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Alcohol (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 22, 2005
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United States
Political Leaning
As I'm sure most of you know, I have 2 D.U.I.'s. I hardly drink anymore, but I was wondering what beer you prefer, if you like beer? I find Camo Ice almost deadly. It is a 40oz. It's so strong, it'll have you biting the bark off of trees.:2razz:
Yuengling Black & Tan...

If they don't have it, I just say, "Give me the darkest beer ya got."...
cnredd said:
Yuengling Black & Tan...

If they don't have it, I just say, "Give me the darkest beer ya got."...

Black and tan, really? I think that's nasty. Regular Yuengling lager is ok, but I don't like Black & Tan. Hell, I'll drink Nati ice before that.
I brew my own and it is one hell of a lot better than anything you could buy in a store. And those old 16 ounce Grolsch bottles with the flip tops are the neatest thing ever invented.
Ummm, Ephermyr...with a slice of orange. I can taste it now...is it too early to go to happy hour?
Fat Tire followed by Kilkennys at a close second
Malibu or whiskey ..that s my favorite
Definitely have to second the mentioning of Fat Tire. I also like a microbrewery out of Estes Park Colorado that brews a good amber ale. I don't buy beer a lot, so it's kind of a rare thing for me. I do like wine though-mostly of the merlot variety.
Old and wise said:
I brew my own and it is one hell of a lot better than anything you could buy in a store. And those old 16 ounce Grolsch bottles with the flip tops are the neatest thing ever invented.

I tried brewing my own a couple of times and it was a great success,not cloudy or a lot of sediment,but nice and clear and strong,tasted a little like Stella Artois and that's pretty good.I don't know why I didn't try it again,laziness and impatience I suppose!
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I've never had any DUI's but I occassionally drink socially. I like a lot of European Beer: Guinness, Heineken, Hoegardden, and Boddington's are some of my favorites. I tend to prefer darker, richer beer.

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