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Amnesty Backs Down Off "Gulag" Claim (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 21, 2005
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New York, NY
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative

Apparently they realized their unsubstantiated allegation was making them look more foolish by the day.

Despite highly publicized charges of U.S. mistreatment of prisoners at Guantanamo, the head of the Amnesty International USA said on Sunday the group doesn't "know for sure" that the military is running a "gulag."

If they don't know, why did they say it? Oh, that's right, to be political.
"It would be fascinating to find out. I have no idea," Schulz told "Fox News Sunday."

Yet you saw fit to libel the US military even though you had no idea.

Just another example of how liberals will lie through their teeth to make any and all conservatives look bad. Then, they they are called on it, they will claim that it was an honest mistake.

Yeah, right!
ludahai said:
Just another example of how liberals will lie through their teeth to make any and all conservatives look bad. Then, they they are called on it, they will claim that it was an honest mistake.

Yeah, right!

I don't know about all that but most of these guys were captured on the battlefield firing at US troops with AK47s and worse.

The prisoners are operating straight out of the Osama handbook in an effort to create and expand divisions among Americans. It is kind of a weird feeling to be both proud and annoyed at the same time to witness the rallying liberals come to the aid of these people dedicated to destroying us as a country on unsubstantiated rumors. This kind of reminds me of a Newsweek story that hit the stands a few weeks ago where several people worked themselves into a frenzy and killed each other over a rumor.

A directive lists one mission as "spreading rumors and writing statements that instigate people against the enemy."
If captured, the manual states, "At the beginning of the trial ... the brothers must insist on proving that torture was inflicted on them by state security before the judge. Complain of mistreatment while in prison."
The handbook instructs commanders to make sure operatives, or "brothers," understand what to say if captured.
"Prior to executing an operation, the commander should instruct his soldiers on what to say if they are captured," the document says. "He should explain that more than once in order to ensure that they have assimilated it. They should, in turn, explain it back to the commander."

Amnesty concedes no hard evidence
The head of Amnesty International's American branch yesterday acknowledged that he "doesn't know for sure" what is going on at Guantanamo Bay .

---Whatever. Nothing new here. Next week there will be something else to complain/protest about. Do these guys have jobs? I often get the feeling their job IS to complain and protest. i.e. that leftist hack Krugman.

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