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A report card on the Trump administration (1 Viewer)

There is one huge difference between Trump and everyone else in the nation. He is the President, and his doctor is just down the hall.

He can get an EKG anytime on a moment's notice. No doubt he is tested a few times a day for Covid-19.

His devoted followers, who believe everything Trump says, do not have that luxury. If they are rushing out to compliant doctors to get a prescription for hydroxy, they will not be having a doctor standing by.

This is further evidence that Trump is a sociopath. Trump doesn't seem to care. His only concern -- a narcissistic desire to be right at all times.
It is entirely possible Trump is really that stupid.

Yesterday, Trump, as he usually does, doubled down on his earlier statements encouraging the use of hydroxychloroquine. "I'm taking it for about a week and a half now and I'm still here, I'm still here."

Today, Trump tripled down on his earlier statements encouraging the use of hydroxychloroquine. “I take it. I hope to not be able to take it soon because, you know, I hope they come up with some answer,” he told reporters.

There is no evidence hydroxychloroquine can fight coronavirus, and regulators warn the drug may cause heart problems. Dr Marcos Espinal, director of the Pan American Health Organization - part of the World Health Organization (WHO) - has stressed that no clinical trials have recommended the use of hydroxychloroquine for coronavirus. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) last month issued an advisory saying that hydroxychloroquine has "not been shown to be safe and effective".

Trump rejected the research on the drug, and at one point argued that one study was completed by people who didn't like him. He rebutted his FDA: “But I think people should be allowed to [take hydroxy].”

Then Trump came up with his own research.

"You'd be surprised at how many people are taking it, especially the frontline workers before you catch it, the frontline workers, many, many are taking it." No one knows where he got that information. More than likely, he just made it up.

Asked what was his evidence of hydroxy's effectiveness, Trump said: "Here's my evidence: I get a lot of positive calls about it."

He added: "I've heard a lot of good stories [about hydroxychloroquine] and if it's not good, I'll tell you right I'm not going to get hurt by it."

Those who voted for Trump are largely silent. Can anyone blame them?

Everything Trump said about HCQ was true.

Some of what you said wasn't. (e.g. the FDA statement. In March they said ...
"Based on the totality of scientific evidence available to FDA, it is reasonable to believe that chloroquine phosphate and hydroxychloroquine sulfate may be effective in treating COVID-19, and that, when used under the conditions described in this authorization, the known and potential benefits of chloroquine phosphate and hydroxychloroquine sulfate when used to treat COVID-19 outweigh the known and potential risks of such products."
If you want to show me that FDA April statement you mentioned we can talk about it.

But as far as Trump's statements, there have been many many doctors describing how many many of their patients have benefited from HCQ.
You can do a search on "hydroxychloroquine success stories" to find some of them.
HCQ isn't touted to be a cure-all for everyone in all stages of the infection.
It's said to be most effective in early stages.
Trump's using it to try to prevent an infection.
How it can actually be said to work or not work as a prophylactic is inconclusive until someone figures out how to prove such a thing.
But if it can be shown effective in very early stages it is a good sign it can also stave off the virus.
In the VA story for example, which wasn't a "Study", the patients the media focused on were in advanced stages of the virus.
The fact that you weren't aware of that is a function of where you get your news, not the fullness of it.
Hillary was a terrible choice.

From a Republican and Independent viewpoint, that is true. However, that is hardly the point.

This is!

Oh, yes, most certainly. A part of that judgement will be the apathy and mindlessness of the American voter in 2016. We allowed extremists to pick our President.

Never again!

As this thread and others show, Trump is so bad his followers can't defend him. They avoid the issues. They avoid what Trump says and does. And they try to change the subject.

That's pretty bad.
Everything Trump said about HCQ was true.

Tell us what he said was true. "Everything" is meaningless.

Some of what you said wasn't.

Okay, so what did I say that wasn't true?

But as far as Trump's statements, there have been many many doctors describing how many many of their patients have benefited from HCQ.

Yes, quite true, in a hospital setting. Last I heard, Trump was not hospitalized and he is negative for Covid-19. That means he is not a patient.

Nonetheless, I appreciate your response. There should be more of that from those trying to defend Trump.
The administration is doing great. before the pandemic we had a massive boom, that will return.

