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Acosta asks Trump supporters why they aren't wearing masks (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 5, 2015
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These Trump supporters are dumber than the college kids going to parties or the beach. One of these idiots said the good lord is going to protect him and he has to live his life. WOW. :confused:
52 more days of his official business (rallies) won't be super-spreaders for the next POTUS to deal with, let alone the fires.
The sheer density of dumbasses in America is mind-blowing and directly responsible for our horrible performance in the pandemic.

The sheer density of dumbasses in America is mind-blowing and directly responsible for our horrible performance in the pandemic.


you may want to view the latest data instead of the old... your data is wrong.


These Trump supporters are dumber than the college kids going to parties or the beach. One of these idiots said the good lord is going to protect him and he has to live his life. WOW. :confused:

The reply scary thing for me is that these assclowns make up a good one third of America.


These Trump supporters are dumber than the college kids going to parties or the beach. One of these idiots said the good lord is going to protect him and he has to live his life. WOW. :confused:


I cannot bring myself to believe that those who support President of the United States of America Donald Trump are any more ignorant or more stupid or, for that matter more learned or intelligent than I am. Or that you are, for that matter. We're all Americans, representative of the population. I believe that what they are [President Trump supporters] is in fact members of a movement: a gathering of people who feel that our government does not represent them, their needs, their views and their prejudices.* President Donald Trump is, to them, more symbol than substance. [Ed.: That last sentence addresses such paradoxes as evangelical Christians embracing an unrepentant philanderer.]

What led me to this conclusion was a quote attributed to Mahatama Mohandas Gandhi. 'What you do for me but without me, you do to me.' {Ed.: That quote is worthy of reflection.]

Perhaps, just perhaps, we're seeing the stresses and cracks, accumulated over roughly 235 years, in our representative republic constitutional form of government.

Regards, stay safe 'n well. Remember the Big 3: masks, hand washing and physical distancing.

* 'Prejudices' as used here, is not pejorative.
your data is not timely. it's old.

It's two weeks old. New data does not invalidate the old data. Nothing in the last 2 weeks has changed the fact that America radically undeperformed every other developed country in dealing with this pandemic.

I actually used data and made an argument. You've done neither. Put up or shut up.


These Trump supporters are dumber than the college kids going to parties or the beach. One of these idiots said the good lord is going to protect him and he has to live his life. WOW. :confused:

How did the answers compare to all the BLM and Antifa rioters, protesters, looters and arsonists he has asked, gathering in the streets by the tens of thousands over the past 4 months?
I mean, surely Acosta has queried those folks, too, right?

Well, how do the answers compare?
Were you as outraged???
Hell would freeze over before Acosta would ask that of rioters, protesters, BLM or NBA players. He's just an asshole and partisan hack, nothing else.


These Trump supporters are dumber than the college kids going to parties or the beach. One of these idiots said the good lord is going to protect him and he has to live his life. WOW. :confused:

Positively frightening.
It's two weeks old. New data does not invalidate the old data. Nothing in the last 2 weeks has changed the fact that America radically undeperformed every other developed country in dealing with this pandemic.

I actually used data and made an argument. You've done neither. Put up or shut up.

your data is old; do you not understand?
How did the answers compare to all the BLM and Antifa rioters, protesters, looters and arsonists he has asked, gathering in the streets by the tens of thousands over the past 4 months?
I mean, surely Acosta has queried those folks, too, right?

Well, how do the answers compare?
Were you as outraged???

I sure as hell was. Two wrongs does not make a right and BLM was not lead by the POTUS.

This dirt bag people look up to, they even believe him, believe him knowing he is a pathological liar.

At least the protesters wore masks and moved in the open air... a dramatic differance we have learned.


These Trump supporters are dumber than the college kids going to parties or the beach. One of these idiots said the good lord is going to protect him and he has to live his life. WOW. :confused:

Yeah, just like that dumb bishop; "god is larger than this dreaded virus". Dead, a few days later, but not before he infected the rest of his family.

