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Americans, do you sometimes wish the British had won the Independence War ? (1 Viewer)


  • Yes, a British-ruled USBA is what I would have preferred/still prefer.

    Votes: 5 9.4%
  • No, an independent USA with all its terrible flaws is still preferable

    Votes: 48 90.6%

  • Total voters
we have been around for a little over 200, yet you depend on us for everything fror.your national security on up.

Thats simply not anything resembling truth.

The only true part: England been doing pretty well for 1200 years as you said.
USA falling apart at the seems after 250 years, a shithole of violence where the average man struggles to afford healthcare. Yeahhhhhhh.

Einstein said we should have Socialism. Its worth a shot imo.
Did you know that Hitler wasnt German- he was in fact an Austrian.

(yeah I know, I Godwined the thread, but then again its a stupid thread, so no worries)
It’s funny to me how some of you far-right Republican types are lashing out against me for describing a scenario (!) in which the British are still in command of North America … but at the same time you had no problem with Trump trying to turn the US into a Russian puppet state for 4 years !


They'd see the US turned into a Reality TeeVee Nayshun. Hell its already happened.
EMBARRASSING. I dont care for it Tender.
not only are you lying, that is beyond reprehensible
You said so, remember? A mugging or some "I had to" situatiation? Like Kyle? Or Zimmy?
I think the USBA would be a better-organized, fairer country these days under British rule, with strict gun control and a working healthcare system. Much fewer crime as well.
No thanks.

Siphoning the wealth of a freedom-loving people is something the British constantly failed at. They were left with siphoning the wealth from their own weak-willed people.
You said so, remember? A mugging or some "I had to" situatiation? Like Kyle? Or Zimmy?
Don't make scurrilous accusations that you cannot support. again you are lying
The British bureaucracy is quite effective.

It would have established a working healthcare system for example and reduced poverty and racism.

Wasn't South Africa a British colony? How was Britain supposed to have handled racism better when it was under the British that Apartheid bloomed?
Thats simply not anything resembling truth.

The only true part: England been doing pretty well for 1200 years as you said.
USA falling apart at the seems after 250 years, a shithole of violence where the average man struggles to afford healthcare. Yeahhhhhhh.

Einstein said we should have Socialism. Its worth a shot imo.
It is absolutely the truth. You claiming it isn't doesn't change anything.

Sorry for your luck.

Don't get me wrong, I love England and the English. Many friends there and I visit whenever I can. But facts are facts.
I give a shit though. Reasonable people give a shit.
Its just not a great world view, imo, to hold free and easy access to firearms as the end all beat all to society. Ewwww. Now sure theres going to be some guns and some hunters and so forth. But the creepy OBSESSION with firearms in the USA.
Ewwwwww. Like its a great idea for some moron kid like Rittenhouse for instance with an 80 IQ and no training whatsoever go out and buy a deadly firearm over the counter like gumballs, and then stick it in his belt and go around armed against "tyranny" and "bad guys".
BWAHAHAHAHAHHAA. Thats an idiotic public safety policy to the extreme IMO.
You wouldn't think you'd actually have to say this....but ya do.:LOL:
Rittenhouse doesn’t have an 80 IQ.

You can tell he’s articulate, quick thinking, seems to have high self restraint.

None of this is consistent with low IQ
Don't make scurrilous accusations that you cannot support. again you are lying
Ok then. Must be my memory "lawyer". Please accept my sincerest apology. Keep your friends close, and your guns closer.
Wasn't South Africa a British colony? How was Britain supposed to have handled racism better when it was under the British that Apartheid bloomed?
Apartheid came after the British wanted to begin decolonizing. The Dominion of South Africa government (correctly) realized majority rule democracy would lead to the destruction of the society.
Rittenhouse doesn’t have an 80 IQ.

You can tell he’s articulate, quick thinking, seems to have high self restraint.

None of this is consistent with low IQ
We all know he's the next great white vigilante hope, enough horseshit. Prancing about in the streets, during social unrest, underaged, with an illegally gotten AR. Killing.

Picture him a middle eastern kid in a nation we're occupying militarily. As we do.

It's the same thing.


And you approve of the former.

I beg your pardon, there are precious few people in the US that are qualified and with the intelligence and temperament to carry guns around everywhere. Plus: reasonable adults dont want to live like that. IMO. We dont want to have rolling shootouts on the freeways and slaughtered schools all so every moron with a pulse can carry guns around everywhere.

No, I disagree with Tender pretty often but he's correct here IMO. The US would be better off back under European rule IMO.

