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An interesting tweet (1 Viewer)

What is with all these threads quoting some twit who posted some nonsense on twitter" Do some posters here on DP have some sort of intellectual dependence on twitter twits for their ideas?

...I don't get it. Leftists love to ridicule Fox as a source - but then resort to Twitter as theirs?

TBH - it's kind of creepy.


Whaddaya say?

Jeeze, your guys control the govco, what the hell are you waiting for? You caught him red handed, let’s get it to court and
put him in jail……………..or is something else really going on.
Trump is not our problem now folks it's Biden and his handlers. And by handlers I mean Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett specifically. Forget Trump for a few minutes and concentrate on the present.
Trump is not our problem now folks it's Biden and his handlers. And by handlers I mean Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett specifically. Forget Trump for a few minutes and concentrate on the present.
Add Michelle, Holder, Sasha, Malia and Marian Robinson to that list of the cabal.
Who says it even happened? The media has lied before, thinking back to the Russian Collusion hoax, and the millions of other times they did.
That post reeks of desperation.
That post reeks of desperation.
Nope. None at all.

The media has proven themselves so untrustworthy, by their own behavior, over the last 10 - 15 years, but particularly the last 6 years.
I especially refuse to believe them when it to comes to anything related to Trump, so much crap and 1/2 truths have they pushed.
Trump is not our problem now folks it's Biden and his handlers. And by handlers I mean Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett specifically. Forget Trump for a few minutes and concentrate on the present.
So now the right's narrative is that Obama is Biden's handler?

Wake me when Hillary is mentioned as well.
Nope. None at all.

The media has proven themselves so untrustworthy, by their own behavior, over the last 10 - 15 years, but particularly the last 6 years.
I especially refuse to believe them when it to comes to anything related to Trump, so much crap and 1/2 truths have they pushed.
Can you be more specific?

Whaddaya say?

When are they going to tell us what was in the classified documents he took? Most of that stuff was 'scrap book' stuff, momentoes, that would feed Trump's ego. Or so it seems. From looking at some of the hacked emails Hillary had that were classified top secret, big whoop. So what did he take?

They think Berger set out to destroy damning information written on copies of a report issued to the 911 Commission. That's bad. Did Trump take materials to hide something? I'd like to know what he took (not specifically, of course, but a general idea) before I start screeching for his hide.
Trump is not our problem now folks it's Biden and his handlers. And by handlers I mean Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett specifically. Forget Trump for a few minutes and concentrate on the present.
Uh huh, lol.
Nope. None at all.

The media has proven themselves so untrustworthy, by their own behavior, over the last 10 - 15 years, but particularly the last 6 years.
I especially refuse to believe them when it to comes to anything related to Trump, so much crap and 1/2 truths have they pushed.
But you believe trump? Now that's hilarious.
When are they going to tell us what was in the classified documents he took? Most of that stuff was 'scrap book' stuff, momentoes, that would feed Trump's ego. Or so it seems. From looking at some of the hacked emails Hillary had that were classified top secret, big whoop. So what did he take?

They think Berger set out to destroy damning information written on copies of a report issued to the 911 Commission. That's bad. Did Trump take materials to hide something? I'd like to know what he took (not specifically, of course, but a general idea) before I start screeching for his hide.
"classified documents" Which part of this makes you think they're gonna tell us what was in them?
"classified documents" Which part of this makes you think they're gonna tell us what was in them?
I already said I know it won't be the specific secret. But it could be a total nothing burger buried in with Trump's momentoes of his glory days. If DOJ wants to bust him, they're going to have to do better than this.
But you believe trump? Now that's hilarious.
Hilarious, but telling, being it's the typical binary thinking, that you leap to that conclusion.
I'll wait for the results of the investigation, if it even gets that far.
So now the right's narrative is that Obama is Biden's handler?

Wake me when Hillary is mentioned as well.

Nobody can stand Hillary not even Bill who knows her best. She's on her own sacred quest to rule over the deplorables.
the ex-president is above our laws and his slimy base will cover for his law breaking ass.
Trump is not our problem now folks it's Biden and his handlers. And by handlers I mean Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett specifically. Forget Trump for a few minutes and concentrate on the present.

^ This is what a cry for injustice looks like. There is evidence of trump breaking the law, and he deserves to be punished for it.

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