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Actress Ellen Page: "I am gay"[W:1222] (1 Viewer)

re: Actress Ellen Page: "I am gay"[W:1222]

Every thread on this forum that has anything to do with blacks or gays is a huge right-wing douchebag net. Its funny watching the various ways they express their hatred and discrimination.
re: Actress Ellen Page: "I am gay"[W:1222]

Is it somehow noteworthy that someone in Hollywood has strolled out of the closet? I think that sort of thing actually enhances your stature nowadays.

I really don't think that this is particularly brave. She's a Hollywood starlette, there is almost no risk to her in any way. You think she will be shunned or lose rolls because of this? Not a chance. It's the unknown kid in a small town High School that is brave. Plus, another hot chic playing on the wrong team!
re: Actress Ellen Page: "I am gay"[W:1222]

Every thread on this forum that has anything to do with blacks or gays is a huge right-wing douchebag net. Its funny watching the various ways they express their hatred and discrimination.

Don't forget, those same threads are a terrific display of left wing morons.
re: Actress Ellen Page: "I am gay"[W:1222]

Only to leftist, to intelligent logical human beings, they accept the fact that there is really no mental difference between homosexuality, bestiality, pedophilia or any other sexual preference disorder. Funny, they claim all the rest are wrong but theirs is somehow normal.

please provide any facts you have to prove this lie we'd love to read them

heck provide ONE fact that supports the lie you just posted lol

there is no faster way for people to not take a post seriously and know its based on broken, mentally retarded logic than making a post that illogical and falsely makes a correlation between homosexuality and child rape

but like i said if you disagree simply provide the facts that support the lie you posted.
re: Actress Ellen Page: "I am gay"[W:1222]

Only to leftist, to intelligent logical human beings, they accept the fact that there is really no mental difference between homosexuality, bestiality, pedophilia or any other sexual preference disorder. Funny, they claim all the rest are wrong but theirs is somehow normal.

An intelligent human being would not only avoid making the incredibly stupid comparisons you just made, but would be able to write them in such a way that they did not appear to need remedial English classes.
re: Actress Ellen Page: "I am gay"[W:1222]

Good for her. Hope it does not affect her career.

Btw, if this means she will do make out scenes with other great looking women...BONUS.
re: Actress Ellen Page: "I am gay"[W:1222]

Don't forget, those same threads are a terrific display of left wing morons.

Why? What have they done wrong?
re: Actress Ellen Page: "I am gay"[W:1222]

Why? What have they done wrong?

LOL, that's a good one. You mean to tell me you are going to post "...huge right-wing douchebag net...", and then ask that question??? Point proven.
re: Actress Ellen Page: "I am gay"[W:1222]

Every thread on this forum that has anything to do with blacks or gays is a huge right-wing douchebag net. Its funny watching the various ways they express their hatred and discrimination.

Rather large blanket. That's like me say all progressives have very low IQ. I am more right than left but your labeling me as you did, as a right-leaning person, is way off!
re: Actress Ellen Page: "I am gay"[W:1222]

Once again, there is so much wrong (and by wrong I mean inaccurate) that just the thought of attempting to straighten you out is exhausting. So, I will leave you to your petty little ignorance.

So who are "they" and what exactly are you attributing to them as labeling wrong? Are you saying that the homosexual community labels heterosexual sex wrong and that their's is right? WTF

Throughout the human race, homosexuality is the only time when a man has a sexual attraction to other than a "adult" female or female to other than an adult male that it is not considered a mental disorder. Why is that? Why is every other deviation considered normal except that one?

If it is normal, then why does replacing a deficiency in pregnant women remove most of the probability of female children growing up to be homosexual?

In a study by the University of New Mexico done jointly with a California University, title "Why Women Cheat", they were able to observe, catalog and then reproduce the same results mapping out hormonal reactions in women in the presence of male hormones? If homosexuality is normal, then where are those male hormones coming from since the female body does not produce them?

The only thing making me "wrong" in your view is the fact that due to being emotionally attached to your current view, you have closed yourself off to alternative views and theories. Which btw, your belief is not provable using scientific methods, unless of course we allow experimentation upon humans, something I definitely do not support.
re: Actress Ellen Page: "I am gay"[W:1222]

Rather large blanket. That's like me say all progressives have very low IQ. I am more right than left but your labeling me as you did, as a right-leaning person, is way off!
I interpreted V as saying that the right wingers that are also douchebags gravitate towards these topics and say hateful douchy things. Not that all right leaning people are douchebags.
re: Actress Ellen Page: "I am gay"[W:1222]

She's in the upcoming X-Men film.

Yeah, but like I said, I can't imagine she's got a major part. She didn't in any of the others. And she hasn't been in anything really successful since Inception.

