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Alex Jones' cowardly settlement offer quickly rejected by Sandy Hook families (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
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If we could deport Americans for just being evil Jones would be in Siberia.

"On his far-right podcast and website, Jones frequently peddled the outright lie that the shooting was staged by the government in an attempt to restrict gun ownership. He also faces similar lawsuits filed in Texas over the same disinformation campaign.

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’ attempt to evade an upcoming trial over lies he spread about mass shooting victims fell flat on its face this week.

Relatives of those killed in the 2012 mass shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, quickly rejected a settlement offer from the Infowars host Tuesday."

Sandy Hook shooting victims remembered | CNN

Infowars founder Alex Jones interacts with supporters at the Texas State Capital building on April 18, 2020 in Austin, Tex.

Alex Jones very well may be one of the biggest frauds in the history of commentary, no wonder the far right loves that lunatic.
If we could deport Americans for just being evil Jones would be in Siberia.

"On his far-right podcast and website, Jones frequently peddled the outright lie that the shooting was staged by the government in an attempt to restrict gun ownership. He also faces similar lawsuits filed in Texas over the same disinformation campaign.

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’ attempt to evade an upcoming trial over lies he spread about mass shooting victims fell flat on its face this week.

Relatives of those killed in the 2012 mass shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, quickly rejected a settlement offer from the Infowars host Tuesday."

Sandy Hook shooting victims remembered | CNN

Infowars founder Alex Jones interacts with supporters at the Texas State Capital building on April 18, 2020 in Austin, Tex.

I remember that day. My daughters were long out of elementary school but the pit in my stomach was real. I couldn't imagine anything worse...and then this butthole showed up.
I remember that day. My daughters were long out of elementary school but the pit in my stomach was real. I couldn't imagine anything worse...and then this butthole showed up.
i mean. well. uh. i...

how ****ing evil do you have to be to say what he said?
Jones and his legal team are clearly feeling pressure from the lawsuits. His attorney, Norm Pattis, told the website Law & Crime on Tuesday that "it’s time for the litigation to end."
"The shooting took place almost 10 years ago," he added.

Attorneys drag these things out as long as possible then complain about it.

“The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers.”​

― William Shakespeare, King Henry VI, Part 2
Jones and his legal team are clearly feeling pressure from the lawsuits. His attorney, Norm Pattis, told the website Law & Crime on Tuesday that "it’s time for the litigation to end."
"The shooting took place almost 10 years ago," he added.

Attorneys drag these things out as long as possible then complain about it.
Alex's time has run out.
Face the victims' families in court, and then get so financially destroyed the sweaty toad is reduced to selling his tactical wipes on highway exit ramps.
If we could deport Americans for just being evil Jones would be in Siberia.

"On his far-right podcast and website, Jones frequently peddled the outright lie that the shooting was staged by the government in an attempt to restrict gun ownership. He also faces similar lawsuits filed in Texas over the same disinformation campaign.

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’ attempt to evade an upcoming trial over lies he spread about mass shooting victims fell flat on its face this week.

Relatives of those killed in the 2012 mass shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, quickly rejected a settlement offer from the Infowars host Tuesday."

Sandy Hook shooting victims remembered | CNN

Infowars founder Alex Jones interacts with supporters at the Texas State Capital building on April 18, 2020 in Austin, Tex.

Jones can go fornicate himself.

By the time all this is done he won't have enough money to pay attention.
He sure did make himself look absolutely horrible by going after the families of kids killed in a tragedy.

I can't think of many worse things someone can do.
Just a terrible human being all round.
Jones can go fornicate himself.

By the time all this is done he won't have enough money to pay attention.

I hope so as his actions are abhorrent.
Nobody should have those sorts of allegations flung at them at a time of grief.
If South Park ever does another "The Biggest Douche in the Universe" episode they should have Alex Jones in that. That **** sucker thinks everything is a conspiracy or false flag attack. I hope one day when he is at a funeral of a family member a bunch of tin foil hat loons just burst in claiming the government or aliens killed his family member.
The trial is planned to determine settlement, and Jones also faces trial in TX with the relatives there of Sandy Hook victims. I hope these two trials break him for good.
BUT, it's the good ol' U.S.A. and I'm sure Jones will do just fine with lucrative offers.
The trial is planned to determine settlement, and Jones also faces trial in TX with the relatives there of Sandy Hook victims. I hope these two trials break him for good.
BUT, it's the good ol' U.S.A. and I'm sure Jones will do just fine with lucrative offers.
I'm sure he could have a future in the GOP.
I'm sure he could have a future in the GOP.
Yeah, with zero integrity there, he would do great. I think he likes to be the only star of the show though, so I expect him to try to keep his act going.
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Hopefully the final results will leave Jones financially broke and completely discredited.
But then except him to find some uber red congressional district and run for office.
As we've seen many times Republican voters have no shame or conscious.
Hopefully the final results will leave Jones financially broke and completely discredited.
But then except him to find some uber red congressional district and run for office.
As we've seen many times Republican voters have no shame or conscious.
This whole thing is making him a bigger star on the right.
The trial is planned to determine settlement, and Jones also faces trial in TX with the relatives there of Sandy Hook victims. I hope these two trials break him for good.
BUT, it's the good ol' U.S.A. and I'm sure Jones will do just fine with lucrative offers.
He lies about and and walks on the graves of a murdered children all for…

my post should have said...

Jones lies a lot and walks on the graves of murdered children for...

I remember that day. My daughters were long out of elementary school but the pit in my stomach was real. I couldn't imagine anything worse...and then this butthole showed up.

Jones is evil.

I'm sure he could have a future in the GOP.

I hesitate to so much as half-quip about it, but consider: skin color of the horrifically murdered.

The way to use this to get into the GOP would be to bray as loudly as possible about how it's a tragedy and your thoughts n' prayers, then spinning it to make lots of pre-emptive noises about how you have to vote GOP or else the left will use it to "take your guns". That has the kind of moral fig leaf they love.
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If we could deport Americans for just being evil Jones would be in Siberia.

"On his far-right podcast and website, Jones frequently peddled the outright lie that the shooting was staged by the government in an attempt to restrict gun ownership. He also faces similar lawsuits filed in Texas over the same disinformation campaign.

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’ attempt to evade an upcoming trial over lies he spread about mass shooting victims fell flat on its face this week.

Relatives of those killed in the 2012 mass shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, quickly rejected a settlement offer from the Infowars host Tuesday."

Sandy Hook shooting victims remembered | CNN

Infowars founder Alex Jones interacts with supporters at the Texas State Capital building on April 18, 2020 in Austin, Tex.

He has done so much evil that he would have to be deported to Mars.

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