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All The Rage In Japan: Light-Up LED Teeth (1 Viewer)

The Giant Noodle

DP Veteran
Mar 22, 2010
Reaction score
Northern Illinois
Political Leaning

All the rage in the GW is enough to destroy half a continent.

LED teeth attachments: they glow when you smile and can change colors. Plus they make an electric "buzz" whenever they light up. Alternatively, chew on a glowstick. Which I've actually done before when I was rolling (OFL, silly!) and ended up drinking. SPOILER: the green ones DO NOT contain superpowers.
The new fashion accessories were originally created as an experiment by two Japanese designers and are now being used in a commercial advertising a winter sale at a Japanese clothing store, Laforet Harajuku. They are quickly becoming a sought after accessory.
The LED smiles can easily be affixed to your teeth and glow different colors while you smile. The colors can be changed wirelessly through a computer interface.
Mr. Ishibashi and Daito Manabe, the other designer and technologist on the project, are offering workshops in Japan showing people how to build their own LED smiles.
So, let me get a head-count -- how many of you would wear LED teeth? Zero, really? Well congratulations on not disappointing me for once.

VIDEO: http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/01/21/new-japanese-fashion-l-e-d-lights-for-your-teeth/
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You do know that they are all the rage here in the states as well?

If you'd didn't know that I guess you don't get out that much do you? :mrgreen:

they are mostly used when they are going to parties are raves same as in Japan I'd imagine, since the last time I went to a rock concert they had these being sold for 5.00 a pop. But I'd would amuse the hardcore rockers and ravers would get something like what they say in the article as it would save them money in the long run.
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Sooner and sooner the world will be more like Roo'd
Are you sure those aren't androids bent on world domination?
You do know that they are all the rage here in the states as well?

If you'd didn't know that I guess you don't get out that much do you? :mrgreen:

they are mostly used when they are going to parties are raves same as in Japan I'd imagine, since the last time I went to a rock concert they had these being sold for 5.00 a pop. But I'd would amuse the hardcore rockers and ravers would get something like what they say in the article as it would save them money in the long run.

Youth is wasted on the young. Are these people 12 years old that go to raves?? Great place for illegal drugs too. Very irresponsible.
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Youth is wasted on the young. Are these people 12 years old that go to raves?? Great place for illegal drugs too. Very irresponsible.

You diffidently don't get out that much do you? Because their have been 12 years old going to parties and rock concerts that are not exactly raves.

Great place for illegal drugs too. Very irresponsible.

UM_ you either don't get out that much or lived in a small bubble when you were a child.
You diffidently don't get out that much do you? Because their have been 12 years old going to parties and rock concerts that are not exactly raves.

UM_ you either don't get out that much or lived in a small bubble when you were a child.

Wait... so there AREN'T drugs at raves? :lol:

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