The response to the Covid is as good as it gets , and shows us what a public/private partnership can do. But as we know its an election year , so NOTHING Trump does will get him any accolades from the Democrats or their slimy MSM, esp CNN

The good news is , its likely we will have a vaccine in Jan. or sooner, well under a year, and far better than the 18 months predicted in feb

Your response had absolutely nothing to do with the issues of this thread.

Some may think I am being presumptuous by evaluating the Trump Presidency. However, I beg to differ. As an American I have a perfect right to judge my President.

By the same token, others have a right to question my judgement. In fact, I encourage it.

Trump is falsely given high marks on the economy. Why? Because Americans give high marks to the President if the economy is doing well. Conversely, Americans are ruthless in their judgement if the economy is doing badly. Actually, Presidents have little control over the economy. To blame them or credit them is a mistake. As an example, Herbert Hoover had nothing to do with the causation of the Great Depression. It just happened on his watch.

That factor notwithstanding, Trump has done nothing for our economy except threaten it with his high protective tariffs -- a liberal concept -- and his trade wars. The stock market treaded water from January 2017 to September 2019 because of Trump's trade war with China.

Recently, Trump has fired four inspector generals. Trump has, by far, the highest turnover rate of any President in American history.

With his interference in our Presidential election in 2016, which included a four-month barrage of info that battered the Clinton campaign, it was clear that Vladimir Putin wanted Trump to be our next President. Putin knew his man. On the foreign front, the Trump administration has been a disaster at home, but a boon to Putin..

By his own admission, Trump admired Putin. "I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his statement today," Trump said in July 2018 at a conference in Helsinki.

Trump has weakened NATO, an alliance formed as a bulwark to Russian aggression. The allied leaders of Britain, France, and Germany no longer trust him. Trump camp finds no appeasement at Munich - POLITICO

Trump's Iranian policy has caused Iran to resume her nuclear research, and America's menacing enemy is closer to a nuke than ever.

The U.S. has been tossed out of Middle East talks because of Trump's pro-active, pro-Israeli policy, and replaced by Russia. The Arab republicans and our European allies cannot trust the U.S. as long as Trump is President. As U.S. Exits Syria, Mideast Faces a Post-American Era - The New York Times

To be quite frank, Trump simply lacks the intelligence to be the leader of the most powerful country in the world with the largest economy in the world. It is being suggested that he was elected as a figurehead and he remains one today. That would explain why Trump has such overwhelming support within the GOP, in spite of his moronic and erratic behavior. It is not Trump they are cheering --indeed, his fans largely ignore what he says and does -- it is the agenda they are supporting.

Trump's leadership in the Covid-19 pandemic is questionable at best, and tends to be extremely optimistic to the point of distorting or misrepresenting reality. However, any conclusion as to his leadership in this crisis is premature.

In conclusion, a matter of concern for many Americans is that, with each passing day, it is becoming evident that Trump's support comes from the extreme right. Also, because those who support him pay little attention to what Trump actually does and says, his support is almost cult-like.

What do Democrats and CNN have to do with these issues? I am a conservative Independent. The state of CA says so. I use to be a Republican, but the idiot in the Oval Office drove me out.

You know which idiot I am talking about. The one you are unable to defend with regard to the issues of this thread as shown above.
It's interesting that when the GOP needed a figurehead that would be extremely popular with their base, the chose a blatant racist. The chose the leader of the racist Birther Movement, and as expected, the Republican base loves him. What a sad statement on American culture.

Their intellectual capabilities are in serious question. They seem unable to defend the man they chose as their President. Trump's critics are given a free hand for the most part.
Tell us what he said was true. "Everything" is meaningless.

Okay, so what did I say that wasn't true?

Yes, quite true, in a hospital setting. Last I heard, Trump was not hospitalized and he is negative for Covid-19. That means he is not a patient.

Nonetheless, I appreciate your response. There should be more of that from those trying to defend Trump.

I addressed all that in the comment you replied to.
If you hadn't edited the comment for your reply you'd see it was there.

And your new mistake was raising the "in a hospital setting" limitation. You don't have to be in a hospital to have a doctor prescribe a medication. For example, pre or early stages of the Virus don't require hospitalization.

Did you do the search I suggested? Search on "hydroxychloroquine success stories" to find some of them. Or search on "nyu hydroxychloroquine study".
-> f- <-
Last edited:
From a Republican and Independent viewpoint, that is true. However, that is hardly the point.

