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Americans rank Barack Obama as best president of their lifetimes: Poll (1 Viewer)

Bush is the worst. Undeniable fact. His handling of 9-11 was piss poor. First of all he let it happen and then didn't kill the guy who did it.

He "let" 9/11 happen?

The primary hijackers came into the US under Clinton. They prepared under Clinton. They trained under Clinton.

The Clinton administration passed a vague warning that OBL intended to strike America with no who, how or when attached.

Please share... How should Bush have prevented 9/11?
He "let" 9/11 happen?

The primary hijackers came into the US under Clinton. They prepared under Clinton. They trained under Clinton.

The Clinton administration passed a vague warning that OBL intended to strike America with no who, how or when attached.

Please share... How should Bush have prevented 9/11?

Mr. Bush "let" the WTC/Pentagon mass murders happen in exactly the same way that Mr. Roosevelt "let" the attack on Pearl Harbour happen.

That is to say that any conclusion that Mr. Bush actually did anything that resulted in the WTC/Pentagon mass murders happen is total crap.

It's equally crap to reach any conclusion that Mr. Clinton actually did anything that resulted in the WTC/Pentagon mass murders happen.

What DID happen is that Osam bin Laden "gamed the system" and that "system" had existed a long time prior to Mr. Clinton getting elected.
Mr. Bush "let" the WTC/Pentagon mass murders happen in exactly the same way that Mr. Roosevelt "let" the attack on Pearl Harbour happen.

That is to say that any conclusion that Mr. Bush actually did anything that resulted in the WTC/Pentagon mass murders happen is total crap.

It's equally crap to reach any conclusion that Mr. Clinton actually did anything that resulted in the WTC/Pentagon mass murders happen.

What DID happen is that Osam bin Laden "gamed the system" and that "system" had existed a long time prior to Mr. Clinton getting elected.

I agree with all you have stated.

Neither Clinton nor Bush "allowed" 9/11 to happen. Only with 20/20 hindsight can one trace the breadcrumbs that led to the attacks.

Sadly there was a potential to possibly stop 9/11 but it was squandered due FBI not allowing a search of a laptop belonging to Zacharias Moussaoui due to FISA regulations.
you must have been born after 08 then because you don't remember how bad bush was.

Born in 62.....and yes Bush is not at the top of my list either....but Obama was worse in my opinion
Only a silly busybody would care...

Then that would have been all the "moral" right who attacked Clinton for a blowjob. Now they don't care if their guy cheats on multiple wives, lies constantly, walks in on underage teens naked in his pageants or has the morality of scumbag like Trump. You must be so proud to support Trump who is all of those things.
Obama and carter were good presidents. Bush was the worst.

And both had obstructionist Congress's blocking anything they tried to do.

Imagine the good things they would have accomplished with cooperation...
Born in 62.....and yes Bush is not at the top of my list either....but Obama was worse in my opinion

In what way?

What do you consider the disasters that Obama supposedly caused???
I would have a choice of Clinton, Bush, or Obama. Makes sense.
Two points:

  1. The poll is over one year old, so it's hardly "breaking news" today; and
  2. if you had actually read the polling data to see how the poll was conducted you wouldn't be making such a silly statement.

Ah - so 2nd graders weighed in too?

People DO like juice and cookies...
Then that would have been all the "moral" right who attacked Clinton for a blowjob. Now they don't care if their guy cheats on multiple wives, lies constantly, walks in on underage teens naked in his pageants or has the morality of scumbag like Trump. You must be so proud to support Trump who is all of those things.

I didn't.
I didn't think he should be impeached either.
In other words church going Christians...

Is that who is attacking Trump for his cheating ways and locker room babbling?

I'll leave you to your delusions....
Is that who is attacking Trump for his cheating ways and locker room babbling?

I'll leave you to your delusions....

It is not who is attacking him but it should be, that is the point, sorry you missed it...
It is not who is attacking him but it should be, that is the point, sorry you missed it...

I don't believe the above is what you originally meant...

