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Accept or Decline Donald Sterling Apology? (1 Viewer)

Should Donald Sterling be forgiven?

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I tell ya what, though.

If I have billions, I wouldn't be sniveling and crawling on my knees begging for anything. Oh, the heights from which we fall. Sterling is pathetic. He's like a vagabond outside the gate hoping a passerby will throw him a ticket.
They should just force every white owner to eventually sell and only allow minority ownership. Then it can go broke and officially turn into thugball.
They should just force every white owner to eventually sell and only allow minority ownership. Then it can go broke and officially turn into thugball.

That's racist.
What makes you think that would happen?
They should just force every white owner to eventually sell and only allow minority ownership. Then it can go broke and officially turn into thugball.
Well, seriously, if the NBA was all African-American owned, they can say whatever the hell they want. It can't be racist because they're black. Plus, anyone of them that did was Sterling did would get no punishment at all.

If blacks don't like it, they can boycott it. Let's see how well LeBron can ice skate.
Sometime it is difficult to get people to see/admit the obvious.

I think Gip has been plenty clear. He called me a race traitor for considering the social aspects of racism, and he made that statement.
Slam dunks have never impressed me. It's just showboating. Shooting and such is better viewing.

And yes, I have sat court side... albeit 30+ years ago. What turns me off now more than anything is how the last 2 minutes of the game gets dragged out to 30 minutes.

Constant traveling is what did it for me. These days it seems everyone just wants to shoot threes or dunk after traveling. It's kind of ****ty. Oh look, lebron just traveled for the fifth time in a row. Yeah, I know they changed the rules, but If someone picks up the ball and goes the entire distance of the paint, it's a travel and I don't care what anyone says. The whole point of the rule was to keep people from doing that kind of thing because it's freaking ridiculous.

Then there is absurd rules like how if the ball is going down it's interference if you touch it. No, it's a block, and I fail to see why it matters at all if it is going up or down. That isn't counting that half the damn game is at the foul line. Here is an idea, let them actually play, so that half the game isn't at the foul line.
Well, seriously, if the NBA was all African-American owned, they can say whatever the hell they want. It can't be racist because they're black. Plus, anyone of them that did was Sterling did would get no punishment at all.

If blacks don't like it, they can boycott it. Let's see how well LeBron can ice skate.

That's gibberish.
So if MJ said "don't bring white people" to his girlfriend in his own home and it got taped/leaked, he'd get pushed out?

Are the Texans race traitors for drafting Clowney instead of Bortles?
You're not considering his statements in context. One needn't use the word 'nigger' or openly display personal disgust or belief in superiority in order to engage in the systemic oppression and marginalization of a minority.

You are trying to define racism by individual actions, words or expression alone, and failing to see systemic oppression in action.

But then aren't you effectively advocating interpreting any action, by any white person, that is remotely negative with respect to a black person as racist? That's too broad a brush.

If you want to argue that's he's exhibited racist behavior in the past and as such we should give more weight to a racist interpretation that's fine - I can agree with that. But to call them racist simply because of the society he's a part of (which frankly isn't nearly as racist as it used to be or as much of the rest of the world is) is a stretch I'm going to make.
But then aren't you effectively advocating interpreting any action, by any white person, that is remotely negative with respect to a black person as racist? That's too broad a brush.

That's not what I'm advocating.

If you want to argue that's he's exhibited racist behavior in the past and as such we should give more weight to a racist interpretation that's fine - I can agree with that. But to call them racist simply because of the society he's a part of (which frankly isn't nearly as racist as it used to be or as much of the rest of the world is) is a stretch I'm going to make.

He took action to marginalize people for no reason other than them being a minority, that's racist.
That's not what I'm advocating.

He took action to marginalize people for no reason other than them being a minority, that's racist.

Sorry for misstating your position. That's the way it read to me. Apologies.

His action of telling his girlfriend to not bring black people to Clipper games and his statements about handouts marginalize black people in general? We're back to my counter which is that there are alternative - non racist - interpretations of those statements and I see no reason to prefer the racist interpretation over the non-racist ones.