This is!

As this thread and others show, Trump is so bad his followers can't defend him. They avoid the issues. They avoid what Trump says and does. And they try to change the subject.

That's pretty bad.

You are doing the exact same thing you used to do on PoliticalForum.com (which is probably a reason they ran you off), you launch a whole list of hysterical attacks on President Trump (often repeating the exact same material over and over) and then when Trump supporters refuse to address each point by point you gleefully jump up and down and proclaim "victory" saying that Trump supporters "can't defend him".
It is entirely possible Trump is really that stupid.

Yesterday, Trump, as he usually does, doubled down on his earlier statements encouraging the use of hydroxychloroquine. "I'm taking it for about a week and a half now and I'm still here, I'm still here."

Today, Trump tripled down on his earlier statements encouraging the use of hydroxychloroquine. “I take it. I hope to not be able to take it soon because, you know, I hope they come up with some answer,” he told reporters.

There is no evidence hydroxychloroquine can fight coronavirus, and regulators warn the drug may cause heart problems. Dr Marcos Espinal, director of the Pan American Health Organization - part of the World Health Organization (WHO) - has stressed that no clinical trials have recommended the use of hydroxychloroquine for coronavirus. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) last month issued an advisory saying that hydroxychloroquine has "not been shown to be safe and effective".

Trump rejected the research on the drug, and at one point argued that one study was completed by people who didn't like him. He rebutted his FDA: “But I think people should be allowed to [take hydroxy].”

Then Trump came up with his own research.

"You'd be surprised at how many people are taking it, especially the frontline workers before you catch it, the frontline workers, many, many are taking it." No one knows where he got that information. More than likely, he just made it up.

Asked what was his evidence of hydroxy's effectiveness, Trump said: "Here's my evidence: I get a lot of positive calls about it."

He added: "I've heard a lot of good stories [about hydroxychloroquine] and if it's not good, I'll tell you right I'm not going to get hurt by it."

Those who voted for Trump are largely silent. Can anyone blame them?

Our nation is waging a war against a deadly virus. From the way we walk, the way we shop, the way families can gather, the way we spend our leisure time, the way our children go to school, and the way we attend ball games has drastically changed -- perhaps forever.

In addition, Americans are facing the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression ninety years ago.

And what are Americans talking about? What is the focus of the news media? What is the current impact of America's leadership?

Answer: The incredible stupidity of the President who decided to take a potent, dangerous drug against the advice of his medical experts, the FDA, the CDC, WHO, and others. "Here's my evidence: I get a lot of positive calls about it."

Why does this foolish man do this? It's simple, for attention. His extreme narcissism demands that he always must be the center of attention, even if he has to act like an idiot to get that attention.

And this man is our President!

Do we laugh or cry at this idiot?
"Here's my evidence: I get a lot of positive calls about it."[/I][/B]

Why does this foolish man do this? It's simple, for attention. His extreme narcissism demands that he always must be the center of attention, even if he has to act like an idiot to get that attention.

And this man is our President!

Do we laugh or cry at this idiot?

Trump told journalists today that he "thinks" he only has "about two days" left of his hydroxychloroquine.

Once he received all the attention he wanted -- even though the attention was that of an idiot -- it seems Donald has decided the drug was too dangerous, after all.

What a pathetic little man.
Our nation is waging a war against a deadly virus. From the way we walk, the way we shop, the way families can gather, the way we spend our leisure time, the way our children go to school, and the way we attend ball games has drastically changed -- perhaps forever.

In addition, Americans are facing the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression ninety years ago.

And what are Americans talking about? What is the focus of the news media? What is the current impact of America's leadership?

Answer: The incredible stupidity of the President who decided to take a potent, dangerous drug against the advice of his medical experts, the FDA, the CDC, WHO, and others. "Here's my evidence: I get a lot of positive calls about it."

The World sees highest one-day increase of cases since outbreak began. With an increase of 106,000 COVID-19 cases worldwide in the last day, the globe is experiencing its highest one-day increase since the outbreak began, WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said Wednesday.Two-thirds of those cases were reported in four countries. The US remains the worst affected nation, with more than 1.5 million confirmed cases and over 94,900 deaths.

