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A teacher writes about the Republican assault on education (1 Viewer)


Jul 11, 2016
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The GOP has been cutting education funding, all while trying to increase money towards our already bloated military. They are trying to eliminate successful teachers, in order to shovel money towards privately owned charter schools. They have even created vouchers which allow their parents to avoid paying taxes to public schools, and send their children to young-earth creationist run religious "education."

The GOP hates when citizens are educated. They know that educated citizens don't vote for the backwards republican party. They don't want the youth of their states getting into college, since at college, they will be introduced to new ideas, cultures, and beliefs which will expose the gop for the bigoted incompetent crooks they are.

Fortunately, the gop is dying out. Just not soon enough to save the future of millions of children in the education system they have utterly destroyed

The GOP has been cutting education funding, all while trying to increase money towards our already bloated military. They are trying to eliminate successful teachers, in order to shovel money towards privately owned charter schools. They have even created vouchers which allow their parents to avoid paying taxes to public schools, and send their children to young-earth creationist run religious "education."

The GOP hates when citizens are educated. They know that educated citizens don't vote for the backwards republican party. They don't want the youth of their states getting into college, since at college, they will be introduced to new ideas, cultures, and beliefs which will expose the gop for the bigoted incompetent crooks they are.

Fortunately, the gop is dying out. Just not soon enough to save the future of millions of children in the education system they have utterly destroyed


The GOP has been cutting education funding, all while trying to increase money towards our already bloated military. They are trying to eliminate successful teachers, in order to shovel money towards privately owned charter schools. They have even created vouchers which allow their parents to avoid paying taxes to public schools, and send their children to young-earth creationist run religious "education."

The GOP hates when citizens are educated. They know that educated citizens don't vote for the backwards republican party. They don't want the youth of their states getting into college, since at college, they will be introduced to new ideas, cultures, and beliefs which will expose the gop for the bigoted incompetent crooks they are.

Fortunately, the gop is dying out. Just not soon enough to save the future of millions of children in the education system they have utterly destroyed

The standards of the very curriculum that you must teach may not even be written by educators.

Maybe he can write a blog on Caffeinated Idiot or wherever he blogs complaining about standards of banking being written by people who were never bankers. But I doubt he will, because he's probably a socialist and is therefore a raging braindead clown.

The GOP has been cutting education funding, all while trying to increase money towards our already bloated military. They are trying to eliminate successful teachers, in order to shovel money towards privately owned charter schools. They have even created vouchers which allow their parents to avoid paying taxes to public schools, and send their children to young-earth creationist run religious "education."

The GOP hates when citizens are educated. They know that educated citizens don't vote for the backwards republican party. They don't want the youth of their states getting into college, since at college, they will be introduced to new ideas, cultures, and beliefs which will expose the gop for the bigoted incompetent crooks they are.

Fortunately, the gop is dying out. Just not soon enough to save the future of millions of children in the education system they have utterly destroyed

"We hate public education! Let's cut funding and that will make them be more efficient and teach more effectively! That means that if we give the schools less money, our kids will be taught more effectively!"

And when the grades don't get better, what happens?

"See? Public education doesn't work! We cut their funding to make them be more efficient, and then the grades got worse!"

Of course, the one strategy that Must Never Be Considered is "properly funding schools and paying teachers what they're worth."
Money isn't the issue in American schools. We are already near if not the top on the list of money spent per student. We have a serious problem with parents not telling children how important an education is and the children not taking their education seriously. In many other nations, you need to make sure you get an education to become something. Today, many Americans have no interest in that.
"We hate public education! Let's cut funding and that will make them be more efficient and teach more effectively! That means that if we give the schools less money, our kids will be taught more effectively!"

And when the grades don't get better, what happens?

"See? Public education doesn't work! We cut their funding to make them be more efficient, and then the grades got worse!"

Of course, the one strategy that Must Never Be Considered is "properly funding schools and paying teachers what they're worth."

Nice strawman, except it's not true, well, anywhere. All the states out West here are paying more for public education than we ever have and getting less result than we ever have. Learning to be PC has replaced learning reading writing and arithmetic.

The GOP has been cutting education funding, all while trying to increase money towards our already bloated military. They are trying to eliminate successful teachers, in order to shovel money towards privately owned charter schools. They have even created vouchers which allow their parents to avoid paying taxes to public schools, and send their children to young-earth creationist run religious "education."

