer welcome. He had to slink away to national laughing stock Florida, home of the most ridiculed state government in the land. Yep, the same one that attacked Disney for apparently bringing too much money into the state, partially by recognizing the rights of gay people. Oh, the horrors of allowing personal freedom!
Oh my. This is good:

"Moderator Stephen Colbert, in an armchair conversation with the trio, called them “champion talkers” and joked that the three presidents had come to town “and not one of them is here to appear in court,” a dig at Trump’s many legal troubles."
Oh my. This is good:

"Moderator Stephen Colbert, in an armchair conversation with the trio, called them “champion talkers” and joked that the three presidents had come to town “and not one of them is here to appear in court,” a dig at Trump’s many legal troubles."

Oh my. This is good:

"Moderator Stephen Colbert, in an armchair conversation with the trio, called them “champion talkers” and joked that the three presidents had come to town “and not one of them is here to appear in court,” a dig at Trump’s many legal troubles."
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
But what about Hunter Biden? Biden Crime Family? :mad:
"Obama and Clinton were helping Biden expand his already significant cash advantage over Trump. Biden had $155 million in cash on hand through the end of February, compared with $37 million for Trump and his Save America political action committee."

Gee, I wonder what happened to all of Donald's campaign cash?
"Obama and Clinton were helping Biden expand his already significant cash advantage over Trump. Biden had $155 million in cash on hand through the end of February, compared with $37 million for Trump and his Save America political action committee."

Gee, I wonder what happened to all of Donald's campaign cash?
A bunch of it has gone to his attorneys and one of them is in St Bart right now throwing a lavish 40th birthday party for herself.
Right on. This is classy:

"As the three men closed out the night by donning Biden’s trademark sunglasses, the president quipped, “Dark Brandon is real,” a nod to a meme featuring Biden with lasers for eyes."
Go, Dark Brandon, Go, Dark Brandon!


This is kind of funny, especially given that the Trump campaign only raised $10 million in the entire month of February.
Follow the money which is the surest way to predict a winner. From 1960 to present day, the presidential candidate which raised and spent the most money has won with one lone exception. 2016 when Clinton raised and spent 1.191 billion to Trump’s 646.8 million.


But 2016 was a quirk election. Clinton won the popular vote by 2.9 million. It was an election where everything had to line up perfectly, the earth, moon, sun, stars even galaxies for Trump to win. It did in the electoral college. But Trump’s win in 2016 was more to do with Clinton becoming lazy during the campaign letting Trump both outwork and out campaign her along with having a very inept campaign strategy. She walked through the general election campaign as she thought she had it already won and didn’t have to work at winning. Much more to this, but this will suffice without writing a book.

Money seems to play a decisive role. but the midterms also. 2004 was the last time presidential wise that a Republican presidential candidate raised more money than the democrat. 2010 for congressional.

Which if one acknowledges the importance of money in election our leaders, one can say we have the best government money can buy.
Kind of interesting how so many on the left claim they want to get rich people and their money out of politics, well obviously unless that money is going to the candidate they support then it is all good.

In fact then they brag about it.
Kind of interesting how so many on the left claim they want to get rich people and their money out of politics, well obviously unless that money is going to the candidate they support then it is all good.

In fact then they brag about it.
Funny, they hate capitalism until they are for it too.
Kind of interesting how so many on the left claim they want to get rich people and their money out of politics, well obviously unless that money is going to the candidate they support then it is all good.

In fact then they brag about it.
As long as the playing field allows big money in it, why in the world would democrats not take the same advantage that republicans do?

Get the money out of politics and we'll all play fair. Refusing to accept the big money support guarantees an election loss.
Kind of interesting how so many on the left claim they want to get rich people and their money out of politics, well obviously unless that money is going to the candidate they support then it is all good.

In fact then they brag about it.
If we live in a citizens united world, then may as well use it, at least until we can get better justices in and get proper campaign finance reform.
As long as the playing field allows big money in it, why in the world would democrats not take the same advantage that republicans do?

Get the money out of politics and we'll all play fair. Refusing to accept the big money support guarantees an election loss.
You think allowing it is the same thing about being super happy and bragging about.

Pretending like many on the left who are super happy about this would not the same ones ranting about how we need to get money out of politics if trump had been the one making ask this money is just you fooling yourself.
If we live in a citizens united world, then may as well use it, at least until we can get better justices in and get proper campaign finance reform.
Yes it sure seems like all the people bragging about all this money going to Biden are just unhappily dealing with the world they live in.
Tell me do you think you are fooling anyone.
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one of the funniest things going on is Biden has been all over the place (check his travel schedule) for a long time but the sheep who watch Fox/Newsmax/OAN/etc are so brainwashed that they still make tweets/start threads/post on Facebook that President Biden never leaves the White House.

that's a special kind of stupid.

This is kind of funny, especially given that the Trump campaign only raised $10 million in the entire month of February.
Hilarious, what's your point?
one of the funniest things going on is Biden has been all over the place (check his travel schedule) for a long time but the sheep who watch Fox/Newsmax/OAN/etc are so brainwashed that they still make tweets/start threads/post on Facebook that President Biden never leaves the White House.

that's a special kind of stupid.
Let's see how he does at the Presidential Debates.
Yes it sure seems like all the people bragging about ask this money doing to Biden are just unhappily dealing with the world they live in.
I am not sure what this means. I am happy about some stuff in my life and am unhappy about other stuff in my life.
Tell me do you think you are fooling anyone.
I was not aware there was an attempt to fool people. At least not coming from me. In fact, I outright stated my somewhat cynical point of view on this. Use what resources you have until you can fix the root issues.

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