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Airlines Were Safe Enough During the Pandemic (1 Viewer)


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DP Veteran
Sep 12, 2019
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Political Leaning
I mentioned this elsewhere but thought it worthy of its own topic.

We have the vaccine. People are boosted. No mask required at SOTU and just about everywhere. Packed sports stadiums and bars Maskless super bowl in LA etc.

During height of pandemic air travel continued with justification being the ventilation is so good it’s ok to drop our mask 36” away from from the passenger next to us eating his peanuts.

So what gives? How can the safest place we could be during the height of the pandemic become one of the last places where the mask is required?

Politics anyone?
Perhaps the airline industry is still receiving money from the government, so they play politics.
Perhaps the airline industry is still receiving money from the government, so they play politics.
It's mind boggling and further confuses the messaging. Its a repetitive avoidable miscue
It's mind boggling and further confuses the messaging. Its a repetitive avoidable miscue
I mean all you have to do is keep sipping your water and munching on your snacks to not have to wear the mask. It is so stupid. I am surprised they have not ruled out eating and drinking on flights. If you need a drink for medical reasons then ring the flight attendant and be taken to a location to receive some water. The messaging has been the worst!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I mentioned this elsewhere but thought it worthy of its own topic.

We have the vaccine. People are boosted. No mask required at SOTU and just about everywhere. Packed sports stadiums and bars Maskless super bowl in LA etc.

During height of pandemic air travel continued with justification being the ventilation is so good it’s ok to drop our mask 36” away from from the passenger next to us eating his peanuts.

So what gives? How can the safest place we could be during the height of the pandemic become one of the last places where the mask is required?

Politics anyone?
Do you ever even fly?
It's them windmills again, ain't it?
I mean all you have to do is keep sipping your water and munching on your snacks to not have to wear the mask. It is so stupid. I am surprised they have not ruled out eating and drinking on flights. If you need a drink for medical reasons then ring the flight attendant and be taken to a location to receive some water. The messaging has been the worst!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Masking rules on planes and restaurants have been stupid. If you are going to allow people to take their mask off to eat then just don’t make people wear them. How stupid is it that people had to walk into a restaurant wearing a mask but once inside nobody wears a mask.

I agree the messaging has been the worst. When you see stupid inconsistent policies it’s easy to question these policies. It’s the mistrust of our institutions that creates conspiracy theories. I’m fortunate to have common sense so I’m not easily confused like most. Either implement a mask wearing policy with no eating or drinking allowed or don’t require masks. These masks should be at minimum KF95’s.
I mentioned this elsewhere but thought it worthy of its own topic.

We have the vaccine. People are boosted. No mask required at SOTU and just about everywhere. Packed sports stadiums and bars Maskless super bowl in LA etc.

During height of pandemic air travel continued with justification being the ventilation is so good it’s ok to drop our mask 36” away from from the passenger next to us eating his peanuts.

So what gives? How can the safest place we could be during the height of the pandemic become one of the last places where the mask is required?

Politics anyone?
Have you considered the possibility that masks are part of the reason airline flights have been so safe?
Masking rules on planes and restaurants have been stupid. If you are going to allow people to take their mask off to eat then just don’t make people wear them. How stupid is it that people had to walk into a restaurant wearing a mask but once inside nobody wears a mask.

I agree the messaging has been the worst. When you see stupid inconsistent policies it’s easy to question these policies. It’s the mistrust of our institutions that creates conspiracy theories. I’m fortunate to have common sense so I’m not easily confused like most. Either implement a mask wearing policy with no eating or drinking allowed or don’t require masks. These masks should be at minimum KF95’s.
"Why is reducing potential exposure a good idea?" Is this a real question?
Have you considered the possibility that masks are part of the reason airline flights have been so safe?
Well considering masks are useless and don’t stop transmission then no I have never considered that
Well considering masks are useless and don’t stop transmission then no I have never considered that
If masks don't do anything, why do so many doctors wear them? If you were having surgery, would you insist that the surgical team not use masks?
It's 2022, and we still have idiots who believe that masks don't work. 🤦‍♂️
I didn't know that the pandemic ended.