The GOP hates when citizens are educated. They know that educated citizens don't vote for the backwards republican party. They don't want the youth of their states getting into college, since at college, they will be introduced to new ideas, cultures, and beliefs which will expose the gop for the bigoted incompetent crooks they are.

Fortunately, the gop is dying out. Just not soon enough to save the future of millions of children in the education system they have utterly destroyed

Wow...so much misinformation, lies, spin and hyperbole. But hey, let's take this drivel in bite-sized chunks, eh?

1. Less funding for education vs increased funding for defense. Sounds to me like this is the way it's supposed to be according to the Constitution. I'm all for following the Constitution...aren't you?

2. Eliminate successful teachers...shovel money toward charter schools. Please show some data.

3. Vouchers do not let anybody avoid school taxes. If you think so, please show proof.

4. What's wrong with people choosing what kind of school they send their children to? Perhaps you prefer government-controlled schools? Why?

The rest is so dumbass, it exceeds reasoned rebuttal. I'm afraid your left-wing-nutjob bias is so great there is no hope for you.
I love how leftists associate being opposed to publicly funded schooling with being opposed to education.

These are the same people that claim they are smart, while everyone else is a bunch of dumbasses.
"We hate public education! Let's cut funding and that will make them be more efficient and teach more effectively! That means that if we give the schools less money, our kids will be taught more effectively!"

And when the grades don't get better, what happens?

"See? Public education doesn't work! We cut their funding to make them be more efficient, and then the grades got worse!"

Of course, the one strategy that Must Never Be Considered is "properly funding schools and paying teachers what they're worth."

Who hates public education?
Nice strawman, except it's not true, well, anywhere. All the states out West here are paying more for public education than we ever have and getting less result than we ever have. Learning to be PC has replaced learning reading writing and arithmetic.

Instead of posting what you Just Know to be true because conservatism-good-liberalism-bad...try posting educational attainment rates of red states as compared to those of blue states, and then we'll talk.

In other words, use hard data instead of your own assumptions.
Who hates public education?


You've been politically active for how long, yet you haven't heard the hue and cry among conservatives for vouchers for private schools, for for-profit schools, for cutting public school funding, for spending taxpayer dollars on religious schools, for the dissolution of the Department of Education, for not having national standards but instead allowing states to set their own standards (and have you seen what a lot of Texas school board members support?)...

...C'mon, now, TB - you do know what I'm talking about. You're intelligent and well-read and politically-aware, and that's why I really don't think there's a need to spoon-feed you information on any of those above.

You've been politically active for how long, yet you haven't heard the hue and cry among conservatives for vouchers for private schools, for for-profit schools, for cutting public school funding, for spending taxpayer dollars on religious schools, for the dissolution of the Department of Education, for not having national standards but instead allowing states to set their own standards (and have you seen what a lot of Texas school board members support?)...

...C'mon, now, TB - you do know what I'm talking about. You're intelligent and well-read and politically-aware, and that's why I really don't think there's a need to spoon-feed you information on any of those above.

Yes, the idea of vouchers as an alternative to public schools for people who want them have been pushed by some from both parties.

As more and more Democrats have embraced that simple fact—that it’s unfair to punish some children because of things over which they have no control, like we’re they’re born—the party has seen a massive increase in the number of school choice supporters. Morality knows no politics, and many have seen their moral compass point them in the direction of giving children a chance. Democratic mayors, governors, and elected officials in legislative bodies both in Washington and in the states have begun to embrace doing what’s best for kids.

The Democratic Case for School Choice, and How It's Defying Traditional Party Breakdowns

Who hates public schools?

You've been politically active for how long, yet you haven't heard the hue and cry among conservatives for vouchers for private schools, for for-profit schools, for cutting public school funding, for spending taxpayer dollars on religious schools, for the dissolution of the Department of Education, for not having national standards but instead allowing states to set their own standards (and have you seen what a lot of Texas school board members support?)...

...C'mon, now, TB - you do know what I'm talking about. You're intelligent and well-read and politically-aware, and that's why I really don't think there's a need to spoon-feed you information on any of those above.

There is zero constitutional merit for the department of education.
Yes, the idea of vouchers as an alternative to public schools for people who want them have been pushed by some from both parties.

As more and more Democrats have embraced that simple fact—that it’s unfair to punish some children because of things over which they have no control, like we’re they’re born—the party has seen a massive increase in the number of school choice supporters. Morality knows no politics, and many have seen their moral compass point them in the direction of giving children a chance. Democratic mayors, governors, and elected officials in legislative bodies both in Washington and in the states have begun to embrace doing what’s best for kids.

