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AMERICA in the END TIMES (2 Viewers)

You don't know that. People are not supposed to use GoFundMe just for personal income unless they are facing a dire financial crisis. Crystal is taking advantage of that in order to do so.

"We see people use GoFundMe to raise money for themselves, friends and family, or even complete strangers in random acts of kindness. People raise money for just about everything, including medical expenses, education costs, volunteer programs, youth sports, funerals & memorials, and even animals & pets."

Here is Crystal's plea:

Hello family it’s Crystal Love4Jesus and God put it on my heart to create this fundraiser and name it specifically operation equipping the Saints.

I’ve had many people comment on my posts with my new designs that they wish they had the funds to purchase and have a beautiful shirt like this so that they can witness to people and shine their light for Jesus.

That is exactly what is on God’s mind as well and he hears those people who have a heart to please God and lift up his name. He doesn’t want money to be an issue for anyone who wants to proclaim his name!

I’ve never done anything like this before and I take this very seriously I’ve consulted God about this and he gave me very strong confirmations that he wants this to be done. So I must be obedient and do as he says.

This fundraiser really has no limit because the more that is raised the more shirts that can go out to all of our brothers and sisters in Christ who are financially limited. But with $7,000 I can give out roughly 250+ shirts ,hoodies or hats depending on what people choose that they want.

My plan of action is to respond to those who mentioned they don’t have the funds and send them a product of their choice. As well as allow our brothers and sisters to email me to request a free shirt of their choice.

I love you all and I thank you so much for your help and support in the Lords work! I pray that we can reach this goal and even beyond what we could possibly imagine!

The Lord is coming soon and there is not much time left. He gave me this message in urgency to not wait or waste anymore time! do the fundraiser and distribute to the saints before time runs out!

In other words, she is raising money in order to buy THE T-SHIRTS THAT SHE SELLS! Who is getting the money from the GoFundMe? CRYSTAL IS! She is raising money for HERSELF! And amazingly, there are some ignorant rubes falling for this "End TImes" scam! The homeless must really need her t-shirts badly!

" I’ve consulted God about this and he gave me very strong confirmations that he wants this to be done. So I must be obedient and do as he says." Does anybody actually believe this hokey sh*t?????
These sorts are always ready with the grift.
He said he'd come back "in this generation" He's been delayed somewhat.

he's not delayed.

he is waiting for the last one to receive Salvation and then we gone.

it could be you Manc, what are you waiting for? another Eclipse?

still more blessings in May. ❣️
I think, this is the reason why America isn't mentioned in the End Times.

If the Anti-Christ will be a GLOBAL ruler - meaning, there will be a one-world government -

USA will have to fall before that could happen.

What about Julie Green, she claims to converse with a god, what do you think of her “ministry?”

What did she say, EXACTLY?

What do you mean by, "converse?"
How do you imagine that "conversation," goes?
Like someone coming by for tea? :)

Do you have any proof that she doesn't?
Why is her claim, an issue?
I can say for myself that I "converse" with GOD.
Through prayers.....I ask questions...............

Christians know that GOD can communicate with people.............and He does. In various ways.
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What about Julie Green, she claims to converse with a god, what do you think of her “ministry?”

don't know. what do you like?

i just happened on Crystal, she seems to be very Devout and a sweet personality.

if you are an Atheist, she has a lovely Testimony and a Life a cut above most of us. YOU CAN FIND MY TESTIMONY HERE! • ATHEIST TO JESUS | MY TESTIMONY
I think, this is the reason why America isn't mentioned in the End Times.

If the Anti-Christ will be a GLOBAL ruler - meaning, there will be a one-world government -

USA will have to fall before that could happen.

Myth and superstition.
don't know. what do you like?

i just happened on Crystal, she seems to be very Devout and a sweet personality.

if you are an Atheist, she has a lovely Testimony and a Life a cut above most of us. YOU CAN FIND MY TESTIMONY HERE! • ATHEIST TO JESUS | MY TESTIMONY

Losing Faith In Faith: From Preacher To Atheist.
After 19 years of evangelical preaching, missionizing, evangelism and Christian songwriting, Dan Barker “threw out the bathwater and discovered there is no baby there.” Barker describes the intellectual and psychological struggle required to move from fundamentalism to freethought.
Losing Faith In Faith: From Preacher To Atheist.
After 19 years of evangelical preaching, missionizing, evangelism and Christian songwriting, Dan Barker “threw out the bathwater and discovered there is no baby there.” Barker describes the intellectual and psychological struggle required to move from fundamentalism to freethought.

no page there. did he describe the end of his life when he ended up in the hottest part of the Toaster?

should have read Cartoon man for more info, he always seems kinda daft to me....

We can find our own news.

you never do though.

you prolly will vote for orange or blue criminal and then ask why it is all happening. groan.

you could get your own Cartoons too, but prolly don't.
No devil. We don’t buy in to your fantasies.

you don't have to. he has gotten you fooled at that silly web site.

Crystal can help you today, and you can get modest T-shirts for a good cause.
'If' the above positive assertion is true,

of course it's true, i care about yur soul.

the above is not possible without the "devil's" Creator allowing it to be so "run". - Correct? -

he wants you to have choice and to see if you will use discernment in dividing truth from error.

Crystal found truth and so can you. see you at bible church this sunday, lots of seats available. cry at the end, and get Free. you'll see.

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