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Absent Democratic lawmaker also working as airline pilot returns to Washington after bad headlines (1 Viewer)


Heading North
Dungeon Master
DP Veteran
Aug 19, 2014
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Tennessee, USA
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Thanks Biden, you wrecked the economy so much a congressman has to have two jobs to support his family. It’s about time we look at providing our representatives with a living wage. Coming to an end are the days when a little questionable ethics by Democrats was overlooked.
Thanks Biden, you wrecked the economy so much a congressman has to have two jobs to support his family.

That remark: so stupid it hurts. Especially when the article says . . .

Kahele's office previously said he flies for Hawaiian Airlines only on occasion to maintain his pilot certification and within the limits of House ethics rules, which capped annual outside income at $29,895 in 2022.

But that's how Fox gets 'em riled.

So this asshole get's paid $174K a year in taxpayer dollars to be a no-show while he also gets paid as an airline pilot.

Something's wrong with this picture.

I hope your excuse is that you didn't actually read the whole article.
Thanks Biden, you wrecked the economy so much a congressman has to have two jobs to support his family. It’s about time we look at providing our representatives with a living wage. Coming to an end are the days when a little questionable ethics by Democrats was overlooked.
Do you ever get whiplash having your strings yanked by FOX News so often?
He literally 'phoned it in' this whole time.

So this asshole get's paid $174K a year in taxpayer dollars to be a no-show while he also gets paid as an airline pilot.

Something's wrong with this picture.
So much for the lazy dems who want government to give them everything. But speaking of the government, how much is miss greene making this year and what exactly are her responsibilities since she's been booted off her committees? Does she have a side job or is she just sucking off the government teat?
Thanks Biden, you wrecked the economy so much a congressman has to have two jobs to support his family. It’s about time we look at providing our representatives with a living wage. Coming to an end are the days when a little questionable ethics by Democrats was overlooked.
Can we start with a fifteen an hour minimum wage?
So much for the lazy dems who want government to give them everything. But speaking of the government, how much is miss greene making this year and what exactly are her responsibilities since she's been booted off her committees? Does she have a side job or is she just sucking off the government teat?
She has never even opened a congressional office in her own district. She does nothing but start trouble and tell lies. And her Rubes love her for it.
Thanks Biden, you wrecked the economy so much a congressman has to have two jobs to support his family. It’s about time we look at providing our representatives with a living wage. Coming to an end are the days when a little questionable ethics by Democrats was overlooked.
If someone is making $174,000 a year they don't need a second job.
If someone is making $174,000 a year they don't need a second job.
I believe he isn't doing it for the money. He's maintaining his license status. He could lose his next election and I am sure he would like to be able to fall back on his aviation license.

Fox news just doesn't have anything else to complain about. There are no more horses to beat.
I believe he isn't doing it for the money. He's maintaining his license status. He could lose his next election and I am sure he would like to be able to fall back on his aviation license.

Fox news just doesn't have anything else to complain about. There are no more horses to beat.
Yeah. Shame on Fox News for complaining about a lawmaker who has not been doing his fracking job, yet still earns a taxpayer-funded salary.
If someone is making $174,000 a year they don't need a second job.
Like Biggie said:
Mo money Mo problems

If the money going out is more than the money coming in you are in trouble at any yearly income level
Yeah. Shame on Fox News for complaining about a lawmaker who has not been doing his fracking job, yet still earns a taxpayer-funded salary.

Shame on you for not reading the article you linked and thereby repeating Fox's lies. Shame on you for running the **** away from the post that pointed it out. Shame on you for not being honest about the simple fact that he actually didn't miss anything, is merely meeting minimum requirements for maintaining this pilot license, is in compliance with ethics rules, and for completely failing to compare it to all other sorts of allegedly "recreational" time other congresspeople take.

You ran with a nothingburger. You got busted. Now you're stuck just blindly repeating what you ran with.

Bad look.
Yeah. Shame on Fox News for complaining about a lawmaker who has not been doing his fracking job, yet still earns a taxpayer-funded salary.
This thread cannot be saved. You have face planted yet again.
I would support paying congress 15 an hour.
Me too and to take it a step further, they also get to live in military barracks because we all know how our congress members love the military and as an extra added attraction, they get to eat MRI's just like the grunts on the ground and they can pay for their own health care.
Cawthorn has missed more than 16% of votes in his first term.

You are of course equally outraged.
I would have if i knew that. But it doesn't really matter, since Cawthorn is at high risk of getting primaried.
I would have if i knew that. But it doesn't really matter, since Cawthorn is at high risk of getting primaried.
Or imprisoned.

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