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Agree or Disagree? (1 Viewer)


New member
Mar 31, 2005
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According to CNN.com, a 14-year-old girl was charged in alleged assisted suicide of father. In Boulder, Colorado a 14-year-old girl who claimed she shot her father to death to help him commit suicide has been charged with second-degree murder. The girl was originally arrested on March 13, shortly after deputies responded to what they thought was a prank 911 phone call, however they found the girl's father, was found dead in an upstairs bedroom. The girl's story was that her father shot himself, however he was not dead. So, to relieve him of pain, she finished what he had started. The report mentions that the police department did not say whether they believed her story or not.

So the question is should she have been charged with second-degree murder, even though her father tried to kill himself. Well, if he tried and did not succeed, then maybe she should have called for help so that way they could rush him to a hospital, therefore determining if he was going to remain alive. Maybe the girl, for some odd reason, disliked her father and just finished what he started. Perhaps we might never know the real reason as to why she completed his suicide.
To a degree, I think it is necessary to accuse her of this. If there is not criminal charge, a criminal investigation will not be conducted. And although it is possible she was only assisting her father in his own suicide, it is also equally possible, based on the facts you have presented to us, that she herself shot him to death. And until this investigation takes place, there is no way of knowing whether she pulled the trigger first or not. Furthermore, there was always the option for her to call the police instead of shooting him again. So I do not know that the girl ought to face no charge at all, and charges can always be lessened post-investigation.
Charge her with second, then conduct the investigation. Go from there based on the evidence.
Hey jfrancis, I moved your thread from the poll section. I will post directions in the poll forum for you . :)
I think she should be convicted, but not sent to prison for life. She treated her father like an animal..."to relieve him of pain"..very unsympathetic. Then again, she was his daughter and she could have known how depressed he was.....I doubt she killed him, unless she is some homocidal genius who knew 911 would think it were a joke if she called and could use that as an excuse.....

I've confused myself. :mrgreen:

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