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Another CNN "reporter"gets mike taken away (1 Viewer)

I put reporter in quotes because , let's face it, she's really just another obnoxious Dem operative.

Hey at least she didn't hit the person trying to take her mic away.


Not saying it didn't happen, but where you get your news from sure speaks volumes:


But hooray, the president threw out a reporter. I think he should throw out more. It'll make for great election commercials.
Thankfully with Trump, it's become common knowledge that CNN is propaganda for the democrats. I haven't been this proud of a president since Reagan.
Good stuff...
Not saying it didn't happen, but where you get your news from sure speaks volumes:


But hooray, the president threw out a reporter. I think he should throw out more. It'll make for great election commercials.

Complains about source and then admits they got it right.

#Liberal logic.
Are you suggesting that any reporter asking questions a president doesn't want to answer should have his or her mic taken away?

Why do you approve of the suppression of a free press?

I wish there was way more free press and way less Dem operative press.

I've said for years the only amendment the Republicans care about is the 2nd. Tomorrow King Donald could take away all the rest and most Republicans wouldn't care.
I've said for years the only amendment the Republicans care about is the 2nd. Tomorrow King Donald could take away all the rest and most Republicans wouldn't care.

Ooooh boy ,you nailed those Republicans right between the eyes with that one!
I wish there was way more free press and way less Dem operative press.


Free press would include members of the media not being denied access to the president during a press briefing.

Trump has been very open about his wish to limit free speech when the speech is not favorable to Trump. That's not a secret. So yes, more free press. Free press could flourish under Trump the president, but a free press would quickly die under Trump the dictator.
I've said for years the only amendment the Republicans care about is the 2nd. Tomorrow King Donald could take away all the rest and most Republicans wouldn't care.

What does the 2nd amendment have to do with this situation?
Free press would include members of the media not being denied access to the president during a press briefing.

Trump has been very open about his wish to limit free speech when the speech is not favorable to Trump. That's not a secret. So yes, more free press. Free press could flourish under Trump the president, but a free press would quickly die under Trump the dictator.

Race card. Racist card.Trump the dictator card .

All worn out by liberals.


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