Nice try at back-pedal though. ;)

Post #361
In what way?

What do you consider the disasters that Obama supposedly caused???

The thing I disliked the most was having government health care rammed down our throats......I wish the government would **** off and stay out of health care!!!!

Obama was also an idiot with the economy.....it literally limped along and any economic growth we had was in spite of him...not because of him!!!!

Things he did right??? Well....he deported more illegal aliens faster then Trump...so that was good!
He had no compunctions against using armed drones to take out terrorists in the middle east...that was good too!
You can not dumb down what is already utterly stupid.

See? You get it. I had to goose you along a little bit but you've come to the same conclusion that even the simple minded understand -- Obama was ****ing horrible.
From ABC News

Americans rank Barack Obama as best president of their lifetimes: Poll

A new Pew Research Center poll says more Americans rank former President Barack Obama higher than any other when asked which president has done the best job in their lifetimes.

Obama was named the best or second best president by 44 percent of Americans in the survey that came out Wednesday. Thirty-one percent ranked him as the best president in their lifetimes.

President Donald Trump comes in fourth after President Bill Clinton and President Ronald Reagan, with 19 percent of Americans ranking him as the best or second best in their lifetimes.

While 19 percent might seem low, 20 percent of Americans ranked Obama as the best or second best president in 2011, at a similar point in his first term and the last time Pew conducted this poll.


Naturally, since the pollsters didn't ask every single American (especially you) what there opinion was the results are completely invalid.


PS - An interesting analysis of the data has suggested that the increase in Mr. Trump's popularity amongst Republicans could potentially be due to the fact that Republicans who formerly supported Mr. Trump and who no longer do so are not "self-identifying" as Republicans right now.

How that would work is:

  1. Assume that there are 200 people 50% of whom "self-identify" as "X" and of those 100 60 support "Y". That means that "Y" has the support of 60% of those who "self-identify" as "X".
  2. Now assume that there are 200 people 40% of whom "self-identify" as "X" and of those 80 60 support "Y". That means that "Y" has the support of 75% of those who "self-identify" as "X".
  3. That means that the support for "Y" amongst those who "self-identify" as "X" has increased - even though there has been no actual change in the support for "Y" when you consider the entire 200 people.

In other articles Mr. Trump is loudly proclaiming that his support amongst Republicans is the highest that any President has ever had (aside from the fact that that simply isn't true) the question is "Is Mr. Trump merely the same sized frog in a smaller pond?".

PPS - The linked poll has some reasonably interesting demographic breakdowns of the data for those who are interested in doing more than skimming the surface.

So this poll was taken where? What group of people formed the poll? Way too many questions to consider this valid.
Everybody who reads your posts gets it, they are nothing but ignorant partisan crap.

Yes, yes, of course, of course.....if you're not assimilate to the Unthinking Left's groupthink, then you're a partisan, of course....:roll:

Good Lord Almighty, the things people come up with....:lamo
Jimmy Carter.
Though he was at least more honest than Obama.
Obama was not a good man or a good president. Carter was a lousy president but a good man.

eta: Clinton was a good president but a bad man, but of course, all of the above is just my opinion.

Why do you claim Obama ' was not a good man' ?
Jimmy Carter.
Though he was at least more honest than Obama.
Obama was not a good man or a good president. Carter was a lousy president but a good man.

eta: Clinton was a good president but a bad man, but of course, all of the above is just my opinion.

Obama impresses me less and less as the years go by, but while I have plenty of criticism of him, I don't know that I'd say he was not a good man. (Though no one can match the incredibly high bar for decency that Carter set.)

As lifetimes may vary, I go by the 75 year rule.

Best of the last 75 by chronology:

Ike (possibly the best EVER)
Obama (but VERY distant from the 3 above)

Worst of the last 75 by chronology:

Truman (one of the worst ever)
Johnson (one of the worst ever)
Nixon (one of the worst ever)
Bush II (one of the worst ever)

Somewhere in the middle by chronology:

Bush I

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