Don't get me wrong, I couldn't care less that she's gay, or that she's decided to be open about it. I just wouldn't put it past any actor or actress, gay or straight, to milk their personal lives for all they're worth.
re: Actress Ellen Page: "I am gay"[W:1222]

I interpreted V as saying that the right wingers that are also douchebags gravitate towards these topics and say hateful douchy things. Not that all right leaning people are douchebags.

Yes, I somewhat agree, which is some of the Right part I do not like. But to post as if all are that way is wrong.
re: Actress Ellen Page: "I am gay"[W:1222]

Yeah, but like I said, I can't imagine she's got a major part. She didn't in any of the others. And she hasn't been in anything really successful since Inception.

Don't get me wrong, I couldn't care less that she's gay, or that she's decided to be open about it. I just wouldn't put it past any actor or actress, gay or straight, to milk their personal lives for all they're worth.

Ellen Page can't act, she has the body of a thirteen year old girl, and she comes off as a little odd. I just don't see what she has going for her.
re: Actress Ellen Page: "I am gay"[W:1222]

Ellen Page can't act, she has the body of a thirteen year old girl, and she comes off as a little odd. I just don't see what she has going for her.

not being involve with this person ^

I'm sure this authoritative opinion weights heavy on her.
re: Actress Ellen Page: "I am gay"[W:1222]

LOL, that's a good one. You mean to tell me you are going to post "...huge right-wing douchebag net...", and then ask that question??? Point proven.

LoL, that's cute logic. So if I point out that people who discriminate are jerks that makes me a jerk just like them?
re: Actress Ellen Page: "I am gay"[W:1222]

She wasn't holding a press conference. She was speaking at a public event of the HRCF.
You are questioning her motives for no good reason other then to ease your own discomfort. It provokes you to cast her in a negative light so you can be more comfortable with your own prejudice and lack of tolerance.

Where you really fail is saying "the way the media likes to hype these things up for no reason"

There are, unfortunately, lot's of very good reasons. Do a little reading on the topic why don't you.

i don't have to question anything. she is the one that did it herself and opened herself to public statements.
if you don't like it get over it.

press conference public event whatever same difference.
i have no discomfort. you are making stuff up.

i didn't cast her in a negative light again you are making stuff up. simply because someone isn't throwing flowers and a party.
I simply said there is no reason for all the drama and the hype that the media is tossing around.
re: Actress Ellen Page: "I am gay"[W:1222]

Rather large blanket. That's like me say all progressives have very low IQ. I am more right than left but your labeling me as you did, as a right-leaning person, is way off!

I said "right-wing douchebags" and who "express hatred and discrimination". Is that you? Am I talking about you? Did I say "all right-wing people"?.

I don't want to get all Freudian here but...
re: Actress Ellen Page: "I am gay"[W:1222]

Yeah, but like I said, I can't imagine she's got a major part. She didn't in any of the others. And she hasn't been in anything really successful since Inception.

Don't get me wrong, I couldn't care less that she's gay, or that she's decided to be open about it. I just wouldn't put it past any actor or actress, gay or straight, to milk their personal lives for all they're worth.

It put her back in the spot light and that is all that matters.
re: Actress Ellen Page: "I am gay"[W:1222]

Yes, I somewhat agree, which is some of the Right part I do not like. But to post as if all are that way is wrong.

I agree with that sentiment. I also understand that it's easy to misunderstand people here because so many of us lump everyone together in tidy little buckets. Just my two cents, why feel slighted if it was not intended. Right?
re: Actress Ellen Page: "I am gay"[W:1222]

not being involve with this person ^

I'm sure this authoritative opinion weights heavy on her.

In Hollywood you have to have something that's going for you if you can't act and as it stands Ellen page doesn't. Many leading men and women that can't act rely on their looks and bodies, but Ellen page has the body of a thirteen year old girl. When you add in the weirdness about her she doesn't really have anything at all that would motivate people to hire her.
re: Actress Ellen Page: "I am gay"[W:1222]

In Hollywood you have to have something that's going for you if you can't act and as it stands Ellen page doesn't. Many leading men and women that can't act rely on their looks and bodies, but Ellen page has the body of a thirteen year old girl. When you add in the weirdness about her she doesn't really have anything at all that would motivate people to hire her.

Ellen Page is just fine as an actress, and the "body of a 13 year old girl" line is just dumb.
re: Actress Ellen Page: "I am gay"[W:1222]

Ellen Page is just fine as an actress, and the "body of a 13 year old girl" line is just dumb.

I guess we will just have to agree to disagree on her acting ability. I find it a bit flat. As for the age comparison, you're free to disagree if you want.
re: Actress Ellen Page: "I am gay"[W:1222]

Ellen Page is just fine as an actress, and the "body of a 13 year old girl" line is just dumb.

She got cast to play a 13 year old girl for a movie when she was 18, I would say its accurate even though irrelevant

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