Maximilien Robespierre, Karl Marx, Joseph Stalin, Francisco Franco, Schicklgruber, Mussolini, Tito, ....

It's kind of ironic that by itself Europe sprouted all those fine fellows. Europe became decent and liveable thanks to pax americana. Europe is better off under American rule. The day the US withdraws from Europe will be when the fun starts.
Wasn't South Africa a British colony? How was Britain supposed to have handled racism better when it was under the British that Apartheid bloomed?

I am not saying that the development of the actual independent US and the hypothetical British USBA would have been radically different.

But I guess at some point, the British government would have meant progressive changes in the US as well, such as implementing the NHS in the USBA. Like at home.
Apartheid came after the British wanted to begin decolonizing. The Dominion of South Africa government (correctly) realized majority rule democracy would lead to the destruction of the society.
Cain't let them black folk or darkies run thangs. Same here now, yeah?
Now that I have gotten over the sacrilegious suggestion:) I believe I have a few questions, or questions begin to pop up.

How does Her Britannic Majesty's America fit in as far as representation at Westminster goes? It seems to me like for your suggestion to work Americans will send no representatives to Parliament, and a purely English Parliament sets laws that govern America. That will be the ole "no taxation without representation" all over again.

Or Her Britannic Majesty's America is fully represented in Parliament. But in that case, just from sheer numbers, it seems to me like it will be the US modeling England and not vice versa.
I mean the greater likliehood is that the country that is presently the US wouldn’t exist, we would see several countries in the territory, first off without the successful American revolution example it’s doubtful Latin America fully separates from Spain, but the previously Hispanic territory like Florida and the Mexican cession doesn’t occur. So some kind of Hispanic government there, then areas accessible to Britian like oregon, the Midwest etc eventually get settled and likely what happens is by the end of the 19th century the British territory is split between several dominions each obliged to Britain by treaty, having their own parliaments, and the monarch is represented by a Governor General. Just like in Canada or Bahamas or Australia.
Maximilien Robespierre, Karl Marx, Joseph Stalin, Francisco Franco, Schicklgruber, Mussolini, Tito, ....

It's kind of ironic that by itself Europe sprouted all those fine fellows. Europe became decent and liveable thanks to pax americana. Europe is better off under American rule. The day the US withdraws from Europe will be when the fun starts.
The psychobabble of every empire over time.
I guess I look at it this way. How many people want to immigrate to the US vs how many people want to immigrate to Britain. That statistic alone shows which country is better. To take it a step farther. Over 8 million people have immigrated from Britain to the US, only a hand full have gone the other way.

It is pretty easy to see which country is more appealing.
I mean the greater likliehood is that the country that is presently the US wouldn’t exist, we would see several countries in the territory, first off without the successful American revolution example it’s doubtful Latin America fully separates from Spain, but the previously Hispanic territory like Florida and the Mexican cession doesn’t occur. So some kind of Hispanic government there, then areas accessible to Britian like oregon, the Midwest etc eventually get settled and likely what happens is by the end of the 19th century the British territory is split between several dominions each obliged to Britain by treaty, having their own parliaments, and the monarch is represented by a Governor General. Just like in Canada or Bahamas or Australia.
Yeah. Because Haiti needed a white example?
I am not saying that the development of the actual independent US and the hypothetical British USBA would have been radically different.

But I guess at some point, the British government would have meant progressive changes in the US as well, such as implementing the NHS in the USBA. Like at home.
The British never implemented anything like NHS outside of the British Isles and some overseas territories. By the time they unwisely implemented socialized medicine all of the major British dominions were already fully independent
It’s funny to me how some of you far-right Republican types are lashing out against me for describing a scenario (!) in which the British are still in command of North America … but at the same time you had no problem with Trump trying to turn the US into a Russian puppet state for 4 years !

Its funny that you think this is lashing out at you. Its also HILARIOUS watching how easily you dance like a puppet and regurgitate the idiotic Russia rhetoric. Obama didnt turn us over to Russia. Trump didnt turn us over to Russia. Biden isnt going to turn us over to Russia. Holy shit...its like you people dont even know how easily you are manipulated. In 2012, there was a coordinated media and political attack against Romney because he called Russia our number one geopolitical foe. 4 years later, the script was flipped 180....Trump....Russia...and you people gobbled it down like candy.

Yeah. Because Haiti needed a white example?
Haiti wasn’t mentioned, but you’re right, Haiti didn’t need a white example to engage in the first modern racial genocide and also re-enslave previously emancipated slaves

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