The Democratic Case for School Choice, and How It's Defying Traditional Party Breakdowns

Who hates public schools?

You pointed out one article concerning one of the factors I presented. What about the other five?

Again, TB, yeah, you do know what I'm talking about. You can try all day long to try to deny it, but if y'all had y'all's way, there'd be no public schools - they'd all be private...and only for those who could afford them.
You pointed out one article concerning one of the factors I presented. What about the other five?

Again, TB, yeah, you do know what I'm talking about. You can try all day long to try to deny it, but if y'all had y'all's way, there'd be no public schools - they'd all be private...and only for those who could afford them.

You brought up Texas. The writer of the article wasn't talking about Texas. I don't want to talk about Texas either.

Republicans don't "hate" public education in NC. Most of them send their kids to public schools. I don't hate public schools. I have 3 kids who only attended public schools. I have no interest in making our public schools private, so I don't know who the "y'all" are you talk about.
Instead of posting what you Just Know to be true because conservatism-good-liberalism-bad...try posting educational attainment rates of red states as compared to those of blue states, and then we'll talk.

In other words, use hard data instead of your own assumptions.

You think this is a partisan issue? Well, there's your problem right there, being stuck in the partisan echo and can't hear what is going on. Red states, blue states don't exist where it comes to education. They're all purple. School boards are local as are the schools themselves. However, the feds have continually dug themselves into local education like a tick on a blood hound.

You just can't deny the reality that we are spending more than we ever have on public schools (all states) and getting less result (all states). There's a reason universities have bonehead courses for freshmen, courses that didn't exist a few decades ago. Why? Because they were supposed to be taught in high school and if you didn't get it then you were ineligible for college. But high schools nationwide have consistently been going down the crapper educationally.
There's zero constitutional merit for the Clean Air Act, either...but we all live longer, healthier lives if we can breathe more easily.

Not true. The government's role is to protect us. Clean air is protecting our health.

The GOP has been cutting education funding, all while trying to increase money towards our already bloated military. They are trying to eliminate successful teachers, in order to shovel money towards privately owned charter schools. They have even created vouchers which allow their parents to avoid paying taxes to public schools, and send their children to young-earth creationist run religious "education."

The GOP hates when citizens are educated. They know that educated citizens don't vote for the backwards republican party. They don't want the youth of their states getting into college, since at college, they will be introduced to new ideas, cultures, and beliefs which will expose the gop for the bigoted incompetent crooks they are.

Fortunately, the gop is dying out. Just not soon enough to save the future of millions of children in the education system they have utterly destroyed

Please link us to a reliable source showing that the GOP is cutting school funding.
And helping our population to be as well-educated as possible isn't also protecting not only our health, but also our general welfare?

They already do. Public schools aren't going anywhere. Can you explain why we spend more than any other nation in the world on education, yet we are somewhere in the middle as far as education results go?
"We hate public education! Let's cut funding and that will make them be more efficient and teach more effectively! That means that if we give the schools less money, our kids will be taught more effectively!"

And when the grades don't get better, what happens?

"See? Public education doesn't work! We cut their funding to make them be more efficient, and then the grades got worse!"

Of course, the one strategy that Must Never Be Considered is "properly funding schools and paying teachers what they're worth."

What a teacher is worth is not for you to decide.

When you have a 1000 positions open and 10,000 qualified applicants, you are paying too much.
When you have A 1000 positions open and 500 qualified applicants, you are paying too little.
What a teacher is worth is not for you to decide.

When you have a 1000 positions open and 10,000 qualified applicants, you are paying too much.
When you have A 1000 positions open and 500 qualified applicants, you are paying too little.

The free market and the profit motive are not the be-all and end-all when it comes to humanity. The experience of the first-world democracies - all of which (including America) are socialized to significant extents - should have taught you that, since social safety nets are not grounded in the free market and the profit motive.
"We hate public education! Let's cut funding and that will make them be more efficient and teach more effectively! That means that if we give the schools less money, our kids will be taught more effectively!"

And when the grades don't get better, what happens?

"See? Public education doesn't work! We cut their funding to make them be more efficient, and then the grades got worse!"

Of course, the one strategy that Must Never Be Considered is "properly funding schools and paying teachers what they're worth."

We get beat out by Vietnam who spends about 1/10th of what we spend.

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