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AMERICA in the END TIMES (4 Viewers)

What makes revelation's end time predictions so disturbing is he wants it to happen ..his way of getting back at non-believers who will die.

huh? gbois, did you run out of false ideas this early in the morning?

God is your Judge, not me. you are upset with those who throw Life Preservers at you in the End Times?

Wrapping your head around some of these religious fanatics is an exercise into lunacy.

gbois is the broken clock because he is right at least twice a day...to them that perish foolishness. thank you

1 Corinthians 1:18, which states, "For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God"
What makes revelation's end time predictions so disturbing is he wants it to happen ..his way of getting back at non-believers who will die.

Wrapping your head around some of these religious fanatics is an exercise into lunacy.
Its the usual zealot end times porn, some seriously messed up fringe shit.
Imagine sitting in a circle with like minded, discussing day after day when the world will come to an end.

Not for us though, we're special, we're saved, we're gods sheep.

Now its April 8th, what a crock of do do.
Its moronic zealotry aimed at rubes.

You go and have fun with your disaster porn.

thanks Beef. fake news right; are you a 'trumpset' now?

if only huh?

You go and have fun with your disaster porn.

history and current Events are now 'disaster porn'. !!!
i trust her.

More excuses. You still don’t have any evidence whatsoever that there is any sort of financial oversight or that she is not just running a Trumpian scheme to enrich herself. Isn’t GoFundMe supposed to be used for those in some sort of dire financial situation? Why is she selling T-shirts there? It’s a scam.
Jesus said in John 14 he is preparing Mansions for us. is Jesus right? or are they just run down cabins? God gives most of us a will to live and Serve him with out strength and brains like Crystal does. LOL, gold has value in heaven? for what, do you have to Pay Rent in heaven........something is 'not quite right' with your post NotQuite.

then why would God pave the streets with Gold? maybe God likes gold on the street or he likes the color. Orange guy likes it cause he rich and knows how to invest in commodities. the rest of you can buy Bitcoin and paint your house with that. “And the twelve gates were twelve pearls; every several gate was of one pearl: and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass.” Revelation 21:21 Not Quite, better tell God to dig up those Streets of Gold on Gold Street. you prefer asphalt to drive your Mustang on.

Did Jesus say that??? Why would our spirits need mansions or cabins??? Something not quite right there....

Seems the 'faithful' want so badly for GAWD to be human, why would he like a color??? build a house for souls??? The pagans claimed their gods had favorite colors, but this one as well???

tRump gilding everything he owns with gold isn't investing, it's putting on a front. Yes, he would love his followers to buy NFTs and bitcoins, buy his worthless media stock and donate to him to pay his bills.

Again you want human desires to be GAWD's as well... Mustang in heaven? Driving when we are supposed to have wings??? I'd much rather fly than drive.

On this will to live crap. Our bodies are like any other creature- grass have a will to live just like our bodies. But we have minds and supposedly faith. Still the 'faithful' demand all manner of intervention to prolong life on earth rather than eagerly go see those pearls (GAWD really has a thing for earthly symbols of wealth????)
the End Times?

No End Times. Get over it.

Imagine sitting in a circle with like minded, discussing day after day when the world will come to an end.

The good news is that the very great majority of moderate Christians are not members of this extremist End Times cult. It just so happens that a couple of them have shown up in this forum to exhibit what a crazy bunch that they are.
More excuses. You still don’t have any evidence whatsoever that there is any sort of financial oversight or that she is not just running a Trumpian scheme to enrich herself. Isn’t GoFundMe supposed to be used for those in some sort of dire financial situation?

Why is she selling T-shirts there? It’s a scam.

Selling T-shirts on YouTube is a scam?

reaching again watsup? you just can't resist her T-shirts huh?

thats a good sign you are resisting the devil's Atheist Scam and coming to God. i like that.

so i asked Co-pilot about T-shirt scams....

