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ABC Poll: Biden's Lead Drops 4 Points When 3rd Party Candidates Added In (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
May 6, 2020
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San Luis Obispo, CA
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
According to an ABC/Washington Post poll released yesterday, Biden is beating Trump nationally by 10 points.

However, when Third Party Candidates Jorgensen (Libertarian Party) and Hawkins (Green Party) are added into the poll options, Biden's lead drops 4 points to +6.

Five Thirty Eight requires that you click on the "More" tab in order to actually see this breakdown.

What could this mean?

All other polls averaged into RCP this week had only two options, Trump or Biden. Both Jorgensen and Hawkins will be on the ballot. Meaning it is very likely that BIden's RCP lead is actually much narrower than it appears.

Which would explain why this same poll shows Trump's approval rating up from 42% to 44%.

And his disapproval numbers down from 57% to 53%.
According to an ABC/Washington Post poll released yesterday, Biden is beating Trump nationally by 10 points.

However, when Third Party Candidates Jorgensen (Libertarian Party) and Hawkins (Green Party) are added into the poll options, Biden's lead drops 4 points to +6.

Five Thirty Eight requires that you click on the "More" tab in order to actually see this breakdown.

What could this mean?

All other polls averaged into RCP this week had only two options, Trump or Biden. Both Jorgensen and Hawkins will be on the ballot. Meaning it is very likely that BIden's RCP lead is actually much narrower than it appears.
Hey did you hear Trump suggested Biden should take a drug test prior to the debate? I wonder what kind of drugs Trump was on when he thought of that!
According to an ABC/Washington Post poll released yesterday, Biden is beating Trump nationally by 10 points.

However, when Third Party Candidates Jorgensen (Libertarian Party) and Hawkins (Green Party) are added into the poll options, Biden's lead drops 4 points to +6.

Five Thirty Eight requires that you click on the "More" tab in order to actually see this breakdown.

What could this mean?

All other polls averaged into RCP this week had only two options, Trump or Biden. Both Jorgensen and Hawkins will be on the ballot. Meaning it is very likely that BIden's RCP lead is actually much narrower than it appears.
Hey did you hear Trump suggested Biden should take a drug test prior to the debate? I wonder what kind of drugs Trump was on when he thought of that!
I'm going to steer clear of this one.

Look at the number of poll respondents, though, who gave the response "Biden" when there were only two choices, but who plan on voting for Jorgensen or Hawkins.
Based on Reub’s OP assertion, and RCP polling showing that Joe is still crushing Trump even when 3rd parties are factored in, I guess we can say Joe’s 1:1 polling against Trump is underrated at this point.

You’re running out of argumentative plank, Reub. You were proven wrong twice in your own thread on the 1st page.

Bummer, dude.
Lol no I haven't.

The ABC poll is the ONLY current poll that gave 3rd Party Candidates as options.

The CNBC poll doesn't even come up on 538 with options for 3rd party candidates, I'm not even sure it included them.

The other polls are weeks old.

Your post just got discredited, Auntie. Bummer.
Based on Reub’s OP assertion, and RCP polling showing that Joe is still crushing Trump even when 3rd parties are factored in, I guess we can say Joe’s 1:1 polling against Trump is underrated at this point.

You are now being purposely misleading.

You circled polls that were a month old.

I must have touched on something here.
I'm sure I speak for a lot of people here when I say, "Who the **** are Jorgensen and Hawkins?"
I'm sure I speak for a lot of people here when I say, "Who the **** are Jorgensen and Hawkins?"
Jorgensen is the Libertarian Party candidate, and Hawkins is the Green Party candidate. Both will be on the ballot in November.
Jorgensen is the Libertarian Party candidate, and Hawkins is the Green Party candidate. Both will be on the ballot in November.

And no one cares. They're not going to make a lick of difference. The "Oh Fake Pumpkin" is done, especially after the news today.
Lol no I haven't.

The ABC poll is the ONLY current poll that gave 3rd Party Candidates as options.

The CNBC poll doesn't even come up on 538 with options for 3rd party candidates, I'm not even sure it included them.

The other polls are weeks old.

Your post just got discredited, Auntie. Bummer.

Oh r
And no one cares. They're not going to make a lick of difference. The "Oh Fake Pumpkin" is done, especially after the news today.
He tries so hard. LOL
According to an ABC/Washington Post poll released yesterday, Biden is beating Trump nationally by 10 points.

However, when Third Party Candidates Jorgensen (Libertarian Party) and Hawkins (Green Party) are added into the poll options, Biden's lead drops 4 points to +6.

Five Thirty Eight requires that you click on the "More" tab in order to actually see this breakdown.

What could this mean?

All other polls averaged into RCP this week had only two options, Trump or Biden. Both Jorgensen and Hawkins will be on the ballot. Meaning it is very likely that BIden's RCP lead is actually much narrower than it appears.

Which would explain why this same poll shows Trump's approval rating up from 42% to 44%.

And his disapproval numbers down from 57% to 53%.

Third party voters are more likely to siphon votes away from Trump than from Biden. The vast majority of people who despise Joe Biden are hardcore Trump-supporting conservatives who Trump was never going to lose anyway. A great many people of all stripes despise Donald Trump, and an inordinate number of them who may not love Biden are likely to vote for him anyway as the lesser of two evils in order to prevent another four years of the Trump clown show.

This phenomenon worked for Trump in 2016 as many people hated Hillary, and I suspect it will work for Biden in 2020 with so many Trump haters.
According to an ABC/Washington Post poll released yesterday, Biden is beating Trump nationally by 10 points.

However, when Third Party Candidates Jorgensen (Libertarian Party) and Hawkins (Green Party) are added into the poll options, Biden's lead drops 4 points to +6.

Five Thirty Eight requires that you click on the "More" tab in order to actually see this breakdown.

What could this mean?

All other polls averaged into RCP this week had only two options, Trump or Biden. Both Jorgensen and Hawkins will be on the ballot. Meaning it is very likely that BIden's RCP lead is actually much narrower than it appears.

Which would explain why this same poll shows Trump's approval rating up from 42% to 44%.

And his disapproval numbers down from 57% to 53%.

If John Bolton ran, Trump's former National Security Advisor for one year ran, a real republican, it would hurt Trump and help Joe.

Bolton called Trump "an empty suit and a threat to democracy".
And no one cares. They're not going to make a lick of difference. The "Oh Fake Pumpkin" is done, especially after the news today.
I love it when liberals come onto a thread and go on and on about how no one cares.

If no one cared, they wouldn’t open the thread. Or respond to the post lol.

“No one cares” translates into “We are extremely worried, we need to shut this thread down quickly!”
Does he really though? His stuff is easily debunked within seconds.
Nothing is debunked lol.

You posted polls that were weeks old.

And you are being intentionally misleading, which is not cool.

Tell me exactly what you question about the OP.
Nothing is debunked lol.

You posted polls that were weeks old.

And you are being intentionally misleading, which is not cool.
Yeah, sure...😄

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