Coronavirus updates: World sees highest 1-day increase since outbreak began | Connect FM | Local News Radio | Dubois, PA

While all this is going on, Trump was whistling past the graveyard, accusing a morning television host of being involved in murder, rehashing voter fraud again, making unfounded claims of Obama's criminal activity (once again not bothering to explain the nature of the criminal activity), making allegations of senility against Joe Biden, and repeating his customary attacks on reporters and the news media.
“There’s a possibility that the assault of the virus on our nation next winter will actually be even more difficult than the one we just went through,” he told The Post’s Lena H. Sun. He added, “We’re going to have the flu epidemic and the coronavirus epidemic at the same time."

So stated the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Robert Redfield.

On national television Trump challenged the accuracy of that quote. On national television Redfield told Americans that he was accurately quoted.

In terms of embarrassment, it ranks right up there with Trump's assertion that injecting disinfectant to kill the virus might be a good idea, and his announcement that he was taking a dangerous and potent drug against the advice of medical experts, the FDA, CDC, and the WHO.

During his lunch with GOP senators yesterday Trump was highly critical of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the fate of the agency's director, Dr. Redfield was in serious question.

In his customary fashion of wanting it both ways, Trump today said that Redfield is doing a "very good job" leading the agency and denied ever discussing the CDC at Tuesday's lunch on Capitol Hill with GOP senators.

"I think he's done a very good job. I think my whole team has done a very good job," Trump said, adding that there is "great talent" at the CDC.

After waiting a week or two for the furor to die down, Redfield will be gone.

It is Trump's way. Make him happy. Don't give him bad news. Or you are gone. Trump has the highest turnover rate of any President in American history.
To my Trump friends, I completely understand. Trump's incompetence and mindlessness is overwhelming. Your silence does not surprise me.
Some may think I am being presumptuous by evaluating the Trump Presidency. However, I beg to differ. As an American I have a perfect to judge my President.

By the same token, others have a right to question my judgement. In fact, I encourage it.

Trump is falsely given high marks on the economy. Why? Because Americans give high marks to the President if the economy is doing well. Conversely, Americans are ruthless in their judgement if the economy is doing badly. Actually, Presidents have little control over the economy. To blame them or credit them is a mistake. As an example, Herbert Hoover had nothing to do with the causation of the Great Depression. It just happened on his watch.

That factor notwithstanding, Trump has done nothing for our economy except threaten it with his high protective tariffs -- a liberal concept -- and his trade wars. The stock market treaded water from January 2017 to September 2019 because of Trump's trade war with China.

Recently, Trump has fired four inspector generals. Trump has, by far, the highest turnover rate of any President in American history.

With his interference in our Presidential election in 2016, which included a four-month barrage of info that battered the Clinton campaign, it was clear that Vladimir Putin wanted Trump to be our next President. Putin knew his man. On the foreign front, the Trump administration has been a disaster at home, but a boon to Putin..

By his own admission, Trump admired Putin. "I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his statement today," Trump said in July 2018 at a conference in Helsinki.

Trump has weakened NATO, an alliance formed as a bulwark to Russian aggression. The allied leaders of Britain, France, and Germany no longer trust him. Trump camp finds no appeasement at Munich - POLITICO

Trump's Iranian policy has caused Iran to resume her nuclear research, and America's menacing enemy is closer to a nuke than ever.

The U.S. has been tossed out of Middle East talks because of Trump's pro-active, pro-Israeli policy, and replaced by Russia. The Arab republicans and our European allies cannot trust the U.S. as long as Trump is President. As U.S. Exits Syria, Mideast Faces a Post-American Era - The New York Times

If you are Vladimir Putin, what is not to like?

The Times has reported, "Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected." Trump got hostile with the report. Trump does not want the American people and its representatives to know that Putin wants to help him get reelected, 2016 redux.

Then there is the supposition that Trump is merely a figurehead. Someone else or, more likely, an unknown cabal is running our government? There is conjecture along those lines because of one overriding factor.

To be quite frank, Trump simply lacks the intelligence to be the leader of the most powerful country in the world with the largest economy in the world. It is being suggested that he was elected as a figurehead and he remains one today. That would explain why Trump has such overwhelming support within the GOP, in spite of his moronic and erratic behavior. It is not Trump they are cheering --indeed, his fans largely ignore what he says and does -- it is the agenda they are supporting.

Trump's leadership in the Covid-19 pandemic is questionable at best, and tends to be extremely optimistic to the point of distorting or misrepresenting reality. However, any conclusion as to his leadership in this crisis is premature.

