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Affirmative Action Bake Sales (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 21, 2005
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New York, NY
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
Bake Sale

An unplanned protest punctured the carnivalesque atmosphere of the Bun Week barbecue last Thursday afternoon as students gathered to demonstrate against a College Republican "Affirmative Action Bake Sale," where the price of cookies was set by the customer's race and gender.

The bake sale, which attracted protesters from its start at noon, included two plates of homemade chocolate chip cookies with a range of prices: $1.25 for Asian and Indian males; $1.00 for Asian and Indian females and white males; 75 cents for white females; 50 cents for black and Hispanic males; and $0.25 for black and Hispanic females.

What do you all think about things like this?
In my opinion that is discrimination, that's trying to tell the Hispanic and black people there "You guys are too poor to pay full Price so we cut the prices". I hope there is more action taken against this, last thing we need now is someone trying to charge cookies according to the pigment of ones skin.. stupid in my opinion.
Arch Enemy said:
In my opinion that is discrimination, that's trying to tell the Hispanic and black people there "You guys are too poor to pay full Price so we cut the prices". I hope there is more action taken against this, last thing we need now is someone trying to charge cookies according to the pigment of ones skin.. stupid in my opinion.

Know what else is discrimination? Telling hispanic and black people that they're too stupid to get into college on their own, so they lower the admission standards.

The point of the bake sale isn't to insinuate that anyone's poor, it's not even to talk about money. It's to bring attention to the fact that students of different races are valued differently when they apply to colleges, regardless of their economic status.

If AA was economic based rather than race based, things would be a lot better.

How long was slavery and then segregation tolerated? Affirmative Action has only been out for rougly thirty years and is already coming under fire as "reverse discrimination." When white people are forced to exist in sub-standard conditions or made to work in cotton fields, maybe I'll think it's discrimination.
Blue Hobgoblin said:

How long was slavery and then segregation tolerated? Affirmative Action has only been out for rougly thirty years and is already coming under fire as "reverse discrimination." When white people are forced to exist in sub-standard conditions or made to work in cotton fields, maybe I'll think it's discrimination.

I must have missed out on seeing the minorities working in the cotton fields as I walked to school today.

I have a problem with rich white women, blacks and latinos getting preference in college admissions when they faced none of the problems that AA was created to confront.

Why don't asians get affirmative action? They're a minority, they were discriminated against for a long time - Hell, they were interned during WWII.

They don't get AA because they outscore white people on tests. Thus proving that AA is only designed to fix inequities on tests.

If the system addressed the real need, leveling the playing field for people of all classes, then it might be worth while. As it is, it's racist.
NYU you're correct;

I think AA is defiantly directed to wards the advancement of blacks, true it is making the playing level unfair, but I feel that it was thought out to be a way of getting blacks out of the ghettos. They should start making restrictions on AA but as we all know the NAACP will intervene and say it is discrimination to wards the blacks even more, it's not that blacks are oppressed into not being able to do well in schools.. it's that they are too much involved in street activity to see that their education is a must have for a successful life. I can understand the rage of the Blacks because of segregation and of the post-segregation oppression, but slavery is not a reason.. I know this might sound biased or even racist but slavery was in our Past these times are long gone and no longer a valid reasoning for a black man to get into a decent college. If slavery ALWAYS calls for a type of AA, in order to mend the relations lost, then why doesn't the Hebrews get their AA from Egypt, why not give the others AA?

NAACP has gotten to the point where it is just adding tallies on its record. There recently was a formation of an All-Black basketball league here in North Carolina. Whites (unless gotten permission by league administrators) cannot play in this league; I asked myself... what's the point of the NBA then?

NAACP is a GREAT organization.. but doesn't know when to quit.

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