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A teacher saw a BB gun in a 9-year-old’s room during online class. He faced expulsion. (1 Viewer)


long standing member
DP Veteran
Dec 22, 2005
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got suspended for six days instead

this will probably be the only gun control thread in which turtledude and i will agree
the kid was in his own home
the teacher saw the BB gun and reported the student
the student was putting the gun away after a sibling had knocked it in the floor; he did not flaunt it during the online lesson

school should have contacted the parents and had the gun placed out of sight ... not punish the kid
got suspended for six days instead

this will probably be the only gun control thread in which turtledude and i will agree
the kid was in his own home
the teacher saw the BB gun and reported the student
the student was putting the gun away after a sibling had knocked it in the floor; he did not flaunt it during the online lesson

school should have contacted the parents and had the gun placed out of sight ... not punish the kid
These are the sort of people most Americans trust to raise their children for them.
got suspended for six days instead

this will probably be the only gun control thread in which turtledude and i will agree
the kid was in his own home
the teacher saw the BB gun and reported the student
the student was putting the gun away after a sibling had knocked it in the floor; he did not flaunt it during the online lesson

school should have contacted the parents and had the gun placed out of sight ... not punish the kid
This shit is why school choice is such an important issue.

Parents need options so they can keep their children away from ****ing idiot teachers and school administrators.
Some lawyer should take this case pro bono.
If teachers dont like the contents of peoples homes then they should take their filthy little liberal fingers and use it turn the camera off. They should be focused on teaching not creeping around a childs room.

Could have been worse....I mean the kid might have had a Poptart gun.....oh. wait. 😐

Could have been worse....I mean the kid might have had a Poptart gun.....oh. wait. 😐
OMG... really! I was thinking more along the lines of an impromptu torn piece of paper.:eek:
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