Interesting Article on MSN - http://special.msn.com/weeklyreader/grade5up/882199.armx?GT1=5472
Weekly Reader kids select Bush in poll
The students who read Weekly Reader's magazines have made their preference for president known: they want to send President Bush back to the White House.
The results of this year's Weekly Reader poll have just been announced, and the winner is President Bush. Hundreds of thousands of students participated, giving the Republican president more than 60% of the votes cast and making him a decisive choice over Democratic Senator John Kerry.
Since 1956, Weekly Reader students in grades 1-12 have correctly picked the president, making the Weekly Reader poll one of the most accurate predictors of presidential outcomes in history.
Looks like the kids of the US have picked Bush... strongly even.The students who read Weekly Reader's magazines have made their preference for president known: they want to send President Bush back to the White House.
The results of this year's Weekly Reader poll have just been announced, and the winner is President Bush. Hundreds of thousands of students participated, giving the Republican president more than 60% of the votes cast and making him a decisive choice over Democratic Senator John Kerry.
Since 1956, Weekly Reader students in grades 1-12 have correctly picked the president, making the Weekly Reader poll one of the most accurate predictors of presidential outcomes in history.