Maybe airliners aren't bad because they constantly replace the air in the cabin, and they possibly cranked the air exchange rate up.
Well considering masks are useless and don’t stop transmission then no I have never considered that

The problem with agreeing with some of your comments regarding the popular war is that most of your comments that I've seen are like this one.
I mentioned this elsewhere but thought it worthy of its own topic.

We have the vaccine. People are boosted. No mask required at SOTU and just about everywhere. Packed sports stadiums and bars Maskless super bowl in LA etc.

During height of pandemic air travel continued with justification being the ventilation is so good it’s ok to drop our mask 36” away from from the passenger next to us eating his peanuts.

So what gives? How can the safest place we could be during the height of the pandemic become one of the last places where the mask is required?

Politics anyone?
What 'ventilation'? You're still stuck in a metal tube, breathing in the air the person sitting next to you just exhaled.
Well considering masks are useless and don’t stop transmission then no I have never considered that
If you want to induce mass-hilarity at your expense, I suggest a visit to your local hospital and tell the doctors, surgeons, nurses and ancillary staff about your stunning revelation.
I mentioned this elsewhere but thought it worthy of its own topic.

We have the vaccine. People are boosted. No mask required at SOTU and just about everywhere. Packed sports stadiums and bars Maskless super bowl in LA etc.

During height of pandemic air travel continued with justification being the ventilation is so good it’s ok to drop our mask 36” away from from the passenger next to us eating his peanuts.

So what gives? How can the safest place we could be during the height of the pandemic become one of the last places where the mask is required?

Politics anyone?
Comrade,arent you the guy who started the dishonest thread about a cruise ship being "crippled" by covid?

Da, that was you. If 5 or 6 fully vaccinated people out of 5000 get covid on cruise ship, how many vaccinated and unvaccinated do you think would get it on an air plane? Its not like people on the cruise were breathing recycled air.
"Why is reducing potential exposure a good idea?" Is this a real question?
So you're saying we should ban air travel altogether?
It's 2022, and we still have idiots who believe that masks don't work. 🤦‍♂️
Yes, there are idiots like that, and its impossible for normal logical people to have a cogent debate with them. Not worth the effort at all. I have refrained from debating such fools here or anywhere else.
That said, I agree that mask mandates on airplanes really don't make a lot of sense, In fact, we have reached the point where mask mandates (and vaccine mandates except in special circumstances like healthcare workers) no longer make sense. Everyone has had a chance to get vaccinated. Those who have are protected against severe illness, for the most part, and those who haven't been vaccinated, well, I don't care what happens to them. So why wear a mask to protect the covidiots? Thats really the only reason to wear one now, unless you know you are around someone who is immune compromised. That includes airplanes, restaurants.....everywhere except in healthcare facilities where people are already likely to be sick with something or another.
So yes, NOW is that time to ditch the mask and vaccine mandates. It wasn't time before. It is now.
I mentioned this elsewhere but thought it worthy of its own topic.

We have the vaccine. People are boosted. No mask required at SOTU and just about everywhere. Packed sports stadiums and bars Maskless super bowl in LA etc.

During height of pandemic air travel continued with justification being the ventilation is so good it’s ok to drop our mask 36” away from from the passenger next to us eating his peanuts.

So what gives? How can the safest place we could be during the height of the pandemic become one of the last places where the mask is required?

Politics anyone?

I saw that a Federal Court has recently rendered an opinion that seems to conform with yours.

"Why is reducing potential exposure a good idea?" Is this a real question?
As far as restaurants go there is no reduction in spread. Planes probably benefit a tiny bit.
So in one thread we have people talking about religion and such and in this thread we have the exact same people discussing (being in favor of) things that kill more people.

They will never see the disconnect.
As far as restaurants go there is no reduction in spread. Planes probably benefit a tiny bit.
No reduction? You don't walk past a bunch of people with a mask on?

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