Selling t-shirts on YouTube can be a legitimate business opportunity, but it’s essential to approach it wisely. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Print-on-Demand Platforms: Many creators use print-on-demand services like Teespring or Redbubble to design and sell custom t-shirts. These platforms handle production, shipping, and customer service, allowing creators to focus on marketing and design12.
  2. Quality and Design: Ensure that your t-shirt designs are high-quality and resonate with your audience. Consider hiring a designer or using templates to create appealing designs3.
  3. Niche Selection: Choose a niche that aligns with your content and audience. Niches allow customers to express their interests, making them more likely to purchase your t-shirts4.
  4. Pricing: Price your t-shirts reasonably. Avoid setting prices too high or too low. Research the market and find a balance that attracts buyers while maintaining profitability4.
  5. Trademark Considerations: Check if the slogans or phrases you want to use are trademarked. Avoid infringing on existing trademarks4.
  6. Mockups and Promotion: Use tools like Placeit to create mockups and lifestyle photos of your t-shirts. Promote your merchandise within your videos and on social media34.
  7. Testing: Before scaling up, test your t-shirt designs using low-cost advertising methods like Pinterest or Instagram4. https://www.bing.com/search?form=MO...+scam+to+sell+t-shirts+on+YouTube?&showconv=1
On this will to live crap. Our bodies are like any other creature- grass have a will to live just like our bodies. But we have minds and supposedly faith. Still the 'faithful' demand all manner of intervention to prolong life on earth rather than eagerly go see those pearls (GAWD really has a thing for earthly symbols of wealth????)
Ain't that the truth, a Capitalist heaven.
Again you want human desires to be GAWD's as well... Mustang in heaven? Driving when we are supposed to have wings??? I'd much rather fly than drive.

On this will to live crap. Our bodies are like any other creature- grass have a will to live just like our bodies. But we have minds and supposedly faith.

Still the 'faithful' demand all manner of intervention to prolong life on earth

thanks Not Quite, good handle fits you

you are a bit Radical in outlook, which i can deal with.

apparently no Medical, Doctors or hospitals in your world. how will that look when you get done as Dictator?

Jesus talked about the Good Samaritan that helped a man beaten up along side the road when the holy people/Priests did not help him.

he said it was God's work to help the Suffering.

so i guess you got it wrong again.

rather than eagerly go see those pearls (GAWD really has a thing for earthly symbols of wealth????)

we will get to Gold Street rather soon says the Sweet Crystal, what is the hurry?

Ain't that the truth, a Capitalist heaven.


how do you figure? everything paid for and Jesus built the Manisons.

free of charge gbois.

dare i say a Socialist heaven?

dare i encourage you to watch what Crystal has to say MY RAPTURE DREAMS2018 - • My Extremely detailed Rapture Dream!!...
Selling T-shirts on YouTube is a scam?

reaching again watsup? you just can't resist her T-shirts huh?

thats a good sign you are resisting the devil's Atheist Scam and coming to God. i like that.

so i asked Co-pilot about T-shirt scams....

Selling t-shirts on YouTube can be a legitimate business opportunity, but it’s essential to approach it wisely. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Print-on-Demand Platforms: Many creators use print-on-demand services like Teespring or Redbubble to design and sell custom t-shirts. These platforms handle production, shipping, and customer service, allowing creators to focus on marketing and design12.
  2. Quality and Design: Ensure that your t-shirt designs are high-quality and resonate with your audience. Consider hiring a designer or using templates to create appealing designs3.
  3. Niche Selection: Choose a niche that aligns with your content and audience. Niches allow customers to express their interests, making them more likely to purchase your t-shirts4.
  4. Pricing: Price your t-shirts reasonably. Avoid setting prices too high or too low. Research the market and find a balance that attracts buyers while maintaining profitability4.
  5. Trademark Considerations: Check if the slogans or phrases you want to use are trademarked. Avoid infringing on existing trademarks4.
  6. Mockups and Promotion: Use tools like Placeit to create mockups and lifestyle photos of your t-shirts. Promote your merchandise within your videos and on social media34.
  7. Testing: Before scaling up, test your t-shirt designs using low-cost advertising methods like Pinterest or Instagram4. https://www.bing.com/search?form=MOZSBR&pc=MOZI&q=is+it+a+scam+to+sell+t-shirts+on+YouTube?&showconv=1


very unflattering picture you pulled from the video.

i will help you fix that.........

Crystal 4 small.jpg

@Tvgirlfan86529 3 years ago
There is tears running down my face, an Ex Athiest talking like this about God is just amazing Thank u Lord Jesus 🙏
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very unflattering picture you pulled from the video.
Wut? It's her homepage. I didn't design her homepage. She's butt ugly. That's not my fault either.

It's a scam. The first thing she does is beg for money. HELP ME!!!! SEND ME YOUR CASH!!!!

She's a fraud.

i will help you fix that.........

View attachment 67511528
Butt ugly.

Reno Aces head groundskeeper Leah Withrow. Hottest groundskeeper in sports. Needless to say. Lol.


She's won awards for her work. Greater Nevada Field was named the 2022 Professional Baseball Field of the Year.

Women have made great strides despite patriarchal Christianity.

Amazing woman.

...and very very easy on the eyes.

Sorry. Crsytal is just not my type.
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Wut? It's her homepage. I didn't design her homepage. She's butt ugly. That's not my fault either.

you fit this page Mike, America in the end times.

thank you for another Clueless response to what i am trying to Expound on.

