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Amusment and boredom (1 Viewer)

each day I wake, I ask myself, what am I doing here, "to be or not to be?" Nah! To do or not to do that is the question.
So I have decided to make a daily to-do-list
1. Plan to take over the world.
2. Have tea and cake
3. discuss the roles of my friends in the devious plot for world domination
4. realize I am ridiculously short of friends of ability and ambition
5 find new friends
6. order a pizza/ breadsticks of course
7. realize here is no way to take over the world in one day
8. Add my assassination
9. make it a ten year plan
10. probably play xbox

I do hope to at least make it to number 5 I do like tea and cake, and I like friends too
Maybe you should add more to your list. The bucket list. :)
So what do you do on an unproductive day?
Enola;bt1074 said:
Maybe you should add more to your list. The bucket list. :)
Jeez, maybe you should learn to take a joke. maybe the list should have consisted of things like create world peace, feed all he hungry, find jobs for all the unemployed, have tea and cake...(you cant have my tea and cake!) cure cancer,...and aids....end racism and abolition sexual discrimination, enlighten the world on the rights of gay marriage....

Unfortunately yo missed my intended sarcasm in which We all have such great and glorious plans....but yet we end up ordering pizza and playing Xbox or World of Warcraft.

The sad thing is the things on the original list....they are more possible than those on the new list. but just for you here's a bucket list:
1: live
2: laugh
3: love
4: Find a way more productive for making a difference in the world than posting silly blogs on the internet.
5: Die:mrgreen:

BTW, I would love to do all the thing on the second list....its just not gonna happen~shrugs~ So go make you a list to giggle about today ;)
celticwar17;bt1075 said:
So what do you do on an unproductive day?
Unfortunately that was an unproductive day...hence the list of stupid things to do, I mean my Xbox is even broken.
Reveille;bt1077 said:
Jeez, maybe you should learn to take a joke. maybe the list should have consisted of things like create world peace, feed all he hungry, find jobs for all the unemployed, have tea and cake...(you cant have my tea and cake!) cure cancer,...and aids....end racism and abolition sexual discrimination, enlighten the world on the rights of gay marriage....

Unfortunately yo missed my intended sarcasm in which We all have such great and glorious plans....but yet we end up ordering pizza and playing Xbox or World of Warcraft.

The sad thing is the things on the original list....they are more possible than those on the new list. but just for you here's a bucket list:
1: live
2: laugh
3: love
4: Find a way more productive for making a difference in the world than posting silly blogs on the internet.
5: Die:mrgreen:

BTW, I would love to do all the thing on the second list....its just not gonna happen~shrugs~ So go make you a list to giggle about today ;)

Jeez!!!:shock: I took it as I read it. That you were joking! So I gave a lighthearted reply that you misconstrued to be something else. My apologies.
Not having body language or being able to see context in expressions except by the written word does that sometimes. All we can rely on is smilies I guess. So...so sorry you took what I said as something negative when it was not intended to be that way.
Enola;bt1079 said:
Jeez!!!:shock: I took it as I read it. That you were joking! So I gave a lighthearted reply that you misconstrued to be something else. My apologies.
Not having body language or being able to see context in expressions except by the written word does that sometimes. All we can rely on is smileys I guess. So...so sorry you took what I said as something negative when it was not intended to be that way.

Well then the apologies must go both ways, since it seems I was the first to misunderstand. I saw some of your other posts on others threads, and was beginning to wonder if I was wrong, you weren't seeming like the one line forum stalkers who just look for angry things to say about people. so once again, I too am sorry.
No problem. :)

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