In conclusion, a matter of concern for many Americans is that, with each passing day, it is becoming evident that Trump's support comes from the extreme right. Also, because those who support him pay little attention to what Trump actually does and says, his support is almost cult-like.
Democrat Socialist Party of Goddamm America report card on Trump:
The man is the most unsocialist uncommunist of politicians ever. He gets a big homocurse "F" from our comrades.
Some may think I am being presumptuous by evaluating the Trump Presidency. However, I beg to differ. As an American I have a perfect to judge my President.

By the same token, others have a right to question my judgement. In fact, I encourage it.

Trump is falsely given high marks on the economy. Why? Because Americans give high marks to the President if the economy is doing well. Conversely, Americans are ruthless in their judgement if the economy is doing badly. Actually, Presidents have little control over the economy. To blame them or credit them is a mistake. As an example, Herbert Hoover had nothing to do with the causation of the Great Depression. It just happened on his watch.

That factor notwithstanding, Trump has done nothing for our economy except threaten it with his high protective tariffs -- a liberal concept -- and his trade wars. The stock market treaded water from January 2017 to September 2019 because of Trump's trade war with China.

Recently, Trump has fired four inspector generals. Trump has, by far, the highest turnover rate of any President in American history.

With his interference in our Presidential election in 2016, which included a four-month barrage of info that battered the Clinton campaign, it was clear that Vladimir Putin wanted Trump to be our next President. Putin knew his man. On the foreign front, the Trump administration has been a disaster at home, but a boon to Putin..

By his own admission, Trump admired Putin. "I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his statement today," Trump said in July 2018 at a conference in Helsinki.

Trump has weakened NATO, an alliance formed as a bulwark to Russian aggression. The allied leaders of Britain, France, and Germany no longer trust him. Trump camp finds no appeasement at Munich - POLITICO

Trump's Iranian policy has caused Iran to resume her nuclear research, and America's menacing enemy is closer to a nuke than ever.

The U.S. has been tossed out of Middle East talks because of Trump's pro-active, pro-Israeli policy, and replaced by Russia. The Arab republicans and our European allies cannot trust the U.S. as long as Trump is President. As U.S. Exits Syria, Mideast Faces a Post-American Era - The New York Times

If you are Vladimir Putin, what is not to like?

The Times has reported, "Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected." Trump got hostile with the report. Trump does not want the American people and its representatives to know that Putin wants to help him get reelected, 2016 redux.

Then there is the supposition that Trump is merely a figurehead. Someone else or, more likely, an unknown cabal is running our government? There is conjecture along those lines because of one overriding factor.

To be quite frank, Trump simply lacks the intelligence to be the leader of the most powerful country in the world with the largest economy in the world. It is being suggested that he was elected as a figurehead and he remains one today. That would explain why Trump has such overwhelming support within the GOP, in spite of his moronic and erratic behavior. It is not Trump they are cheering --indeed, his fans largely ignore what he says and does -- it is the agenda they are supporting.

Trump's leadership in the Covid-19 pandemic is questionable at best, and tends to be extremely optimistic to the point of distorting or misrepresenting reality. However, any conclusion as to his leadership in this crisis is premature.

In conclusion, a matter of concern for many Americans is that, with each passing day, it is becoming evident that Trump's support comes from the extreme right. Also, because those who support him pay little attention to what Trump actually does and says, his support is almost cult-like.

Ironically your "report card" follows the standard LW catechism you all spew with religious fervor.
Here's his report card: Over 90k dead as a result of his negligence and malevolence, an economy in the crapper, an nonfunctioning Federal government, and states having to procure medical supplies under the nose of the Federal government so they're not stolen en route.

I don't know what that grade is, but I'm pretty sure it's not an A+.
Your grade conditions to be a Bull****.
Democrat Socialist Party of Goddamm America report card on Trump:
The man is the most unsocialist uncommunist of politicians ever. He gets a big homocurse "F" from our comrades.

I appreciate your contribution. You illustrate perfectly the nature of Trump's support.

The Democrats have nothing to do with this analysis. I am a conservative Independent. The state of California says so. I used to be a Republican, but Trump and his liberal tendencies drove me out of the GOP.
I addressed all that in the comment you replied to.
If you hadn't edited the comment for your reply you'd see it was there.

