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Anonymous White House Source Claims Trump Punched A Baby (2 Viewers)


DP Veteran
Sep 16, 2012
Reaction score
Tucson, AZ
Political Leaning


(Start Sarcasm) I only trust them if they are ANONYMOUS, because we all know that anyone who is afraid to stand up, speak openly, and provide supporting evidence MUST be telling the truth.(End of Sarcasm)

Look, I have been harping on the tactics of moral panic for four years now.

We have been faced with daily exposure to all of the tactics of propaganda espoused by Joseph Goebbels, combined with the tactics of the Marxist-Leninist dialectic.

But anyone with an open mind, and eyes to see, should have realized by now that the "forces of change" are the ones really displaying all the evils they complain of.

Racism, sexism, intolerance, etc., openly espoused in their hierarchy of oppression while asserting these evils to their opponents.

These "current and former government officials" are the swampy "5th column" the current Administration has been dealing with since the 2016 results were announced.

I chose facts over innuendo, and substance over anonymous allegations.

The evidence both documentary and via openly made witness testimony refute these accusations.

If there is any hard evidence he said this, and not simply acceptance based on confirmation bias and "guilt by association" ("he called McCain a loser"), then make it public and stand up to openly testify to it.

Otherwise, it should not be believed. You know, innocent until proven guilty; not "guilty and burn the witch?"
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See, the hilarious bit is that he really did call dead soldiers "losers". That's why the satire about punching babies is so funny. Lutherf is just the best comic.

...wait wut?

If anything, this is a great example of how Trump cannot be humorously satirized. There's just too much pure unmitigated awful. The fanciful notion of him punching a baby is just a hair past the things he's openly done.
when you support a mob boss it's best to try comedy.

(Start Sarcasm) I only trust them if they are ANONYMOUS, because we all know that anyone who is afraid to stand up, speak openly, and provide supporting evidence MUST be telling the truth.(End of Sarcasm)

Look, I have been harping on the tactics of moral panic for four years now.

We have been faced with daily exposure to all of the tactics of propaganda espoused by Joseph Goebbels, combined with the tactics of the Marxist-Leninist dialectic.

But anyone with an open mind, and eyes to see, should have realized by now that the "forces of change" are the ones really displaying all the evils they complain of.

Racism, sexism, intolerance, etc., openly espoused in their hierarchy of oppression while asserting these evils to their opponents.

These "current and former government officials" are the swampy "5th column" the current Administration has been dealing with since the 2016 results were announced.

I chose facts over innuendo, and substance over anonymous allegations.

The evidence both documentary and via openly made witness testimony refute these accusations.

If there is any hard evidence he said this, and not simply acceptance based on confirmation bias and "guilt by association" ("he called McCain a loser"), then make it public and stand up to openly testify to it.

Otherwise, it should not be believed. You know, innocent until proven guilty; not "guilty and burn the witch?"

Burning witches is really popular. Just sayin. :fueltofir:devil:

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