Coronavirus: Bishop dies after saying ‘God is larger than this dreaded virus’ | The Independent | The Independent

MAGA dude might want to re-examine his relationship with the almighty!:lol:

Hand Of The Almighty - John R. Butler - YouTube
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Hell would freeze over before Acosta would ask that of rioters, protesters, BLM or NBA players. He's just an asshole and partisan hack, nothing else.

Guess what, he'll still be reporting at CNN long after Trump is gone.
Do you have newer data that contradicts it?

Thanks L, for a reasonable question.
The following is CDC update 11, Sept ...
Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
figures indicate that we are about baseline as forecast by CDC on 5 Sept. data..
We know it can vary daily but at this time it appears to be "relatively stable"
the CDC publishes 'provisional data... looks that confirmation takes about a week but still allows variables...
The CDC bureaucrats have generally crapped their pants on this by fudging and overlapping data.
This and the last 5 sept. data don't seem to show the 94% overage of only covid fatalities.
reading these can create as many questions as the 'answers' furnished.
great day to ya' L
who knows tomorrow?
Yeah, just like that dumb bishop; "god is larger than this dreaded virus". Dead, a few days later, but not before he infected the rest of his family.

Coronavirus: Bishop dies after saying ‘God is larger than this dreaded virus’ | The Independent | The Independent

MAGA dude might want to re-examine his relationship with the almighty!:lol:

Hand Of The Almighty - John R. Butler - YouTube

My mom said, "Boy, god is mighty, but mysterious, but he gave you a brain, use it!"

Evidently that Bishop's mom done slipped up or something? :confused:
Thanks L, for a reasonable question.
The following is CDC update 11, Sept ...
Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
figures indicate that we are about baseline as forecast by CDC on 5 Sept. data..
We know it can vary daily but at this time it appears to be "relatively stable"
the CDC publishes 'provisional data... looks that confirmation takes about a week but still allows variables...
The CDC bureaucrats have generally crapped their pants on this by fudging and overlapping data.
This and the last 5 sept. data don't seem to show the 94% overage of only covid fatalities.
reading these can create as many questions as the 'answers' furnished.
great day to ya' L
who knows tomorrow?

This doesn't contradict RabidAlpaca's data. The rate of infection has stabilized at a rate much higher than most other countries. Yours is more up to date, but it confirms the data in the chart from a few weeks ago.
Prove that new data undid the data I presented. Show us. You can't, so you won't.

Okay....now I see where your confusion lies....I noticed it a few minutes ago in your graph(s)

What you are providing demonstration of is the numbers of diagnosed positive cases. What I am referring to, which is the

REAL indicator of how we are doing with respect to the coronavirus, is the death counts. The CDC provides weekly death

counts, and that graph is in the link below (apologies, but I could not save the graph as an image to just post here).

COVID-19 Provisional Counts - Weekly Updates by Select Demographic and Geographic Characteristics

Now.....what you are looking at is dependent (in large part) on the numbers being tested.

Pretend you test 1000 people this week, and 10,000 people next week, and the numbers of positive cases jumps way up. Is it

that you actually had more cases, or that you tested more, thus are AWARE of more cases?
It certainly seems to me that the latter is the case here.

If you will look at the history of covid testing numbers actually done, you will see that in the early stages, when testing

really became a "big deal", the numbers of tests (and the numbers of positives) were relatively low, and as testing numbers

increase, the numbers of positives did as well.

According to the CDC, the percentage of positives out of those tested has been declining since mid-July.

As an example of my point:

March 13, there were 3735 tests performed.
July 23, there were 1,551,253 tests performed.

But if you will see the graph below, you will see that the percentages of positives has declined.

Of COURSE it's going to look like our Covid status just kept getting worse and worse. The reason it looked that was was

because testing had increased exponentially, thus the positives did as well. There were not necessarily more positives as

much as there was greater AWARENESS of those positives.

US Historical Data | The COVID Tracking Project

COVIDView: A Weekly Surveillance Summary of U.S. COVID-19 Activity | CDC

covid testing.jpg


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What you are providing demonstration of is the numbers of diagnosed positive cases. What I am referring to, which is the

REAL indicator of how we are doing with respect to the coronavirus, is the death counts.

You guys are both wrong, you need to look at the infection rate.

Not the gross positive cases nor the death counts.

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