And your new mistake was raising the "in a hospital setting" limitation. You don't have to be in a hospital to have a doctor prescribe a medication. For example, pre or early stages of the Virus don't require hospitalization.

Did you do the search I suggested? Search on "hydroxychloroquine success stories" to find some of them. Or search on "nyu hydroxychloroquine study".

I am not going to debate a study with you. I relied on the recommendations of medical experts, FDA, CDC, and the WHO. Coming to my own conclusions is exactly what Trump did (and you?), and that is not wise.

It is beside the point. Trump decided he was through making a complete fool of himself on national television.

Trump will soon be ending his course of hydroxychloroquine, he told reporters Wednesday.

"I think the regimen finishes in a day or two — yeah, I think it's two days, two days," he said during a meeting with Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson and Kansas Governor Laura Kelly.
I am not going to debate a study with you. I relied on the recommendations of medical experts, FDA, CDC, and the WHO. Coming to my own conclusions is exactly what Trump did (and you?), and that is not wise.

It is beside the point. Trump decided he was through making a complete fool of himself on national television.

Trump will soon be ending his course of hydroxychloroquine, he told reporters Wednesday.

"I think the regimen finishes in a day or two — yeah, I think it's two days, two days," he said during a meeting with Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson and Kansas Governor Laura Kelly.

The flaws in your post aren't beside the point.

The normal regimen for taking HCQ is around 2 weeks soooooo ........
Under the circumstances, coming from you, a "B" is pretty good.

I see you are still avoiding the issues and dealing with the writer instead, a common practice with Trump's fans.
LOL, the chunk of my post you deleted WAS dealing with the issues you raised.
LOL, the chunk of my post you deleted WAS dealing with the issues you raised.

You are confused. Check your post that I responded to.

In the meantime, Trump just can't help himself. He is making a fool of himself again. he does it for attention, but his nonsense is counter-productive. Biden's lead in the pools is widening.

Trump on Wednesday lashed out at officials in two swing states, Michigan and Nevada, over their moves to make it easier for more voters to cast their ballots by mail ahead of the November election. While Michigan is drowning and is one of the states worst hit by the pandemic, Trump threatened to "hold up funding to Michigan if they want to go down this Voter Fraud path!"

The AP reported in August 2018, "The now-disbanded voting integrity commission launched by the Trump administration uncovered no evidence to support claims of widespread voter fraud, according to an analysis of administration documents released Friday."

In two-thirds of the states, any qualified voter may vote by mail without offering a reason, and in one-third of the states, a reason is required.

States control elections and have the legal authority to make changes to their elections, and Republicans have repeatedly opposed federal intervention in the administration of elections by the states.

Apparently Trump, a RINO, didn't know all that.

Yeah, I know, Trump made a fool of himself again today at the Ford plant in Ypsilanti, Mich., but there is just so much I can handle in one post.

Trump is embarrassing every American who voted for him.

Biden is working off of one principle. When your opponent is acting like a complete jerk, stay out of the way.
You are confused. Check your post that I responded to.

In the meantime, Trump just can't help himself. He is making a fool of himself again. he does it for attention, but his nonsense is counter-productive. Biden's lead in the pools is widening.

Trump on Wednesday lashed out at officials in two swing states, Michigan and Nevada, over their moves to make it easier for more voters to cast their ballots by mail ahead of the November election. While Michigan is drowning and is one of the states worst hit by the pandemic, Trump threatened to "hold up funding to Michigan if they want to go down this Voter Fraud path!"

The AP reported in August 2018, "The now-disbanded voting integrity commission launched by the Trump administration uncovered no evidence to support claims of widespread voter fraud, according to an analysis of administration documents released Friday."

In two-thirds of the states, any qualified voter may vote by mail without offering a reason, and in one-third of the states, a reason is required.

States control elections and have the legal authority to make changes to their elections, and Republicans have repeatedly opposed federal intervention in the administration of elections by the states.

Apparently Trump, a RINO, didn't know all that.

Yeah, I know, Trump made a fool of himself again today at the Ford plant in Ypsilanti, Mich., but there is just so much I can handle in one post.

Trump is embarrassing every American who voted for him.

Biden is working off of one principle. When your opponent is acting like a complete jerk, stay out of the way.
Never mind, Sandy. I'm not interested in your ideological baloney.

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