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Anarchy. Time for Martial Law? (1 Viewer)

Should Martial Law be declared in Minneapolis / Portland if the Rule of Law is lacking

  • No

    Votes: 29 72.5%
  • Yes

    Votes: 11 27.5%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Jun 27, 2020
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Political Leaning
Anarchy. Time for Martial Law?

Minneapolis and Portland have been in a
State of Anarchy if not "Riot".

If I owned property in either area I would certainly Wonder -
- Where Is Law Enforcement?

This Is Not A Black Thing!
This is a thing of non resident militias creating havoc.

Moi sez
"Enough is enough".
Enforce the "Rule of Law".

President Trump should give local, county, State authorities 48 hours to restore order or face "Martial Law".
Including federal military involvement.


In '68, protesting Vietnam was considered contrary to "law and order".
Portland, Minneapolis are truly so. Or am I so . . .

STOP :2canadian​
Oh good, because this nation needs another bout of 'martial law' to add to the history books... :roll:
Let's see, we leaned on the rioters a bit, and it got worse.

We leaned on them some more with federal agents, and it got ever worse.

So we should lean on them even HARDER, because this has been a winning strategy so far.
4 dead in Ohio; 2 dead in Wisconsin
Let's see, we leaned on the rioters a bit, and it got worse.

We leaned on them some more with federal agents, and it got ever worse.

So we should lean on them even HARDER, because this has been a winning strategy so far.

It's been a half assed strategy so far. If this truly was a fascist nation these people would have been wrecked day one.
Let's see, we leaned on the rioters a bit, and it got worse.

We leaned on them some more with federal agents, and it got ever worse.

So we should lean on them even HARDER, because this has been a winning strategy so far.

There is a point where the local authorities can get the edge. They just haven't done what needs done to do so. So, on goes the grind
Let's see, we leaned on the rioters a bit, and it got worse.

We leaned on them some more with federal agents, and it got ever worse.

So we should lean on them even HARDER, because this has been a winning strategy so far.


Not sure why police aggression is the response to protests about police aggression, but what we do know is 39% of the population will go along with whatever trump says.
There is a point where the local authorities can get the edge. They just haven't done what needs done to do so. So, on goes the grind

There is also the point where you just push people into an open revolt.

Police are a social fiction, outnumbered by thousands to one, and that social fiction and that authority it represents only exists so long as people choose to believe it exists.

Not sure why police aggression is the response to protests about police aggression, but what we do know is 39% of the population will go along with whatever trump says.

When all you will use is a hammer, pretty soon everything looks like a nail.

Not sure why police aggression is the response to protests about police aggression, but what we do know is 39% of the population will go along with whatever trump says.

Correct on the base assumption that we’re still a 40-40-20 nation. We can thank the Lincoln Project for showing trump CTs. Never underestimate Barr, SStephen, trump, and the GOPutin Senators.
Anarchy. Time for Martial Law?

Minneapolis and Portland have been in a
State of Anarchy if not "Riot".

If I owned property in either area I would certainly Wonder -
- Where Is Law Enforcement?

This Is Not A Black Thing!
This is a thing of non resident militias creating havoc.

Moi sez
"Enough is enough".
Enforce the "Rule of Law".

President Trump should give local, county, State authorities 48 hours to restore order or face "Martial Law".
Including federal military involvement.


In '68, protesting Vietnam was considered contrary to "law and order".
Portland, Minneapolis are truly so. Or am I so . . .

STOP :2canadian​

I don't kniw what you're talking about. I live in Minneapolis and it's fine.

But nice to see the Trumpsters showing their true authoruarisn colors.
Last edited:
National Guard


Shooting Resisters/Looters


End to the Riots.
When neighborhood people come together to try and defend their properties, they are automatically labeled as extreme racist right wingers.

The left has it down to a science, the the usual lemming type liberals here on DP chime in lock stepped.
Can you try that again in English?

chuckiechan thinks he can accuse other posters of celebrating COVID deaths. No thread content from him whatsoever.

We’ve been in a constitutional crisis since before the 2016 election when McConnell abetted ru$$ian interference.

GOPutin Senators like Johnson, Graham, and Paul are afraid of Agent Novichok.
When neighborhood people come together to try and defend their properties, they are automatically labeled as extreme racist right wingers.

The left has it down to a science, the the usual lemming type liberals here on DP chime in lock stepped.

Well meaning folks defending their property, like the Tallahassee couple in this video who are being sued for their actions.

When neighborhood people come together to try and defend their properties, they are automatically labeled as extreme racist right wingers.

The left has it down to a science, the the usual lemming type liberals here on DP chime in lock stepped.

The USA can not even defeat a few rioters... how are we supposed to defend ourselves from the Chinese Military?
Except for the "resistors" because that could be anyone opposed to Trump.

I meant resisters of the curfew and actual arrest...
Anarchy. Time for Martial Law?

Minneapolis and Portland have been in a
State of Anarchy if not "Riot".

If I owned property in either area I would certainly Wonder -
- Where Is Law Enforcement?

This Is Not A Black Thing!
This is a thing of non resident militias creating havoc.

Moi sez
"Enough is enough".
Enforce the "Rule of Law".

President Trump should give local, county, State authorities 48 hours to restore order or face "Martial Law".
Including federal military involvement.


In '68, protesting Vietnam was considered contrary to "law and order".
Portland, Minneapolis are truly so. Or am I so . . .

STOP :2canadian​

Marshal law would definitely be an over reaction.
When neighborhood people come together to try and defend their properties, they are automatically labeled as extreme racist right wingers.

The left has it down to a science, the the usual lemming type liberals here on DP chime in lock stepped.

Kyle Rittenhouse was not in his neighborhood. Thank you fir playing

Interesting side note. In terms of violent crime per capita, the most dangerous place in Minnesota is Bemidji, not Minneapolis. Bemidji is very much Trump country. Second is Waite Park. Also Trump country.
When neighborhood people come together to try and defend their properties, they are automatically labeled as extreme racist right wingers.

The left has it down to a science, the the usual lemming type liberals here on DP chime in lock stepped.

Except they aren’t from ‘round here.......

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