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Anchor Babies (1 Viewer)


Aug 26, 2005
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Las Vegas
Political Leaning
What do you guys think about anchor babies. Just want to hear some thoughts.

I think it is ridiculous that an illegal alien can give birth in the United States, and that prevents that person from being deported (along with the child).
I think laws need to change so that only the children of legal citizens can have citizenship at birth.
My mother was a British citizen when I was born. So I'm not Australian?
My mother was a British citizen when I was born. So I'm not Australian?

If that is what it takes to curb illegal immigration then yes.
You don't see the problem we have over here Vergiss. My ancestors came from Mexico, but they did it legally. I have no problem with people coming to America. The fact of the matter is that we have 5-10,000 people coming over the border every day. The southwest, and the rest of America cannot sustain this kind of growth. On top of the strain we are seeing eradicated diseases back on the rise. I live in Las Vegas, and all week I have been hearing commercials for hepatitis vaccines. This is unbelievable.

If laws, and even constitutional rights need to be changed to save the country from a sure demise, I'm all for it.
jamesrage said:
If that is what it takes to curb illegal immigration then yes.

:lol: You amuse me.

Mistermain - we use hepatitis vaccines in Australia being too, you know. All kids in 8th Grade recieve free vaccination against Hep B. What, the illegal Mexicans are like rats carrying the plague? Give me a break.

Yes, I agree that migration should be done legally. But you cannot blame the child for the sins of the parents - you cannot create stateless babies. It's unethical.
vergiss said:
:lol: You amuse me.

Mistermain - we use hepatitis vaccines in Australia being too, you know. All kids in 8th Grade recieve free vaccination against Hep B. What, the illegal Mexicans are like rats carrying the plague? Give me a break.

Yes, I agree that migration should be done legally. But you cannot blame the child for the sins of the parents - you cannot create stateless babies. It's unethical.

I have never, in my 25 years, heard of free hepatitis vacinations being advertised on the radio. You do not understand what we are facing out here. It's not about blaming the child, it's about saving our country. We cannot sustain this growth, and we cannot afford to take care of people who should not be here in the first place.
If they weren't American citizens when they gave birth then the baby should be given the citezenship of the mother. And once mother and baby are well..... They should shipped back to wherever they came from.
I have never, in my 25 years, heard of free hepatitis vacinations being advertised on the radio. You do not understand what we are facing out here. It's not about blaming the child, it's about saving our country. We cannot sustain this growth, and we cannot afford to take care of people who should not be here in the first place.

It is easy for people who live on a island to talk about how we should leave our borders wid open and have every incentive for people to break the law.
jamesrage said:
It is easy for people who live on a island to talk about how we should leave our borders wid open and have every incentive for people to break the law.

Hahaha! Aaah. Wait... you're serious? You clearly have no idea of the illegal immigration debate raging in Australia at the moment.

Mistermain - but what if the family's only removed once the child's, say, 6? Wouldn't that be unfair to kick out a person who was born, raised and only ever lived in America?
Hahaha! Aaah. Wait... you're serious? You clearly have no idea of the illegal immigration debate raging in Australia at the moment.

Mistermain - but what if the family's only removed once the child's, say, 6? Wouldn't that be unfair to kick out a person who was born, raised and only ever lived in America?

Please provide some numbers as to how many people every day sneak into your country and how much it cost the tax payers in your country to deal with them on eveything from housing,education,assistance and imprisonment.
Give em a bus ticket damm it. Shouldn't have been here in the first place, so I see no reason for them to stay....
The destruction of the Gulf Coast and subsequent rebuilding is only going to encourage illegal immigrants to cross the border. They're going to go where the money is and right now, billions of dollars is being funneled all along the Gulf Coast.

NO matter what all the politicians and activists want, African-Americans and impoverished white Cajuns will not be first in line to rebuild the Katrina-ravaged Gulf Coast and New Orleans. Latino immigrants, many of them undocumented, will. And when they're done, they're going to stay, making New Orleans look like Los Angeles. It's the federal government that will have made the transformation possible, further exposing the hollowness of the immigration debate.

Give em a bus ticket damm it. Shouldn't have been here in the first place, so I see no reason for them to stay....

Screw a bus ticket I think we should fly illegals to Australia and leave them there and permanently ban them from the US since vergiss just loves the idea of people invading.

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