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Anti-Bullying Speaker Curses Christian Teens[W:165; 667] (1 Viewer)

If you had any clue as to what is what, he does know what, and you demonstrate an egregious lack of such knowledge. FFG is entirely correct in what he said.

You sir are just as daft and clueless as he is.....SAVAGE WAS WRONG...period...nothing you can say can make what he did to right....has nothing to do with the message HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE BRINGING on bullying...it was the way he did it....
Lets go further...just because those kids go to a christian school...that makes them GAY BULLIES??? that makes them GAY HATERS...savage acted like a jackass and someone should have slapped him off the stage and put him in his place...
And he didn't call all Christians "pansy assed"; that comment came after they'd already begun to walk out. Again, it's a really poor word choice, but why should they be allowed to pass judgment upon others but run away when judgment returns their way? It's arrogance. It says, "I can judge you because this book lets me, but I won't DARE let you judge me."

I must have missed the part in the video where those kids passed judgement on others....
I went to a friend's wedding where the Catholic priest decided to use the sermon to degrade gays and their relationships as being fraudulent. I didn't leave because I didn't want to make a scene at a friend's wedding. I did, however, scowl at the priest every time I saw him at the reception.

This seems to be a new thing for some Christians - to take offense at nearly every criticism of their faith. Again, they can say, "I think you're evil and going to hell", but when challenged, they simply walk away. "I don't want to hear your reasons that I should reconsider my actions!" is essentially what they said.

It is sad that there are kids killing themselves and people who claim to be Christian would prefer to not hear how they might be playing a role in that. It essentially means they'd rather kids die than listen to anything that might be critical of their actions.

And he didn't call all Christians "pansy assed"; that comment came after they'd already begun to walk out. Again, it's a really poor word choice, but why should they be allowed to pass judgment upon others but run away when judgment returns their way? It's arrogance. It says, "I can judge you because this book lets me, but I won't DARE let you judge me."

The "la la la" thing is an analogy.

Well Christians are no different than anyone else. No one who "believes" in something strongly and it means a great deal to them, wants to hear another mock or make fun of there belief. Human nature. Just as you didn't like it when it happened to you.

These were school kids brought to this "conference" by their teacher. I'm assuming it was not advertised as a "Christian Bullying" session. It was billed as an anti-bullying session. The "speaker" should have given examples of bullying from all sides and his message would have been better received, and more fair.
You sir are just as daft and clueless as he is.....SAVAGE WAS WRONG...period...nothing you can say can make what he did to right....has nothing to do with the message HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE BRINGING on bullying...it was the way he did it....
Lets go further...just because those kids go to a christian school...that makes them GAY BULLIES??? that makes them GAY HATERS...savage acted like a jackass and someone should have slapped him off the stage and put him in his place...

Oooh, a bit sensitive are we?

Why can't people read a bit more? Most of the kids who walked out attended public high schools, not one private xian school.

A couple of questions for the forum members: Is it legal for a student to pray in a public high school? Is it legal for a teacher to read from the Bible or Quran in a public high school?
I went to a friend's wedding where the Catholic priest decided to use the sermon to degrade gays and their relationships as being fraudulent. I didn't leave because I didn't want to make a scene at a friend's wedding. I did, however, scowl at the priest every time I saw him at the reception.


Oooh, a bit sensitive are we?

Why can't people read a bit more? Most of the kids who walked out attended public high schools, not one private xian school.

A couple of questions for the forum members: Is it legal for a student to pray in a public high school? Is it legal for a teacher to read from the Bible or Quran in a public high school?

"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people."
...KARL MARX, Criticism of Hegel's "Philosophy of Right"
Originally Posted by Somerville
Oooh, a bit sensitive are we?

Why can't people read a bit more? Most of the kids who walked out attended public high schools, not one private xian school.

A couple of questions for the forum members: Is it legal for a student to pray in a public high school? Is it legal for a teacher to read from the Bible or Quran in a public high school?

"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people."
...KARL MARX, Criticism of Hegel's "Philosophy of Right"

Could someone explain how Grim's post answers my questions? It seems a bit evasive to me.


You were there, eh? At the Van Wie wedding in Milwaukee in the Catholic Cathedral in May, 2008 so you know what happened? You were there to hear the priest say that as good Catholics, my friend was supposed to use his place as a married person to tell others that, "if they're marriage isn't sanctioned by the church, then their marriage is a false marriage."

You were there and you can tell me that I'm lying?

Once you produce the evidence that I'm a liar and I wasn't there and didn't hear that, then you can call BS. Otherwise, you are the liar.
You were there, eh? At the Van Wie wedding in Milwaukee in the Catholic Cathedral in May, 2008 so you know what happened? You were there to hear the priest say that as good Catholics, my friend was supposed to use his place as a married person to tell others that, "if they're marriage isn't sanctioned by the church, then their marriage is a false marriage."

You were there and you can tell me that I'm lying?

Once you produce the evidence that I'm a liar and I wasn't there and didn't hear that, then you can call BS. Otherwise, you are the liar.

I've been a Catholic for 41 years, been to untold numbers of Mass, Weddings, Funerals and other events....not once have I ever heard a Priest even address homosexuality. I find it very interesting (suspicious) that those that just happen across one Catholic event in their lives are the ones that just happen to hear the raging Catholic sermon against homosexuality. Again, bull****.
I've been a Catholic for 41 years, been to untold numbers of Mass, Weddings, Funerals and other events....not once have I ever heard a Priest even address homosexuality. I find it very interesting (suspicious) that those that just happen across one Catholic event in their lives are the ones that just happen to hear the raging Catholic sermon against homosexuality. Again, bull****.

Maybe you're just not hearing the hate because you're comfortable with it.
Meh, if the worse of it is whats on the short posted video, then I don't see anything wrong with it. Especially since its completely true, what is wrong is that a book that is very clear in its incitement of murder and intolerance is held sacred, and its condemnation is considered offensive. I have no problem with hypocritical Christians who ignore these passages, and are anti-slavery, anti murdering gay people, murdering disobedient kids and people of other religions or treating women as property etc.. But anyone who chooses to hold these teachings as moral or acceptable deserves no respect.

Also journalistic students? what a joke.
Maybe you're just not hearing the hate because you're comfortable with it.

First, whether I am comfortable with it or not is irrelevant, no Priest is going to do what has been claimed here. Second, I am not comfortable with hate speach towards anyone, nor are most modern Catholics. Try another assumption.

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