Further his statements didn't actually marginalize anyone. They were made in private and even if his girlfriend acted upon them, her not bringing Magic Johnson to any more Clipper games hardly marginalizes an entire race. Same with the handout statements. Whether he calls it a paycheck or a handout, paying people millions of dollars hardly marginalizes the players or their entire race, especially considering that there are whites and asians on the team as well as blacks. Or were his comments specifically about the black players on the team, in which I'd agree with you that he's attempting to marginalize.
His action of telling his girlfriend to not bring black people to Clipper games and his statements about handouts marginalize black people in general?

His telling his girlfriend not to bring blacks to the game, and not to take pictures with blacks, is an attempt to marginalize blacks. The marginalization of a minority is at the heart of racism. He also attempted to discriminate against blacks regarding housing and other things. Those things only came to clear light for many people in this latest event.

His calling paychecks handouts is an insult to every working person and especially those who've spent a lifetime of hard work to rise to the top of their occupation.
So you deny racism exists. Big surprise.

Obviously, that's what leads to your false equivalences. You fail to include social factors in a social construct.

I've no interest in appealing to anyone. Why not just call me a race traitor?
Its really hard to say that a guy that is employing people to the tune of around 80 million a year and that has been the subject of several NAACP awards is 'practicing racism'. Did he express racist ideas and comments? You bet. Practicing racism? Come on...
Its really hard to say that a guy that is employing people to the tune of around 80 million a year and that has been the subject of several NAACP awards is 'practicing racism'. Did he express racist ideas and comments? You bet. Practicing racism? Come on...

One must be given the benefit of the doubt when complaints are settled out of court. The extent of his endeavors to marginalize blacks came to light in this attempt to do so.
They won't be rescinded because apparently the players went to the owners and said that if they don't kick the guy out of the league...they walk.

The owners balked, Sterling is gone.

Besides, the PR downside from booting him out is negligible. The PR downside from reinstating him is considerable.

So, he is gone.

Btw, I don't think he should have been booted. Private conversations should remain that...private.
One must be given the benefit of the doubt when complaints are settled out of court. The full extent of his endeavors to marginalize blacks came to light in this attempt to do so.
Come now. Examine what he actually SAID..and who he said it to. He didnt say we dont want black people to come to our games, nor did he say we want to make it harder for black people to come to our games, and there is no indication he was committing racist acts with the Clippers. The NAACP was about to give him a lifetime achievement award cuz...sunovagun...dood be given out CHECKS yo.

He said he didnt want the girl he was having an affair with (a latina that turned out to be half black herself) to be seen with black guys at the Clippers games. That makes him a sleeze, and as a person someone that expressed racist ideation and maybe even an actual racist. And really...thats about it. Douchebag...maybe. Satan...nah.
Come now. Examine what he actually SAID..and who he said it to. He didnt say we dont want black people to come to our games, nor did he say we want to make it harder for black people to come to our games, and there is no indication he was committing racist acts with the Clippers. The NAACP was about to give him a lifetime achievement award cuz...sunovagun...dood be given out CHECKS yo.

He said he didnt want the girl he was having an affair with (a latina that turned out to be half black herself) to be seen with black guys at the Clippers games. That makes him a sleeze, and as a person someone that expressed racist ideation and maybe even an actual racist. And really...thats about it. Douchebag...maybe. Satan...nah.

No one is saying he is Satan. So spare us the apologetic strawman.

His lifetime of attempts to marginalize a minority (the heart of racism) came to light in this attempt to do so. His racism is institutionalized, it took place in his real estate business, his team and his personal life.

And on top of that, he insulted every working person by calling paychecks handouts. He spewed that crap out of a modern plantation fantasy.

No one wants to work for him.
They won't be rescinded because apparently the players went to the owners and said that if they don't kick the guy out of the league...they walk.

The owners balked, Sterling is gone.

Besides, the PR downside from booting him out is negligible. The PR downside from reinstating him is considerable.

So, he is gone.

Btw, I don't think he should have been booted. Private conversations should remain that...private.
Where do you get this information?

1) They're under contract.

2) Where are they going to go... that pays them anywhere close to what they're getting now? Europe? Not until their contract is up, and even then most of the best players want nothing to do with that.

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