It's a scam. The first thing she does is beg for money. HELP ME!!!! SEND ME YOUR CASH!!!!

She's a fraud.

Butt ugly.

Reno Aces head groundskeeper Leah Withrow. Hottest groundskeeper in sports. Needless to say. Lol.

She's won awards for her work. Greater Nevada Field was named the 2022 Professional Baseball Field of the Year.
https://www.milb.com/reno/news/grea...e Sports Field Management Association (SFMA).
Women have made great strides despite patriarchal Christianity.

ok Mike, so you don't know what a woman is. and you don't think that Crystal is much cause it is about 'hot' if i catch your drift.

or maybe i don't understand your thought pattern.

well catch Taylor as she blows your Myths out of the water...

Sorry. Crsytal is just not my type.

here is a comment from Taylor's video, he gets it...

@joelcampbell7100 19 hours ago
Christian women who dress modestly display an inner beauty that doesn’t come across in women who display their body as a harlot. Your an inspiration to young women who watch this channel. My small Baptist church has huge families. One family has ten children (9 boys and 1 girl), a family of 9, two families of 7, one of six. I’m tied for last with twins.
Almost all are home schooled. But these women are mothers I remember growing up. Thank you Taylor, love how you tackle tough topics !! God Bless you !! 🙏🏻✝️❤️
i fit my couch just fine right now, thanks

this page Mike, America in the end times.

thank you for another Clueless response to what i am trying to Expound on.
no problem. keep posting crystal. keep drooling over her. and i'll keep finding local women, actually attractive women, who do so much more for humanity than your ugly scamming crush.

https://www.milb.com/reno/news/greater-nevada-field-named-sports-field-management-association-s-field-of-the-ye#:~:text=The Reno Aces continue to earn national honors,Year by the Sports Field Management Association (SFMA).

ok Mike, so you don't know what a woman is. and you don't think that Crystal is much cause it is about 'hot' if i catch your drift.

or maybe i don't understand your thought pattern.

well catch Taylor as she blows your Myths out of the water...

here is a comment from Taylor's video, he gets it...

@joelcampbell7100 19 hours ago
Christian women who dress modestly display an inner beauty that doesn’t come across in women who display their body as a harlot. Your an inspiration to young women who watch this channel. My small Baptist church has huge families. One family has ten children (9 boys and 1 girl), a family of 9, two families of 7, one of six. I’m tied for last with twins.
Almost all are home schooled. But these women are mothers I remember growing up. Thank you Taylor, love how you tackle tough topics !! God Bless you !! 🙏🏻✝️❤️


more scam artists. don't be so gullible. look for real people.

You want a saintly human being? Here you go. May she rest in peace. Evelyn Mount did more for humanity in her sleep than Crystal could ever dream of. No internet. No YouTube. No selling of clothing. Just selfless love.

There's a YouTube for ya.
i fit my couch just fine right now, thanks

no problem. keep posting crystal. keep drooling over her.

Crystal isn't for drools, not that type that you like. i get that.

Crystal is there for April 8 and the End Times, kinda what this thread is about. go ahead and note that, cause you seem to get distracted.

or if you still unsure, i found another christian woman to set you straight https://www.youtube.com/@thebiblechick

the two are different of course, but play the same tune.

and i'll keep finding local women, actually attractive women, who do so much more for humanity than your ugly scamming crush.

attractive doesn't cut it, Mike listen to the message; hear the Dreams and Visions before the Rapture and the apocalypse hit.

now do you get it.

beauty contests don't cut it, Crystal does.

my videos you could listen to with Blind Folds and still know the difference. your stuff it blather continuously, with no meaning to it.


Crystal isn't for drools, not that type that you like. i get that.

Crystal is there for April 8 and the End Times, kinda what this thread is about. go ahead and note that, cause you seem to get distracted.

or if you still unsure, i found another christian woman to set you straight https://www.youtube.com/@thebiblechick

the two are different of course, but play the same tune.

attractive doesn't cut it, Mike listen to the message; hear the Dreams and Visions before the Rapture and the apocalypse hit.

now do you get it.

beauty contests don't cut it, Crystal does.

my videos you could listen to with Blind Folds and still know the difference. your stuff it blather continuously, with no meaning to it.

crystal is a scam artist.

Evelyn Mount was a saint. Get your priorities straight.

(That Rebecca Kitchen is a looker too.)


Ain't that the truth, a Capitalist heaven.
LMAO!!!!! Yeah, GAWD is a good capitalist, or a secret tRumper. Show off wealth with meaningless pretensions of excess.... :rolleyes:
But I'll get my comeuppance with the next eclipse, comet, rapture in the park.... ✌️

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