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ABC NEWS: Islamofascist Terrorist attempt to bomb United Airlines Flight (1 Viewer)

Aug 16, 2010
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Two Suspects on United Airlines Flight Arrested on Terror Charges in Amsterdam - ABC News

Practicioners of the Religion of Peace, again, were caught in a dry run, of attempting to destroy a United Airlines Flight from Amsterdam to Chicago.

Can I use the words "Islamofascist terrorists?"

Is it politically incorrect to do so?

Just thought I would ask.

I think you have a misunderstanding of what fascism is. You can use the term "Islamofascist terrorist" but it doesn't make a lot of sense.
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I think you have a misunderstanding of what fascism is. You can use the term "Islamofascist terrorist" but it doesn't make a lot of sense.

He didn't get the Obama memo and new meaningless terminology changes Deuce.
He didn't get the Obama memo and new meaningless terminology changes Deuce.

It doesn't make much sense because there aren't really a lot of ideological similarities between radical Islamic terrorists and fascists. Groups like Al-Qaeda are anti-nationalist, while fascism is exactly the opposite.

Islamofascist terrorist is a meaningless term designed to paint the war on terror as a war on Islam.

But hey, let's not let the definition of words get in the way of your talking points.
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The term "Islamofacist" is just something made up for people who can't be bothered to actually understand the nature of the enemy, so they slap "facist" on the back to make sure everyone knows they should hate it.
The term "Islamofacist" is just something made up for people who can't be bothered to actually understand the nature of the enemy, so they slap "facist" on the back to make sure everyone knows they should hate it.

I kinda scratched my head too. Why not just call them what they are, Islamic terrorists? Good enough for me.
The term "Islamofacist" is just something made up for people who can't be bothered to actually understand the nature of the enemy, so they slap "facist" on the back to make sure everyone knows they should hate it.

It gets slapped onto everything. To a lot of people, "fascist" means simply "bad." I mean, socialism and fascism are virtual polar opposites in terms of ideology, yet people will call our president a socialist and a fascist in the same sentence.

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